积极治疗,aggressive manage ment
1)aggressive manage ment积极治疗

1.After energetic treatment her shock symptoms gradually subsided经过积极治疗,休克症状逐渐减退
2.④ Active treatment for precancerous lesion of the gastric-remnant.④术后对残胃的癌前状态积极治疗
3.Effects of Active Treatment on Complications of Malignant Tumor in Radiotherapy恶性肿瘤并发症的积极治疗在放疗中的作用
4.After treatment, the prognosis of patient of MPC was favourable.获得早期诊断的患者,经过积极治疗后,预后较好。
5.Early diagnosis and treatment can lower the mortality rate effectively.及早发现并及积极治疗可以有效的降低死亡率。
6.Conclusions Elderly women can tolerant the side effects of chemotherapy as well in the middle women.结论老年妇女经积极治疗原发病,能耐受化疗毒副反应。
7.He had been diagnosed as having asthma for 3 years.虽然已接受气管扩张剂与类固醇之积极治疗,其病情并无改善。
8.Conclusion: The periodic screening, early diagnosis and active treatment can improve the health level of the elderly women.结论 :定期普查、早期诊断和积极治疗可提高老年妇女的健康水平
9.The treatment of stress ulcer with bleeding should be pay great attention to the treatment of primary disease, the actively control bleed- ing, and prevent progressive organ failue.治疗在于积极治疗原发病,有效的预防并控制出血,同时注意对重要器官的保护。
10.Chelation therapy was the main vigorous way to cure the disease with rather favourable prognosis.治疗主要措施是积极驱铅治疗,预后良好。
11.The treatment included meticulous chest care and oral L-thyroxine replacement therapy.其治疗包括积极呼吸治疗及口服甲状腺素。
12.Characteristics and Evaluation of Positive Psychotherapy Paradigm in Germany德国积极心理治疗范式的特点与评价
13.Analysis of the Healing Effection of Intensive Blood Pressure Reduction in Acute Cerebral Hemorrhage急性脑出血患者早期积极降血压治疗疗效
14.Client-Centered is lacking the active experimentation, having only empathy.人本治疗缺少缺乏积极实验法,只有共情。
15.The Relationship Between Positive and Negative Affect and Their Influences In the Perspective of Psychotherapy在心理治疗中审视积极与消极情绪的关系及作用
16.Conclusion Positive surgical treatments can take satisfactory effects on acromegalic cardiomyopathy.结论肢端肥大症性心肌病经积极的手术治疗能够获得满意的疗效。
17.Conclusion Coronary arteriography and intervention treatment through radial artery are safe and feasible, therefore, should be spread by adopting vigorous measures.结论经桡动脉途径行冠脉造影和介入治疗安全可行,应积极推广。
18.Shall we adopt combination therapy more aggressively than before to achieve successful blood pressure control?能否较以前更加积极地采用联合治疗以获取血压控制达标?

positive psychotherapy积极心理治疗
1.As a cross cultural psychotherapy,positive psychotherapy has been applied .与传统的心理治疗从疾病出发 ,把患者看成是疾病的载体有所不同 ,积极心理治疗从人的发展的可能性和能力出发 ,强调每个人天赋的潜能在解决心理问题中的重要性。
2.Basing on positive approach and cross-cultral view, positive psychotherapy has constructed the new etiology and therapeutic model.积极心理治疗的积极取向与跨文化观,暗合了心理学发展的两大转向,具有反传统心理治疗的意义,为心理治疗开辟了新的方向和途径。
3.Though positive psychotherapy is based on positive psychology, the practice of positive psychotherapy has long been in existence before positive psychology.积极心理治疗虽然是以积极心理学作为自己的理论基础,但积极心理治疗的实践却早已有之。
3)Cure the Primary Disease积极治疗原发病
4)positive psychotherapy pattern积极心理治疗模式
5)Commentary Review of Positive Psychotherapy积极心理治疗述评
6)Active cognitive behavior therapy积极认知行为治疗
1.Results Active cognitive behavior therapy (ACBT) is on the base of general psychology,four thoeries of traditional psychology,body and mind interaction and active psychology,and so on.结论积极认知行为治疗是科学有效、可操作性强的一种具体心理治疗方法。

积极治疗积极治疗 对急、危、重症采取的抢救措施。