癌性贫血,Cancer-related anemia
1)Cancer-related anemia癌性贫血
1.Objective: To investingate the possibility of increased incidence of thrombosis in cancer-related anemia mice treated with erythropoietin, and to provide experimental evidence for clinical safe usage.目的:探讨基因重组人促红细胞生成素治疗癌性贫血小鼠时是否增加荷瘤小鼠血栓形成的危险性,为临床上的安全使用提供实验依据。

1.The Clinical Observation of the Application of Jianpi Yishen Buqi Yangxue Method Treating Tumor Anemia of Xuexu Type for Advanced-Stage Nsclc Patients健脾益肾补气养血法治疗晚期NSCLC患者血虚型癌性贫血的临床观察
2.Detection and Clinical Analysis of Erythropoitin and Eeticulocyte in Patients with Advanced Cancer-Related Anemia晚期癌性贫血患者血清促红细胞生成素和网织红细胞参数的分析
3.Influence of malignant tumor anemia on the malignancy patients' quality of life and survival癌性贫血对恶性肿瘤患者生活质量及生存期的影响
4.The Study of Increased Incidence of Thrombosis in Cancer-related Anemia Mice Treated with Erythropoietin;促红细胞生成素治疗癌性贫血小鼠增加血栓形成可能性的试验研究
5.Clinical analysis of gastric cancer-related anemia and gastric pathology胃癌肿瘤相关性贫血与胃癌病理的临床分析
6.microangiopathic hemolytic anemia微血管病性溶血性贫血
7.The Clinical Analysis of Gastric Cancer-related Anemia and the Pathology of Gastric Cancer胃癌患者肿瘤相关性贫血与胃癌病理间的临床分析
8.autoimmune hemolytic anemia自身免疫性溶血性贫血;自体免疫性溶血性贫血
9.persistent gastritis can be a symptom of a gastric ulcer or pernicious anemia or stomach cancer or other disorders.持续性胃炎;可能是胃溃疡,恶性贫血,胃癌或其他失调的症状。
10.Investigation of Anemia and It s Related Factors in Patients with Colorectal Cancer or Lung Cancer;大肠癌和肺癌患者贫血及其因素调查
11.erythroblastic anemia成红细胞溶血性贫血
12.congenital spherocytic anemia先天性球状血球贫血
13.anaematopoietic anemia造血机能不足性贫血
14.The Treatment of Non-small Cell Lung Cancer-related Anemia Through Jianpi Bushen Prescription健脾补肾方对非小细胞肺癌相关性贫血的治疗作用
15.congenital aplastic anemia先天性再生障碍性贫血
16.Hepcidin and Sports Iron-deficient Anemia;Hepcidin与运动性缺铁性贫血
17.sickle-cell anaemiaph.1. 【医】镰状细胞性贫血
18.microcytic normochromic anemia小细胞正常色素性贫血

Xuexu tumor anemia血虚型癌性贫血
1.Objective: To observe the clinical efficacy of Jianpi Yishen Buqi Yangxue Tang,which is under the guidance of Jianpi Yishen Buqi Yangxue Method,in treating Xuexu tumor anemia patients with advanced-stage NSCLC.目的:观察用健脾益肾补气养血法指导的健脾益肾生血汤治疗晚期NSCLC患者血虚型癌性贫血的临床疗效。
3)antianemia property抗贫血性
4)renal anemia肾性贫血
1.Effects of naked plasmid expressing human erythropoietin for the treatment of renal anemia;表达人红细胞生成素裸质粒治疗肾性贫血的实验研究
2.Effect of L-carnitine and rhEPO on renal anemia in hemodialysis patients;左旋卡尼汀联用促红细胞生成素治疗血液透析患者肾性贫血的疗效观察
3.Effect of high flux dialysis on maintenance of hemodialysis patients with renal anemia and its possible mechanism;高通量透析可改善维持性血液透析患者肾性贫血
5)chronic anemia慢性贫血
1.Results 32 cases were caused by Zagaris disease, 50 cases were caused by candidiasis infection, and 57 cases were caused by chronic anemia.结果32例由口干引起,50例由念珠菌感染引起,57例由慢性贫血引起。
6)Hepatic anemia肝性贫血

传染性溶血性贫血传染性溶血性贫血 即"感染性贫血"。