少见征象,rare manifestations
1)rare manifestations少见征象
2)rare troubles少见故障
1.This paper describes the common troubles and the rare troubles of Kx-21blood-cell counter and its mainteˉnance.本文主要分析KX -21型血球计数仪的常见故障及少见故障,并提出了相应的处理方法。
3)rare tumor少见肿瘤
1.Objective To analyze radiological features of rare tumor of breast.目的 评价乳腺少见肿瘤的影像学特点。

1.Differential diagnostic value of MSCT with multi-planar reconstructions in rare intra-trachea and main bronchial tumor多层螺旋CT多平面重建对气管、主支气管腔内少见肿瘤的鉴别诊断
2.Clinical Features of 25 Cases with Rare Pancreatic Malignant or Borderline Tumor;25例少见胰腺恶性或交界性肿瘤临床特点分析
3.Adjuvant radiation therapy and chemotherapy did not affect survival rates.我们的结果显示恶性周边神经腱鞘瘤是一种极恶性但少见的肿瘤。
4.Adrenal myelolipomas are benign, rare, and hormonally inactive tumors.肾上腺肌肉脂肪瘤是一种良性、少见和无贺尔蒙活性的肿瘤。
5.Cystic nephroma is a rare renal neoplasm which is usually benign histologically.囊肿性肾细胞瘤是一种少见的肾脏肿瘤,且在组织学上通常呈现良性。
6.Due to its rarity, the diagnosis of this disease entity has not been fully studied.由于其稀少性,故这种肿瘤之诊断方式及其所见尚罕为人知。
7.The endometrioma of the abdominal wall is a rare disease which usually mimics a soft tissue tumor.发生于腹壁腹直肌之子宫内膜瘤较为少见且临床上通常被误认为软组织肿瘤。
8.The most common malignant primary bone tumors are osteosarcomas.最常见的恶性原发性骨肿瘤是骨肉瘤。
9.Oligodendroglial Tumors:The Correlation between Tumor Grades and Tumor MRI Enhancement少突胶质肿瘤MRI增强与肿瘤分级的相关性分析
10.Mixed tumors of the skin are most commonly located on the head and neck and may involve the face and eyelid but it is rare in the eyelid.皮肤上的混合性肿瘤主要是好发于头颈部、发生在眼脸上则是相当的少见。
11.Splenic vein thrombosis (SVT) is a rare complication of pancreatic disease, like pancreatitis or pancreatic cancer.脾静脉血栓是胰脏炎一种少见的并发症,它常表现有胃静脉瘤和脾肿大。
12.2 papilloma, angiofibroma and angioma are more commonly seen in all 21 kinds of benign tumors;②良性肿瘤21种,以乳头状瘤、血管纤维瘤和血管瘤多见;
13.The spontaneous regression of established tumors is a rare.长成的肿瘤自发地消退是罕见的。
14.Malignant salivary gland tumors are uncommon and demonstrate wide diversity of histopathological types and biological behaviors.恶性唾液腺肿瘤并不是个常见的疾病。
15.3.0T ~1H-MR Spectroscopy Imaging in the Evaluation of Intracrancial Tumors;3.0T ~1H-MRS在颅内常见肿瘤中的应用研究
16.The contrast study of MRI with CT in diagnosis of the adrenal gland tumor肾上腺常见肿瘤的MRI与CT对照研究
17.Among the tumor cells there were no or a few reticular fibers.网状纤维染色肿瘤细胞间网状纤维少。
18.After tumor resection, myxoma with internal hemorrhage was proved by pathology.病理报告证实,此一肿瘤为罕见囊性黏液瘤。

rare troubles少见故障
1.This paper describes the common troubles and the rare troubles of Kx-21blood-cell counter and its mainteˉnance.本文主要分析KX -21型血球计数仪的常见故障及少见故障,并提出了相应的处理方法。
3)rare tumor少见肿瘤
1.Objective To analyze radiological features of rare tumor of breast.目的 评价乳腺少见肿瘤的影像学特点。
4)Minority Opinions少数意见
5)Rare site少见部位
6)Peculiar results少见模式

少见多怪【少见多怪】  见识不广的人见到新鲜的事物,就以为怪诞,不可信,俗语谓之“少见多怪”。源于中国第一篇佛学论文,汉末牟融的《理惑论》。当时佛教传入未久,有人问:说佛有三十二相、八十种好,恐怕只是说得好听,未必是事实吧?牟子用了一句俗谚回答:“少所见,多所怪,睹馲驼(骆驼)言马肿背。”意思是说少见多怪的人第一次看见骆驼,就说是背肿的马。如清·宣鼎《夜雨秋灯录续集》卷三:“钟十六以妇六月产即云不贞,可谓少见多怪矣。”又如鲁迅《且介亭杂文·门外文谈》:“在少见多怪的原始社会里,有了这么一个奇迹,那轰动一时,就可想而知了。”后亦作“所见少则所怪多”。如晋·葛洪《抱朴子·论仙》:“云物各自有种,况乎难知之事哉!夫所见少则所怪多,世之常也。”又如清·程趾祥《此中人语》卷三:“三足癞蟆;可知天地之大,无所不有,人但少所见、多所怪尔。”(李明权)