1.The Realization of "Division"in Relation Algebra By SQL Query;关系代数中“除法”运算的SQL查询实现
2.Realization of division in SQL by using Group By clause;在SQL语言中用Group By子句实现除法
3.Implementation of a Fast Division Algorithm on FPGA;基于FPGA的快速除法算法设计与实现

1.To subject to the process of division.除法除法的过程而定
2.30 divided by 5 is a simple division. 30除以5是简单除法
3.Fibonacci Numbers and Euclidean Algorithm;Fibonacci数列与Euclidean除法
4.Multiplication can be proved by division.乘法可用除法来验算。
5.children learning to multiply and divide学习乘法和除法的儿童
6.In a division operation, the number or quantity by which the dividend is divided.在除法运算中,用来除被除数的那个数或量。
7.Abolish is the act of canceling or removing a law or a rule.废除、撤回(废止或废除法律或规定)
8.The number or quantity that is the value of the dividend divided by the value of the divisor and that is one of the results of a division operation.被除数除以除数所得的数或量,是除法运算的结果之一。
9.enzymatic removal酶催[化] 消除[法]
10.(2) Abolish the bogus constitution;(二)废除伪宪法;
11.(3) Abolish the bogus "constituted authority";(三)废除伪法统;
12.There is nothing for it but to.除…之外别无方法。
13.metal cleaning for rust prevention(chemical cleaning of steel products)防锈用金属除垢方法(铁德化学除垢法)
14.Under this provision, judicial review is not available "to the extent that (1) statutes preclude judicial review;根据此条款,"除非(l)法律排除司法审查;
15.To make or declare void or invalid, as a marriage or a law;nullify.废除制定,宣布免除或无效,如婚约或法律;废除
16.This method is a combination of pickling and blast cleaning.这一方法是酸浸除锈法和喷砂除锈法的组合。
17.The document cannot be deleted. Check in the document before deleting it.无法删除文档。请在删除之前签入文档。
18.A delete operation failed because the entire delete could not be completed.由于无法完成全部删除,删除操作失败。

division algorithm除法算法
1.The Study of Division Algorithm of Symmetric Ternary System;对称三进制除法算法研究
3)dry dedusting干法除尘
1.Control system for gas dry dedusting of 120 t converter;120t转炉煤气干法除尘控制系统
2.It is a core control system in dry dedusting of large converter.介绍大型转炉干法除尘中的核心控制系统——冷却器出口温度自动控制系统。
3.Key techniques used in BOF control are described,such as fuzzy control for dry dedusting,synchronous control of motor tilting,and oxygen lance control etc.简要介绍了莱钢120 t转炉综合自动控制系统,并阐述了转炉控制中的关键技术,如干法除尘的模糊控制、转炉倾动电机的同步控制、氧枪控制等。
4)dehumidifying method除湿方法
1.The study on miscellaneous air dehumidifying methods showed that their dehumidifying efficiency is different.通过对空气的各种除湿方法的研究,可以看出,采用不同的除湿方法,所得到的效果是不同的。
5)elimination methods消除方法
1.This article summarized the latest research production of occurrence theories,estimation and elimination methods about exercise fatigue.本文综述了近年来关于运动性疲劳产生学说、判断和消除方法的研究成果。
6)elimination method消除方法
1.Characteristics and elimination methods of passive vibration;分析强迫振动的特性及消除方法
2.The interference of line strain observation in Huailai Seismic Station and elimination method;怀来地震台线应变观测中的干扰及消除方法
3.The analysis narrated the stray currents production and the distribution,had pointed out explicitly the stray currents to the coal mine production hazardous nature,finally introduced the stray currents elimination method,guarantees the coal mine safety production.叙述了杂散电流的产生和分布,明确指出了杂散电流对煤矿生产的危害性,最后介绍了杂散电流的消除方法,保证了煤矿安全生产。

除法除法dhiaon 一种单独的运算,它与上面定义的除法不同.如果a和b笋O是整数,则a除以b的带余数的除法是:求整数x和y,使得 a=bx十y,其中0(夕<}bl.这里,a是被除数(di巧d司),b是除数(di姑or),x是商(qUOtie以),y是余数(比几画画交r).这种运算总是可能的,结果是唯一的.如果y=O,则称b可被a除尽.这时得到的商与通常的除法相同. 系数取自给定域的多项式的带余式的除法可以类似地来定义:对于两个给定的多项式A(x)和B(x),求多项式Q(x)和R(x),使其满足条件 A(x)=Q(x)B(x)+R(x),这里,R(x)的次数小于Q(x)的次数.这种运算也总是可能的和唯一的.如果R(x)二O,则称A(x)可被B(x)除尽.c.A.c祀n洲。B撰【补注】除法(带余项的)与E嫂Ikl算法(E‘胡口们a蜘对山m)有关. 复数:除以复数w笋0,可以看成把:乘以面,再除以lwl,,即 公ZW w}wl,‘这里布是w的复共扼,}w}是w的模(见复数(con1Plex刀切旧b巴{)).张鸿林译除法[面翻油.;及e月e“。e] 乘法(mul石Plioltion)的逆运算二求x,使得对给定的a和b,有bx,a或劝=a除法的结果x称为a与b之亨(quotient)或毕填(ratiO)‘“称为攀哆攀(di协山劝),b称为哆攀(山诚泪r)·除法运算用冒号(“: ._.b“_…、一一_b).水平线(言)或斜线(“/b)来表示· 在有理数域中,除法(用零除的情况除外)总是可能的,而且除法的结果是唯一的.在整数环中,除法并不总是可能的.例如,10可被5除,但是不可被3除.如果在有理数域中,整数a除以整数b,得到的商也是一个整数,则称a可被b整除(to目y di油ible,山访·siblewi廿幻utrema汤由r);这时,记为bla.复数的除法由下式定义: a十坎fac十反、‘bC一诚}i c十成少十d乙用三角形式表示的复数的除法由下式给出: r(cC‘“+isin戊、r,_,。、.__,__。、、 ’甲一佗”一‘二产=山( co‘〔“一万)+isDI(“一万))· p《叼“方+ism卢)p’ 带余数的除法(山油kin with犯功画九无r)实际上是