热消融,Thermal ablation
1)Thermal ablation热消融
1.Percutaneous ultrasound-guided thermal ablation has been developed as a effective minimally-invasive treatment for liver tumor in the last decade.近十余年来,影像引导下肝肿瘤的经皮热消融治疗迅速兴起,发展成为一种有效的肝癌微创治疗方法。

1.Experimental Study of Laser-Induced Interstitial Thermotherapy in Liver;肝脏激光间质热消融治疗的实验研究
2.Laser-induced interstitial thermal ablation injury in liver MRI-pathological correlation肝脏激光间质热消融损伤灶的MRI-病理联系
3.Experimental Study on the Antitumor Immunity Following Microwave Thermal Ablation in Tumor-bearing Mice;荷瘤小鼠微波热消融治疗后抗肿瘤免疫的实验研究
4.Experimental Research and Clinical Effect Analysis of the Treatment in Lung Cancer with Radiofrequency Thermal Ablation;射频热消融治疗肺癌的实验研究及临床疗效分析
5.An Empirical Study of Mongolian Gazelle Muscle Exposed to MR Imaging Guided High Intensity Focused Ultrasound;磁共振导航高强度聚焦超声热消融羊肌肉组织的可行性研究
6.Studies on Application of Navigation and Robot Technology in Percutaneous Ultrasound-Guided Liver Tumor Ablation;导航技术、机器人技术在超声引导肝肿瘤经皮热消融中的应用研究
7.Therapeutic Effect of Ainsliaea Fragrans Champ Tables Combained Radiofreqency Thermai Ablation on Treating Serious Cervical Erosion杏香兔耳风片联合射频热消融治疗重度宫颈糜烂的疗效观察
8.Application of thermal ablation with artificial ascites for liver cancer located in privileged sites腹腔镜下人工胸、腹水在特殊部位肝癌热消融中的应用
9.Moreover, the mechanism for the dissolution of oxygen precipitates by RTP is discussed.另外,计论了快速热处理消融氧沈淀的物理机制。
10.Experimental Study of Diode-Laser induced Thermotherapy in the Treatment of Liver Tumors with Scanner Fiber;半导体散射激光局部热疗消融肝癌的实验研究
11.The ablated volume and the thermal field distribution in swine vertebral body created by multi-polar radiofrequency ablation:an experiment in vitro离体猪椎体多极射频消融范围及热场分布
12.Debate-1: Electrical Isolation of the PVs Should be the Endpoint of Ablation for AF?.热点问题辩论:肺静脉电隔离是房颤导管消融治疗的必要终点?
13.Debate -1: Electrical Isolation of the PVs Should be the Endpoint of Ablation for AF?.20热点问题辩论:肺静脉电隔离是房颤导管消融治疗的必要终点?
14.Comparison of Cryocare~(TM) Cryoablation and Radiofrequency Ablation, Microwave Coagulation Therapy for Therapeutic Effect of Experimental VX_2 Liver Cancer in Rabbits;氩氦刀冷冻消融和射频、微波热凝固治疗兔VX_2肝癌的对比研究
15.Heat Lesions Analysis and Experimental Study for Radio Frequency Atria Fibrillation Ablation;射频消融房颤治疗技术的热损伤计算及实验研究
16.Analysis and Experiments on Lesion Size of Hepatic Radiofrequency Ablation with Internally Cooled Probes;水冷式射频消融治疗技术的热损伤分析及实验研究
17.915MHz Microwave Ablation with Cooled-shaft Antennae: Experimental Study of Computer-simulated Three-dimensional Thermal Field and Clinical Application Study植入式水冷915MHz微波消融三维热场计算机模拟及临床应用研究
18.Cervical disc herniation percutaneous radiofrequency thermal ablation with medical ozone ablation clinical analysis of 31 cases颈椎间盘突出症经皮射频热凝结合医用臭氧消融31例临床分析

microwave thermal ablation微波热消融
3)radiofreqency thermai ablation射频热消融
1.OBJECTIVE To evaluate efficacy of Ainsliaea fragrans Champ tables combained radiofreqency thermai ablation in treatment of serious cervical erosion patients.目的评价杏香兔耳风片联合射频热消融治疗重度宫颈糜烂的临床疗效。
4)Thermal coagulation ablation therapy热凝固消融治疗
5)Localization hyperthermia ablation热消融原位灭活
6)low temperature melting decalescence/heat insulation低温消融吸热/隔热机理
1.According to the low temperature melting decalescence/heat insulation mechanism, a given grade aero-dynamic heat-resistant coating was studied in this paper.以低温消融吸热/隔热机理为理论指导,研究一种特定耐热等级的气动热防护材料。

冰川消融冰川消融 由冰的融化和蒸发引起冰川消耗的现象,它是冰川物质消耗的主要方式。太阳直接辐射和近地层大气湍流交换是引起冰川消融的主要热源,冰面性质、冰川所在高度和坡向以及天气状况对消融也有影响。消融主要发生在夏季和白天,因而,具有日、季和年的变化。其数量取决于冰川所在纬度(温度)和冰面污染程度。冰川消融的方式有冰面消融、冰内消融和冰下消融,而以冰面消融为主。研究冰川消融是分析、预测冰川进退的重要途径,是山区公路与桥梁设计的依据,是了解河流补给状况,开发利用冰川资源的基础。