射频热疗,Radiofrequency hyperthermia
1)Radiofrequency hyperthermia射频热疗
1.Objective To investigate the clinical effect of transcatheter arterial chemoembolization(TACE) combined with γ-knife and radiofrequency hyperthermia in the treatment of primary hepatic cancer.目的:探讨经导管肝动脉化疗栓塞术(TACE)联合伽玛刀和射频热疗治疗原发性肝癌的临床价值。
2.Radiofrequency hyperthermia in combination with continuous intra-arterial infusion chemotherapy in the treatment of advanced colorectal cancer;目的 观察射频热疗联合介入持续动脉化疗治疗 2 1例晚期大肠癌患者的临床初步疗效。

1.Design of the Radio-Frequency Hyperthermia System Based on FPGA;基于FPGA的射频热疗系统的设计
2.The Development of RF Heating Instrument for Brain Tumors Based on Endogenetic Field;基于内生场的脑肿瘤射频热疗仪的研制
3.Clinical Observation of the Combination of Three Dimensional Conformal Radiotherapy and Radio Frequency Hyperthermia in the Treatment of Upper Esophageal Carcinoma三维适形放疗联合射频热疗治疗食管上段癌的临床观察
4.Clinical Observation on the Therapeutic Effect of Extracorporeal Radiofrequency Hyperthermia System for Chronic Abacterial Prostatitis and Prostatodynia体外射频热疗仪治疗非细菌性前列腺炎和前列腺痛疗效观察
5.Clinical observation of radio frequency hyperthermia combined with chemotherapy for treating metastatic cancer of the liver转移性肝癌全身化疗联合射频热疗的近期疗效观察
6.Effect of concurrent chemoradiation plus radiofrequency thermotherapy on locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer同步放化疗联合射频热疗治疗局部晚期非小细胞肺癌临床分析
7.Combined As_2O_3 Intrapleural Infusion and Radiofrequency Hyperthermotherapy in Treatment for Malignant Pleural Effusion;亚砷酸(As_2O_3)胸腔内灌注联合射频热疗治疗恶性胸腔积液的临床观察
8.Clinical analysis of combined hyperthermia and radiotherapy for patients with malignant pericardial effusion体外射频透热配合放射治疗对癌性心包积液的疗效分析
9.RF Interstitial Hypertheapy--Geometry Factors Influence SAR Distribution;射频组织间热疗——几何因素对SAR分布影响的探讨
10.Influence of Transcatheter hepatic artery embolization for Radiofrequency Ablation of Hepatic Neoplasms;肝动脉栓塞对射频热毁损治疗肝癌的影响
11.Clinical study for the treatment of lumbar intervertebral disc protrusion with targeted minimally invasive radiofrequency thermocoagulation射频靶点微创热凝术治疗腰椎间盘突出症
12.Experience of perioperative nursing care in the treatment of cervical intervertebral disc with radiofrequency thermocoagulation射频靶点热凝术治疗颈椎间盘突出的护理体会
13.Empirical Study on Effect of Therapeutic Alliance of Radiofrequency Ablation and High-Frequency Thermotherapy on the Invasion of Cony Liver Cancer Cell Line VX2;冷极射频联合高频热疗对兔肝VX2肿瘤侵袭能力改变的实验研究
14.Treatment of Lumber Disc Herniation by Ozone Injection Combined with Radiofrequency Thermocoagulation臭氧注射联合射频热凝治疗腰椎间盘突出症的临床观察
16.The Curative Effect Observation about Treating CP by the Method of Supporting Kidney Fortify Qi and Eliminating Heat and Wetness Evil and Radiotherapy;补肾益气、清热祛湿法辅以射频治疗Ⅲ型前列腺炎疗效观察
17.Experimental Research and Clinical Effect Analysis of the Treatment in Lung Cancer with Radiofrequency Thermal Ablation;射频热消融治疗肺癌的实验研究及临床疗效分析
18.Therapeutic Effect of Ainsliaea Fragrans Champ Tables Combained Radiofreqency Thermai Ablation on Treating Serious Cervical Erosion杏香兔耳风片联合射频热消融治疗重度宫颈糜烂的疗效观察

radio-frequency hyperthermia射频热疗
1.Combination of radio-frequency hyperthermia and capecitabine for advanced gallbladder cancer;射频热疗联合卡培他滨治疗晚期胆囊癌
2.OBJECTIVETo evaluate and compare the short-term effectiveness in the treatment of advanced esophageal carcinoma treated by radiotherapy?radio-frequency hyperthermia and immunotherapy.目的 分析放疗 +射频热疗 +免疫治疗对晚期食管癌的疗效 ,与单纯放疗作对比 。
3)radiofrequency heat-coagulation minimally invasive treatment (RHMIT)射频热凝固治疗
1.Objective To investigate the standardization-program of the nursing methods for uterine benign diseases in different kinds and degrees by radiofrequency heat-coagulation minimally invasive treatment (RHMIT).目的对射频热凝固治疗子宫良性疾病的规范护理问题进行探讨。
4)radio-frequency tumor hyperthermia system肿瘤射频热疗机
1.The electromagnetic shield for radio-frequency tumor hyperthermia system;肿瘤射频热疗机房的电磁屏蔽系统
1.AIM: To evaluate the efficacy and safety on the radio-heating-chemotherapy in treatment of patients with malignant pleural effusion (MPE).目的 :为了改善晚期肿瘤患者生活质量 ,观察局部射频透热化疗治疗恶性胸腔积液患者的临床疗效。
6)Capacitive radio-frequency hyperthermia电容射频热疗

喜疗妥乳膏 ,喜疗妥药膏药物名称:类肝素英文名:Heparinoid别名: 磺酸酯粘多糖;类肝素;喜疗妥乳膏 ,喜疗妥药膏外文名:Hirudoid Cream\gel , Heparinoid适应症: 喜疗妥药膏能有效地控制发炎病症,改善患处之血液循环,吸收渗液,治愈水肿及浮肿。施药后,能迅速消除患处之痛楚和压迫感觉,缓解肿胀,吸去渗出液体,促进机体组织的复原。 用量用法: 每日1次~2次,在患处擦上3~5cm长的药膏,再小心按摩。 规格: 喜疗妥透明软膏:每支14g、40g。 本药膏所含成份,均经特别处理,药性温和,易于吸收. 类别:皮肤病用药