选择原则,selection principle
1)selection principle选择原则
1.Drug selection principles in intra-arterial infusion chemotherapy动脉灌注化疗的药物选择原则
2.Characteristics of image directory and selection principles图像目次的特性及其选择原则
3.Based on the analysis of planting site of median strip in Taiyuan Jiuguan Expresswayt the afforestation species selection principle, procedure and species are determined.通过对太旧高速公路中央分隔带绿化立地条件研究分析 ,确定了太旧高速公路中央分隔带绿化树种的选择原则、程序、品种 ,并对太旧高速公路中央分隔带的绿化提出建

1.A Study on the Principles of the Corpus Chosen in PSC;试论普通话水平测试语料的选择原则
2.Talking about the Quality Standard and Choice Principles of Industrial Products;浅谈工业产品的质量标准与选择原则
3.Discuss Visceral Cellection Principle of AN Course of High Teacher Mathematics;论高师数学分析课程内容的选择原则
4.The impartiality of enterprise accounting policy choice;企业会计政策选择的公允性——现状·选择原则·影响因素
5.The adoption Principle of sampling frequency for alternating signals is proposed in this paper.提出了交流采样技术中采样领界的选择原则
6.Windows uses the following criteria to select the running mode:Windows 根据以下原则选择运行模式。
7.While choosing new construction projects, the following three principles will be followed:选择建设项目三条原则是:
8.Zhao:What's your guideline in choosing songs for your audience?赵:你为听众选择歌曲的原则是什么?
9.The Basic Principle and Path Choice of Ecological Civilization Construction;生态文明建设的基本原则和路径选择
10.Principle and Procedure in Picking up Textbooks;浅谈新课改后教材选择的原则和程序
11.Choice of Value and Regulation of Idea about Doctrine of the Presumption of Innocence;无罪推定原则的价值选择与理念调适
12.Exploration on Yantai County Economy Oriented Principle;烟台市县域经济指向性原则选择初探
13.The Basic Principles to Choose Sports Game in Wushu Teaching;武术课教学选择体育游戏的基本原则
14.The Operating Principles and Strategic Choices of Advertisements of Teenagers Periodicals;少儿报刊广告的运作原则与策略选择
15.Principles for an Enterprise to Select Its Strategic Alliance Partners;论企业战略联盟伙伴选择的基本原则
16.Conversational Goal Plays a Decisive Role in the Choice of Pragmatic Principles;会话目的对语用原则选择的决定作用
17.A Discussion of Strategies and Principles for Choosing the Instructional Patterns;试论教学模式选择的基本策略与原则
18.Guiding rules of choosing suitable drawings of cutaway views of machine parts;合理选择零件图表达方案的几个原则

choice principle选择原则
1.The choice principle of chemistry activity-class content and its setting;化学活动课内容选择原则及其开设
2.Introduced choice principle of parting surface and attentions in designing injection mold.介绍了模具设计时分型面(或称分模面)选择原则和注意事项。
3.This paper introduces systemically the properties, the applications and the choice principle of welding materials used in long- distance transpon pipeline.系统地介绍了目前长输管道安装焊接常用的一些焊接材料的特点、应用情况及其选择原则,为合理选用焊接材料,确保长输管线安装焊接质量、施工效率和经济效益提供了一定的技术支持。
3)Choosing principle选择原则
1.The paper introduces classification of water supply pipe,and compares synthetic capacity of different pipe,discusses about choosing principles of pipe,proposes suggestion for pipe\'s selection.介绍了供水管材的种类,对管材的综合性能进行了比较,探讨了管材的选择原则,提出了选择管材的建议,指出只有对运行工况环境条件、施工条件、经济条件等多种因素进行综合比较和分析,才能最终合理确定选用何种管材。
4)selecting principle选择原则
1.The selecting principle,using technology,effective experience and synthetical effect for using active carbon on fine chemical production etc.详实阐述了在精细化工生产中活性炭的选择原则、使用技术、有效经验和综合效果等。
2.This article,starting from the reality of verbal communication,conjoining with information transfer theory and the cognitive adding and selecting principle of the subject in communication and its process,reiterates these two terms and believes that information compensation and communicative feed are the essence of "Insertion" and "complement" but not the dynamic change,which is only the sur.从言语交际的实际出发,结合信息传递理论、言语交际过程及交际中主体的认知加工和选择原则等,对"插说"和"追补"重新进行解释。
5)principle of selection选择原则
1.From the angle of implementing quality education as well as combining theory with practice, the paper expounds the principle of selection curriculum contents of higher mathematics in the science normal specialty.本文从实施素质教育的角度 ,论述了理科师范专业高等数学课程内容的选择原
6)material selecting principle材料选择原则

阀门毛坯的选择原则机械加工常用的毛坯有铸件、锻件、型材及焊接件。不同的毛坯种类及毛坯的精度、粗糙度和硬度等对机械加工工艺过程有着直接的影响。选择阀门毛坯时应考虑如下的一些因素: ⑴ 零件的材料及对材料的组织和性能要求:设计图上规定的零件材料,大体上就决定了毛坯的种类。例如,零件材料为铸铁就必须用铸造方法来制造毛坯。对于钢制零件,在选择毛坯时应考虑材料的力学性能要求。例如,制造高压阀门的零件一般应尽量选用锻件或焊接件,以保证材料具有良好的力学性能。 ⑵ 零件的结构形状和外形尺寸:零件的结构形状是影响毛坯选择的重要因素,例如,结构形状复杂的阀体应尽量选用铸件。尺寸大的阀体可选用砂型铸造;尺寸小的则采用熔模铸造。 ⑶生产纲领的大小:零件的生产纲领愈大,采用高精度和高效率的毛坯制造方法经济效果愈好。 ⑷毛坯制造的条件:应根据现场的设备状况和工艺水平来选择毛坯,并考虑发展前景逐步采用先进的毛坯制造方法。