1.Prohibit Confusion——Determine the Underline of the Scope to the trademark right;禁止混淆——确立商标权利范围的底线
2.Court of first instance s judgment is that the defendant infringed the plaintiff s exclusive right of trademark and carried out unfair competition,whose theoretical basis is still traditional theory of confusion.一审法院判决"蒙牛酒业"侵犯商标专用权并构成不正当竞争行为,其法理依据仍是传统的混淆理论。
3.However, China still protects them from the theoretics of the confusion though it has strengthened the protecti.而在我国,虽然新《商标法》已经加大了对驰名商标的保护力度,但仍然没有脱离“混淆”的禁锢。

1.A mixture or confusion of languages.多种语言的混合或混淆
2.They tried to blur out distinctions between right and wrong.他们企图混淆是非。
3.It will not do to try to blur out distinctions between right and wrong.企图混淆是非是不行的。
4.These may create identification problems.这可能产生混淆问题。
5.so similar as to be easily confused.太过相似容易混淆的。
6.They should not get mixed up.信仰和效忠不能混淆
7.Don't confuse liberty with license.不要把自由兴放纵混淆
8.braidfact with fiction把事实与虚构混淆起来
9.In this manner it confounds effects with causes.这样就把因与果混淆了。
10.potentially confusable senses of words.潜在的易混淆的词义。
11.I call good and evil by name, and I do not blur them;善恶分明,决不混淆
12.Don't confound the means with the ends.不要混淆手段与目的。
13.be all mixed up or jumbled together.被全部混淆或者混合在一起。
14.Therefore, we must be clear about the main target of attack; otherwise, we would isolate ourselves.所以,不能混淆主要打击对象,一混淆就把自己孤立起来了。
15.'//*' : parsed as '/' and '/*': confusion with standard '//' comments“//*”:被分析为“/”和“/*”:与标准“//”注释混淆
16.This misprint led to great confusion.这个印刷错误造成很大的混淆
17.But confusions over the two genres have a long history.但是类型的混淆,古已有之。
18.cause to be in a state of complete confusion.使处于一种完全混淆的状态。

1.The paper introduces existing code obfuscation technology first,then analyzes two popular obfuscation technologies named opaque and control flow flattening,and finally explores some open problems and research trends on obfuscation.混淆是一种可以用于对移动代码和软件知识产权进行保护的程序变换技术。
2.They take various obfuscation techniques to hide themselves in order not to be statically analyzed.恶意代码已经构成了计算机安全的主要威胁,为了避免被静态分析,恶意代码采用了各种混淆技术来自我隐藏,条件跳转混淆技术就是其中之一。
3.This paper describes a design idea of conditional branches-based software watermarking,and applies obfuscation and tamper-proofing technology to enhance watermark s robustness during the process of implementing.提出一种基于条件分支语句的软件水印的设计思想,并在实现过程中运用混淆和防篡改技术,增强水印的鲁棒性。
1.The students of Music School may confuse these three forms when analyzing big music work.音乐院校的学生在分析大型音乐作品时有可能会把这三种曲式弄混淆
2.This paper analyses preliminarily three outstanding and interrelated errors in Hetuvidyā research at present,that is,confused concept of genus and concept of species,argumentation and inference,and logic research and psychological conjecture;it clarifies the writer s views simultaneously,for the purpose of clearing up fallacy and causing the academic research more widespreadly and more profoundly.本文对我国当前因明研究中的三个比较显著且密切相关的主要误区 ,即混淆实体概念与属性概念、论证与推理、逻辑研究与心理猜测等 ,进行了初步的评论 ,同时阐明作者在这些问题上的独到观点 ,其旨在于澄清谬误 ,引起学术界更为广泛和深入的探
4)aliasing[英]['eili?si?][美]['eli?s??, 'elj?-]混淆
1.In opto electronic imaging systems, aliasing will occur when sampling a scene containing spatial frequencies exceeding one half of the sampling frequency.光电成象系统对目标欠抽样成象时 ,高频细节不但无法分辨 ,还将混淆低频成分 。
1.Objective To identify Caulis Piperis Kadsurae and its adulterants.目的研究海风藤及其常见混淆品的鉴别方法。
2.Aim: To develop a convenient and reproducible molecular marker method to identify the hygienical food of Alisma orientali from its adulterants.目的:寻找简易可重复的分子标记方法对保健食品建泽泻及其混淆品进行鉴定。
3.and its adulterants were sequenced and analyzed using Clustal X、Mega 3.通过对番红花及其混淆品的rDNA ITS区序列进行PCR扩增、测序,并运用Clustal X、Mega 3。
