1.Study and Implementation of Transaction Consistency in Information System;信息系统事务一致性研究与实现
2.Research and implementation of web services transaction process system;Web服务事务处理系统的研究与实现
3.The Transaction in Oracle and SQL Server;Oracle与SQL Server事务处理的比较

1.Office of Legal Services and Implementation Services法律事务和执行事务
2.Research of Grid Transaction Service and Transaction Mechanism网格事务服务和事务处理机制的研究
3.Operational Activities and Advisory Service Section业务活动和咨询事务
4.Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs非洲事务助理国务卿
5.Accounting Services Branch [Treasury]会计事务部〔库务署〕
6.Government Offices Administration of the State Council国务院机关事务管理局
7.General Duties Division [Immigration Department]入境总务科〔入境事务处〕
8.Volunteer Scheme for Probationers感化事务义务工作计划
9.The Secretary of State administers foreign affairs.国务卿掌理外交事务
10.Shipping Division [Marine Department]船舶事务科〔海事处〕
11.Office of the Director for Human Rights人权事务主任办事处
12.Registration Division [Immigration Department]人事登记科〔入境事务处〕
13.senior humanitarian affairs officer高级人道主义事务干事
14.Political Affairs/Information Officer政治事务/新闻干事
15.Council of Ministers of Social Affairs社会事务部长理事会
16.clerical and secretarial support posts办事员和秘书事务员额
17.Council on International and Public Affairs国际和公共事务理事会
18.translation secretary/clerk笔译事务秘书办事员

1.Models of optimizing application in SQL server database is presented, including selecting optimizing superior server; optimizing database design; using procedure; using query efficiency SQL language; using affair and batch; avoid backup; select develop tools and adopt efficiency database access technology.为提高基于SQLServer数据库应用程序的执行效率,分析了SQLServer数据库系统自身的查询优化处理技术,总结出多种基于SQLServer数据库的应用程序性能优化方法:选择性能优越的服务器;优化数据库设计;使用查询效率较高的查询语句;使用存储过程;有效的使用事务和批处理;避免阻塞;选择合适的开发工具和采用有效的数据库访问技术。
2.This algorithm converts the affair database to a matrix and operates it to find out the largest K-frequent itemsets, at last uses the matrix to find out all the other frequent itemsets from 2-frequent itemsets to K-1-frequent itemsets.针对Apriori算法的不足之处,提出了基于矩阵的算法,该算法首先将事务数据库用矩阵表示出来,并对矩阵进行处理,找出包含最多项的频繁K-项集,最后再利用矩阵找出从频繁2-项集到频繁K-1项集的所有频繁项集。
1.A transactions model for relational database is presented.提出了一种基于Petri网的关系数据库的事务模型,即事务网,它清晰地表明了数据与事务的相互依赖关系及事务之间的并发关系,可作为关系数据库逻辑设计阶段的重要工具
2.Transactions ensure database consistency even if there are hardware failures.即使出现硬件故障 ,使用事务仍可保证数据的一致性 ,在多用户环境下 ,事务还可维护数据的完整性。
1.This algorithm has weighed the sustaining degree and confidence of the containing type of complete connection rule contained in the business set D.该算法是为了对事务集合D中所包含的所有蕴涵式的关联规则进行支持度和置信度的衡量。
5)maritime affair海事事务
1.Changing role of IMO on international maritime affairs;IMO在国际海事事务中的角色变化
