1.Analysis of a Chinese Surname Monglian Yuan Dynasty;元代蒙古族姓氏汉化浅析
2.Shizizhong Gu’s Name and Shi State’s Surname;邿子中■的名称和邿国的姓氏问题

1.Name in English (Surname first)英文姓名(先填姓氏)
2."At least I have a last name."至少我知道了姓氏
3.Curie is always used as a surname.居里经常用于姓氏
4."The name on the bell is Vance."门铃上的姓氏是万斯。
5."Under a new name," he answered.“用个新的姓氏,"他答道。
6."Oh, don't take that name," said Carrie.“哦,别用那个姓氏,"嘉莉说。
7.Explanations of Words in Ancient Books《经籍籑诂姓氏·分纂》和《补遗姓氏·补纂》训诂文献考
8.Surname, Bai Clan, “Bai Juyi s Family History”--investigation, explanation, differentiation and review of them;姓氏、白氏、《白居易家谱》考、释、辨及评述
9.The Cast of Cultural Difference on Names--Comparative Study of the Surname Custom between China and English-speaking countries;文化差异在姓名上的投射——中、英姓氏习俗的对比
10.Aside from the top three, the survey found that a further seven names are each used by more than 20 million people: Liu, Chen, Yang, Huang, Zhao, Wu and Zhou.除这三大姓外,姓氏人口数超过2000万的姓依次为:刘、陈、杨、黄、赵、吴和周。
11.The last name supplied by you contains a forbidden word. Please re-enter your last name.您提供的姓氏包含禁用的单词。请重新输入您的姓氏
12.One of your columns must be File as; First, last name; Last, first name; or Company.其中一列必须作为"归档"依据;"姓氏"、"名字";"名字"、"姓氏";或"单位"。
13.One of your columns must be File as; First, last name; Last, first name; or Company.\0其中一列必须作为"归档"依据;"姓氏"、"名字";"名字"、"姓氏";或"单位"。\0
14.Chinese Surname and Its Modern Value--The origin of surname in HeLuo culture华夏民族的姓氏及其现代价值——兼论河洛文化为主的姓氏寻根
15.Please enter both a first and last name for the person you are searching for.请输入您正搜索的用户的姓氏和名字。
16.The family came over in the ark.这一姓氏可以上溯到方舟时代。
17.She uses her unmarried name for professional purposes.她处理业务时使用娘家姓氏.
18.Hillary Clinton nee Rodham.希拉里·克林顿的娘家姓氏是罗德汉。

family name姓氏
1.According to some Uygurian hereditary nicknames collected by several scholars during their field investigation in Hami Prefecture,the paper makes systematical analysis on the type,feature,source and social function of nicknames with regional characteristics and brings forth the possibility of taking those nicknames still in use as the foundation of the Uygurs family name system.文章依据几位专家在哈密地区进行田野调查时收集的部分维吾尔族祖传绰号,系统地分析了具有地域特点的绰号类型、特点?来源及其社会功能,并提出目前依然在使用着的这些绰号有作为建立维吾尔人姓氏体系基础的可能性。
2.By means of the origin of family names, the details of first names, name - giving idea and form of address, the author intends to make implied comparison between English names and Chinese names.本文旨在从英汉姓氏来源、英汉名字详论、英汉取名理念及英汉姓名称谓等方面,对英汉两种语言中的姓名文化作以字里行间的比较。
3.This paper explores some problems about the pronunciation and writing of some family names.姓氏读音和写法中存在着若干问题。
1.A comparative study of Chinese and English surnames;汉英姓氏系统的三个相似
2.This paper studies the English and Chinese surnames in the angle of ecolinguistics and,on its basis,analyses the ecolinguistic theory in the English and Chinese surnames to illustrate that language system is a dynamically balanced system in the simulated ecosystem.本文从生态语言学的视角来透视英汉姓氏,并在此基础上离析出英汉姓氏所蕴涵的生态学理论,说明语言系统是"模拟"生态系统的一个动态平衡系统。
4)the frequency of surname姓氏频率
5)Chinese surname character汉字姓氏
1.In the paper,a kind of Chinese telephone number-input technology for Chinese surname character and its applications are presented.文章提出了一种汉字姓氏电话码输入方法及其一些应用。
6)Surname drive姓氏驱动
