1.Arguing Privacy: Researches on the Design for Comfort Station, a Public Art;争论私密性——作为公共艺术的公共卫生间设计研究
2.Privacy and publicity of resident district research;居住建筑的私密性与公共性研究
3.Multi-agent negotiation model with emphasis on privacy;一种强调私密性的多智能体协商模型

1.Enhancement of confidentiality of executors’inputs in Zhong-Yang protocol增强Zhong-Yang协议中执行者输入的私密性
2.On the Relationship between Publicity and Privacy of Public Art;公共艺术的公共性与私密性的相互关系
3.Analysis and Utilization of the Garden Private Environment Space in Community居住区景观绿地中的私密性空间的分析和营造
4.HTTPS (specifically SSL 3.0) is used for all publisher API calls in order to assure wire privacy.为了保证通讯的私密性,发布API必须使用HTTPS(特别的,SSL3.0)。
5.To say or tell privately or secretly.私语私下里或秘密地说
6.This property indicates if a task is Normal, Personal, Confidential or Private.此属性表明任务是普通、个人、机密还是私有的。
7.This property indicates if an appointment is Normal, Personal, Confidential or Private.此属性表明约会是普通、个人、机密还是私有的。
8.Security Frame of Private Key Certificate Based on Attribute and Its Realization基于属性的私有密钥证书的安全框架及其实现
9.Private Room With Humanistic Design: The Humanism of the Toilet Design;私密空间 人性设计-卫生洁具设计的人文精神
10.Property indicating which encryption algorithm to use when encrypting the message body of a private message.表示加密私有消息正文时要使用的加密算法的属性。
11.A public/private key pair is used for encryption and decryption of messages.公用/私人密钥对用于加密和解密邮件。
12.The nurse safeguards the client's right to privacy by judiciously protecting information of a confidential nature.护士要捍卫患者的隐私权,明智地保障情报的机密性。
13.To propose a private bargain to, especially to propose sexual relations with.秘密交易向…提出一桩私下交易,尤指提出与…发生性关系
14.An intimate conversation in private.交心私下的亲密谈话
15.providing privacy or seclusion.提供私密空间或隐居。
16.To make known(something private or secret.泄露泄漏(秘密,隐私等)
17.(of information) given in confidence or in secret.(指信息)私下里秘密给与。
18.One to whom secrets or private matters are disclosed.知己能向其倾吐秘密或私事的密友

4)relative privacy相对私密性
1.To achieve the relative privacy,the links between tenders and the corresponding tenderers were concealed,but the tenders were not concealed.方法在揭示标书内容情况下,保护投标者及其标书之间的关系不泄露,具有投标相对私密性;同时方法具有价格灵活性、评标规则灵活性,能适应复杂的投标场景。
5)house privacy住宅私密性
6)privacy design私密性设计

私印【私印】 (杂名)二印之一。比丘私用之印也。毗奈耶杂事一曰:“若私印者,刻作骨锁形,或作髑髅形,欲令见时生厌离故。”