1.Research on the Restoration of Zhijing Pavilion in the Summer Palace;颐和园治镜阁复原设计研究
2.Machines constructed by Zu Chongzhi and restoration of them;祖冲之设计制造的几种机械及其复原问题

1.dimensional restorability形状复原性,尺寸复原
2.He is himself again.他复原了,他恢复了正常。
3.A return to a normal condition.复原恢复到正常的状况
4.come or go back to an earlier activity or condition恢复原先的活动或情况
5.Marine Fish Culture Rehabilitation Grant海鱼养殖复原补助金
6.restoring temperature复原温度 -恒温开关的
7.restoring temperature of thermostatic switch恒温开关的复原温度
8.ultrafast recovery photodiode超速复原光电二极管
9.angle for maximum righting lever最大复原力臂对应角
10.The supporters reinstated him in his former office.支持者们使他官复原职。
11.He is recuperating from illness.他病后正在渐渐地复原
12.He's already recovered.他身体已经复原了。
13.reconstitute dried milk, powdered soup, etc加水使奶粉、 汤粉等复原.
14.get over an illness or shock.从病中或休克中复原
15.She rallied from the flu.她得流感后身体复原
16.Three reasons Asia will recover亚洲会复原的三个理由。
17.that I'm gonna be fine.我复原的几率很大。
18.The medicine brought me around.这种药使我复原了。

1.The Discussion on the Recovery Feasibility of Ecological Environment and Topogra Phical Features of the Beach Beside the Drain for Cleaning;湛化排污口外滩涂生态环境及地貌特征复原的可行性探讨
2.Influence of Three Different Concentrations on Plant Cytoplasm Wall of Separation and Recovery;三种不同浓度对植物细胞质壁分离和复原的影响
3.This paper describes its form, use, structure and recovery on the basis of its measurement.经过实船测绘,现就船型、用途、结构和复原问题发表一得之见。
1.These are the definition of the term "reconstruction",the standard of reconstruction research,the dynamics of the reconstruction models and the significance of the reconstruction research.对于古代机械的“复原”名称 ,根据其目的分别定义为“复原研究”和“复原制造” ,探讨了复原研究的标准 ,对古代机械复原模型的驱动力、磨擦等动力性能进行了分析 ,提出了保证复原模型动力性能的方法 。
2.Summarizing the 50 years of study and reconstruction for the Song Dynasty water-powered armillary sphere and celestial globe tower, this paper puts forward again the historical problem whether or not the tower could operate perfectly or successfully in the Song Dynasty.在50年的研究并在结构和原理上复原出原大的水运仪象台后,有理由重新提出历史上水运仪象台曾否成功运行的问题。
1.Discussion emergency incident rehabilitation;试论火灾突发事件中的人员复原
2.This kind of novels has more styles such as rehabilitation, slow transition and repetition etc.心态式微型小说比其他类型的微型小说显示出了更加丰富多彩的艺术变化,除了一般微型小说常见的反转、曲转、扩大和反馈外,还有一些更适合自己的艺术变化形式,如复原、缓转和复沓等。
3.Therefore, it is necessary for the educational research to rehabilitate the traditional essence and guide the rehabilitation of tradition and.目前,教育理论研究存在着历史思维的缺失、偏向造成深厚的传统被悬置或误用的倾向等现象,因此,教育研究应注意复原传统的精华,并用“流动”思维来指导教育理论研究中的传统复原与现实革新。
1.9 structural profiles of Yanqi Basin are restored.根据平衡剖面原理,对焉耆盆地9条构造剖面进行了构造复原
6)revert to回复,复原
