1.Web-based Teaching and Learning Systems of Mathematics Campus Network Design and Implementation;基于Web的校园网数学教与学系统的设计与实现
2.Design and implementation of web-based information query system;基于Web的信息检索系统的设计与实现
3.Research on Web-based Conflict Resolution System for Collaborative Design of Microwave Component;基于Web的微波器件协同设计系统研究

1.Research on Technology of Web GIS Based on Web Service;基于Web服务的Web GIS若干技术研究
2.Web Cache Strategy on the Weblog Data Mining;基于Web目志数据挖掘的Web缓存策略
3.Integration Techniques of Web Mining Based on Web Services基于Web Services的Web挖掘集成研究
4.The Research of CSCW Based on Web Services;基于Web Services的CSCW的研究
5.Wireless CRM System Based on Web Services;基于Web Services的无线CRM系统
6.The Sale System Based on the Wed & CORBA;基于Web和CORBA的销售系统
7.Study and Application of WEB Base on WebWork基于WebWork的WEB研究与应用
8.Research on Semantic Web Based Web Service Discovery;基于语义Web的Web服务发现机制研究
9.Research and Implementation of Web GIS Based on OGC Web Services Specifications;基于OGC Web服务规范的Web GIS研究与实现
10.Research of Web Services Technology Based on J2EE;基于J2EE的Web Services技术研究
11.A Web Service Discovery Mechanism Based on Peer-to-Peer Network;基于P2P的Web Services发现机制
12.Web Services Discovery Based-on QoS;基于QoS的Web Services发现
13.A Study of J2EE Based Com Web GIS;基于J2EE的Com Web GIS研究
14.The Realization of Web GIS Based on ASP;基于ASP的Web GIS的实现
15.Ontology-based Web Service Discovery;基于本体的Web Service发现
16.Analysis of the Implementation Plan of the Web Database Application Based on EAS;基于Enterprise Application Studio的Web数据库
17.Research of Web GIS Technology Based on SOA基于SOA的Web GIS技术研究
18.Design of Web Application Based on ASP.NET MVC Framework基于ASP.NET MVC框架的Web设计

based on web基于Web
1.Design and Implementation of Communication Project Management System Based on Web;基于Web的交通工程管理系统设计与实现
2.Streaming media real-time transmitting technology in teaching system based on web;基于web的教学系统中的流媒体实时传输技术
3.Corporate Income Tax Administrative System Based on WEB;基于WEB的企业所得税管理系统
3)Web based基于Web
1.This paper analyses dynamic workflow modeling,proposes solutions for key technologies such as reverse mapping of workflow definition,Web based workflow editor and transformation of workflow described in graphics into workflow definition file.基于Web的动态工作流系统可以提供非常灵活、柔性的流程运行环境,使流程在运行时可以根据实际情况做出修改和调整。
4)Web-based PDM基于Web的PDM
1.Research and Achievement on Document Management of Web-based PDM System;基于Web的PDM系统中文档管理的研究及实现
5)web-based simulation基于Web仿真
6)Web-based services基于Web服务

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