1.The trying with the partition of property and succeeding step by step——the study on the way of succeeding with the pawn capital which could be found in "the Xiuning Cheng xu-yu’s matter about the partition in Chongzhen emperor two year";尝试性分业与阶段性继业——《崇祯二年休宁程虚宇立分书》所见典当资本继承方式研究
2.The Research of Pawn Development in China;我国典当行业发展问题研究
3.The Research of Pawn Industry in Modern China;现阶段我国典当业发展研究

1.A Study of Mortgage and its Related Civil Legal Activities in Ancient China;中国古代的“典”、“典当”、“倚当”与“质”
2.He pawned his gold watch to pay the rent.他典当了金表用以交租.
3.He redeemed his watch from pawn.他赎回了典当的表。
4.He had no way to redeem his furniture out of pawn.他无法赎回典当的家具。
5.redeem one's watch from pawn [the pawnshop]把典当的表 [把表从当铺] 赎回来
6.The study on"the JiuShu of Wang s pawn industry;《汪氏典业阄书》研究——清代徽商典当业的一个实例
7.The pawnbroker received an old watch yesterday.典当商昨天收到了一块旧手表
8.He's pledged his mother's wedding ring.他把母亲的结婚戒指典当了.
9.The risk of debt in pawndropped greatly in contrast with the bank.与银行相比,典当的负债风险大大降低。
10.He tried by every means to redeem the pawn.他千方百计要赎回典当物。
11.Modern English dictionaries should be good.现代英语词典应当实用。
12.The dictionary man serve as a pillow.这本词典可以当枕头用。
13.You can use this big dictionary as a stool to sit on.这本大字典可当凳子坐。
14.A fairly typical case happened.出现了相当典型的例子。
15.The Pocket Oxford Dictionary of Current English牛津当代英语袖珍词典
16.Oxford Dictionary of Current Idiomatic English牛津当代英语成语词典
17."Newly Recomposed Stories": The Present Destiny of the Modern and Contemporary Literary Classics;“故事新编”:现当代文学经典的当下命运
18.Model China--A Study on the Activity of Setting Models in the Contemporary Chinese Society典型中国——当代中国社会树典型活动研究

1.Analyses on Relations between Pawnshop and Modern Jiangnan Rural Social Economy;典当业与江南近代农村社会经济关系辨析
2.Three topics on the countryside pawnshop in the middle and lower Yangtze River in modern times;近代长江中下游地区农村典当三题
3.Shen Bao and Management of Pawnshop in Shanghai and Jiangsu after the 1911 Revolution;从《申报》看辛亥革命后苏沪等地典当业的经营
3)patent pawn专利典当
1.The pawnshop is a kind of special industrial and commercial enterprise.典当行作为一种特殊的工商企业,已成为时下人们讨论的热点。
2.Through researching the way to deal with the obtainment of booty innocently by pawnshop, which from ancient to modern of China and foreign countries, and analyzing the civil law theory of obtainment of booty, this paper discusses the way of according with the demand of finance policy and in the same time taking account of the interests of the owner of booty and the pawnshop.通过对古今中外典当行业误收当盗赃物处理方法之考察 ,以及对盗赃物物权取得民法理论的评述 ,期望找到既符合现行之金融政策 ,又能合理兼顾失主与典当行利益平衡之方
3.The state department of china has already reformed the controllable systems of pawnshop, and they are managed by the Committee of Economy and Trade as a kind of special enterprise of industry and commerce.国务院已对典当行监管体制进行了改革,将其作为一类特殊的工商企业交由经贸委统一归口管理。
5)pawn broking典当业
1.This article believes that the deep development of the pawn broking is one of efficient paths to this financial difficult problem.深化典当业的发展是解决这一金融难题的有效途径之一。
1.The scale and speed of development of pawnbroking in Jilin Provice accelerated and the scope of business expanded.吉林省典当业发展规模和速度不断加快,业务范围不断扩大。
2.In the study of Huizhou pawnbroking of the Ming and Qing dynasties,the rate of pawn cannot be mistaken as the capital rate;the capital rate cannot be mistaken as the highest capital rate;and we cannot denounce the high interest in the ancient times because of the present low interest.在明清徽州典当业研究中,不能把“典当利率”误认为“典当资本利率”,不能把“典当资本利率”误认为“最高资本利率”,不能以现代“低利贷”为由贬斥古代“高利贷”。
3.Traditional pawnbroking are taking a great change in new times.典当业在新时期越来越明显地具备了“第二银行”的功能。

典当  用实物抵押借贷融通,从事高利贷盘剥的形式,通指经营这种营利组织典铺、当铺的总称,亦称质库、解库、解典铺。    清代典当业活动范围由城市伸入农村,成为遍布全国城乡的重要借贷组织。康熙时,据税收资料估计,全国至少有典当二万余家。乾隆时,北京城内外有官民开设的大小当铺共六七百家。鸦片战争后,由于城乡人民生计日益贫困,典当业出现典、当、质、按、押不同等级的划分。最大的是典铺,资本较多,赎当期较长,利息较轻,接受不动产和动产抵押,对押款额不加限制;当铺只接受动产抵押,押款定有限额;再次为质铺(山西、安徽称质,广东、福建则称按);押店最小,赎当期最短,利息也最高。由于清政府所征当税、帖捐不断增加,视营业规模大小而多寡不等的各项摊派日益繁多,商人为减轻负担,并摆脱典当行会业规的限制,后来新设典当多称质铺或押店,原有典当也有改称押店的,各类界限已难区分。此外,还有一种所谓"代当",亦称"代岁",或称"接典",多设于乡镇,如为大典当的分店,称"本代";与大当铺订立合同,经营质押的代理业务,则称"客代"。    借款人去当铺借贷,主要是应付家庭生活上的紧迫需要,也有个体小生产者用于小本经营,或农民用于生产的。借贷时先要送上实物验收作押,由当铺付给"当票",载明所当物品及押借价款,作为当户到期赎取押品的凭证。为使业外人无法辨认,书写当票多用特殊字体,当物虽为新衣,必写成旧衣或注明"破烂";对金银照例写成铜铅;对器皿则冠以"废"字。借款期限、押借金额和利息高低,根据押品性质和当铺大小因地而异。期限一般自六个月至二年不等。押借金额大多在押品价值五成上下,到期无力取赎,就成"死当",押品由当铺没收。清代官方规定,典当利息每月不得超过三分,实际上大大超过,利息须按月计算。过月几天,也加计一月息。当铺在收付款项时,又以所谓"轻出重入"或"折扣出满钱入"的手法,盘剥当户。贷出现金只按九四、九五甚至九折付款,当户赎当时则要十足偿付,利息也照当本十足计算;此外还有各项额外费用的征收。而且抵押品价值越小,赎期既短,利息也最高,故贫穷劳动人民所受剥削也最沉重。乡镇上的当铺还有以粮谷为当本或与大囤户勾结,进行粮食的贷放和买卖等投机操纵活动,农民又须承受实物损耗和进出差价等损失。典当业的残酷剥削,曾激起广大人民的反抗。尽管官府对当铺予以保护和扶植,各地抢劫、焚掠当铺一类事件仍时有发生。    早期典当业多系独资经营,资本自数千两至数万两不等,几乎为山西、陕西商人(俗称山陕帮)和徽商的专业。封建官府和贵族官僚也把它看作营运资本的有利处所。内务府曾在北京开设官当铺十几处,地方当局也有由官自行设典生息。国库和地方各库官款经常拨出一部分发交典商当商生息,称生息银,利率约七八厘至一分。大官僚大商人投资开设典当牟利的,亦屡见不鲜。康熙朝刑部尚书徐乾学曾将本银十万两交给布商陈天石经营典当;乾隆朝大学士和珅拥有当铺七十五座;光绪时大买办商人胡光墉有当铺二十余处,分设各省。典当业集中体现了官僚、地主、商人三位一体的高利贷资本的活动。官款存放生息曾是这种高利贷活动的有力支柱;一般当铺还可自己签发银票、钱票,作为信用工具,因而其贷出金额(俗称"架本")远远超过自有资本。后来,官银钱号开设,票号、钱庄业务发达,官额存放减少,则依靠票号、钱庄转手借贷的支持,原有典铺、当铺逐渐衰落。光绪十四年(1888),北京以外各省典当约共七千余家,较前期减少很多。1912年,全国登记的典当数减至四千余家。押店则继续增加,其营业重点亦逐步由城市而转向乡镇。