1.The evaluation of employers to the graduates;用人单位对高校毕业生的录用与评价
2.Research on the Regulations and Rule of Employer;用人单位内部规章制度研究
3.Based on our survey of employers demands and appraisal of humanities quality of medical students,the paper analyzes and reflects the "three major hot issues" in society,namely,"employment","doctor-patient relation" and "educational reform".通过用人单位对医学生人文素质需求与评价的调查总结,分析、思考当前社会中存在的"三大热点问题",即"就业"、"医患关系"、"教育改革",根据调查结果,并参考文献、结合社会现实,对"三大问题"进行探讨,提出了科学的、可行性的建议和改革措施,以期为医科院校人文素质教育改革提供参考。

1.Study on the Termination System of Labor Contract by Employer;用人单位单方解除劳动合同制度研究
2.The Employer should bear the cost thereof.职业病诊断鉴定费用由用人单位承担。
3.Inside probation, is unit of choose and employ persons aleatoric dismiss?试用期内,用人单位是否可以任意解聘?
4.The evaluation of employers to the graduates;用人单位对高校毕业生的录用与评价
5.The Law Problem Analyses That Work Unit Terminate Labor Contract Unilaterally;对用人单位单方解除劳动合同的法律问题探析
6.When labour disputes arise between the employers and workers,用人单位与劳动者发生劳动争议,
7.Meet-and -greet event for recruiting employers and college graduates用人单位和毕业生见面会
8.New Standards of Equilibrating Interests between Employer and Employee;平衡劳动者与用人单位利益的新规范
9.Discussion on Relationship of Employing Unit and Laborer for Services;论用人单位与劳务派遣工之间的关系
10.On Protection of the Employers'Interests in Labor Contract Law《劳动合同法》中用人单位利益的保护
11.Methods and Positioning for College Graduates to Achieve Win-win Harmony with Employers;大学毕业生与用人单位和谐共赢的定位和方法
12.It is forbidden for employers to employ persons under the age of sixteen.禁止用人单位招用未满十六周岁的未成年人。
13.Survey of Employers Demands and Appraisal of Humanities Quality of Medical Students;用人单位对医学生人文素质需求与评价的调查
14.What is the percentage of the employers who engage in this method of recruiting?用人单位中有百分之几使用这种招聘方法?
15.If an employer recruits workers whose original contract with another employer has not been terminated,用人单位招用尚未解除劳动合同的劳动者,
16.Causing economic losses to the original employer, the employer shall be responsible for the compensation according to law.对原用人单位造成经济损失的,该用人单位应当依法承担连带赔偿责任。
17.Try "By Company" to see your contacts organized by company.请尝试使用“按单位”来查看按单位组织的联系人。
18.of or pertaining to or involving the use of units.属于单位,关于单位,或包括单位的使用。

Employing unit用人单位
1.This paper probes into how to make normative use of the Labor Contract Law when the employing unit and the labors enter into the labor contact from aspects of the revision and perfection of the regulations and systems,the form,time limit and legal consequence of labor contract,the changes and legal consequence of the labor contract without fixed deadline,and the regulation of probation period,etc.从规章制度的修订及完善、劳动合同的形式和期限及法律后果、无固定期限劳动合同条件的变化及法律后果、试用期的规定等方面,探讨了用人单位与劳动者签订劳动合同时如何规范使用《劳动合同法》。
2.Labor value of employing unit is based on the theory that the marginal cost is e- qu.社会劳动力价值取向目标要体现社会主义的生产目的,即最大限度地满足人们的物质文化生活需要;用人单位劳动力价值取向界定在边际成本等于边际收益的理论基础上;劳动者向社会提供的劳动数量和质量不同劳动者的劳动力价值存在根本差别,按劳分配也必然是多层次的。
3.The Labor Contract Law makes efforts to achieve a balance of rights and obligations of laborers and employing units through trade union s rights and roles,so as to protect laborer s legal rights and interests.劳动合同法力图通过工会权利的运用和工会作用的发挥使劳动者与用人单位的劳动合同关系达到权利与义务的平衡,维护劳动者的合法权益。
1.On Industrial Relations Management Model of Employers to Advance "Win-Win" under Background of Law on Employment Contracts;从城乡统筹协调发展共建和谐社会看法制保障重要性——《劳动合同法》背景下用人单位促进共赢的劳动关系管理模式研究
2.Establishment and implement of "Law on Employment Contracts" made much constraints to employers.《劳动合同法》的制定和施行,使用人单位受到的约束大量增加。
3.By means of a follow-up quality survey conducted on the graduates,this article makes analysis on the quality change of the graduates between 2005 and 2002~2004,sums up the satisfaction degree on the 05 graduates from the employers,studies the quality tendencies and exerts research into the knowledge,capa- bility and qualifications of the students.本文通过毕业生质量跟踪调查,纵向分析了2005年与2002~2004年毕业生的质量变化情况,统计了用人单位对学院2005年毕业生满意度得分,分析了毕业生质量情况,剖析了学生的知识、能力与素质。
4)employment unit用人单位
1.The analysis of employment unit on the demand of practitioners quality pay more attention to its particular requirement,and decide"what students should be proficient in" from the demand of new post.对从业者素质要求分析着力于用人单位的特殊要求,从即将进入的岗位需求出发决定学生应该"精什么"。
2.The employment unit is an important fundamental conception in the field of the Labor Law.作为劳动法中的一个重要概念,作为劳动法律关系中的一个重要主体,用人单位可以说是组成整个劳动法大厦的基石之一。
5)employing units用人单位
1.China s current employment situation is very grim,and the need of employing units has changed.随着时代的发展用人单位对人才的需求结构也已经发生变化,大学毕业生们必须正确认识到这些现实,尽快转变就业观念,注重培养自己的综合素质,选择到基层单位去就业,才能真正摆脱就业难的困境。
2.The employment environment for graduates in higher vocational colleges is an organic related network constructed in a specific means by several factors including the national functional departments,colleges,employing units and graduates and based on the need of the social and economic development in a specific period.高职专科毕业生就业环境是根据一定时期社会经济发展需要由国家职能部门、高校、用人单位以及大学毕业生诸要素以一定的方式构成的有机关联网络体。
6)employers credibility用人单位信用
1.Based on the gray system evaluation, the pa per establishes a gray relational model to evaluate the employers credibility with satisfactory results.用人单位信用是指用人单位在招聘和使用人才过程中,履约对人才的各种承诺的能力和信誉程度。

用人单位投保费率用人单位投保费率 【用人单位投保费率】用人单位投保费率等于用人单位投保费与该单位职工工资总额之比,计算公式是:用人单位投保费率=用人单位投保费xl以)% 由上面公式可以看出,用人单位缴纳的社会保险费,取决于用人单位的投保费率与其所雇用劳动者的工资总额。用人单位投保费率由社会保险管理机构规定。用人单位缴纳的社会保险费列人其产品成本,在缴纳所得税前列支。在成本归属上,用人单位缴纳的保险费属于劳动力成本的组成部分。在用人单位投保费率比较高的国家,高社会保险费是促使用人单位用机器代替工人劳动进行生产的一个重要因素。虽然用人单位缴纳的社会保险费可以进人其产品成本最终转嫁给消费者,但产品成本的增加必然要提高产品的销售价格,其结果是降低该产品在市场上的价格竞争能力,从而不利于用人单位的经营发展,因此,用人单位投保费率的提高是有一定限度的。