1.Research on train safety monitoring expert system;列车安全监控专家系统的研究
2.Comparison Analysis of the Full-Scale Train Tests for Trains with Different Shapes Passing Tunnel;不同外形列车过隧道实车试验的比较分析

1.tube trains, tickets, etc地铁列车、 车票等.
2.The soft berth car is in the middle of the train, car Number Six.列车员:软卧车厢在列车中部,6号车厢。
3.nonstop crossing of opposite trains对向列车的不停车会车
4.a train with passenger coaches and goods wagons挂有客车和货车的列车.
5.'3001' is a freight train.3001是一列货物列车
6.I get on board the bullet train .我上“子弹列车”。
7.The train's five minutes behind schedule.列车晚点5 分钟。
8.a subway train, station地铁列车、 地铁站.
9.Not valid on certain trains.车票对某些列车无效
10.maximum authorized mass of vehicle combination汽车列车最大允许质量
11.maximum design mass of vehicle combinatio汽车列车最大设计质量
12.Automatic Train Stopping列车自动停车(装置)
13.indivisible train set不能拆散的列车车底
14.The train dashed through the station.列车飞速驶过车站。
15.The train is driving after ten minutes.列车定于十分钟后开车。
16.homogeneous train formation同种车辆的列车编组
17.The train arrived at the scheduled time.列车准时到达了车站。
18.maximum total mass of train汽车列车最大总质量

1.Queue model of trains in marshalling station in coal mining area with terminal limit;基于终端受限的矿区集配站列车排队模型
2.The field testing and prediction analysis for environmental vibration induced by railroad trains;列车引发地面振动的现场测试及数值分析
3.Advances on the research of vibration induced by trains列车运行引起的振动问题的研究进展
1.The Linear synchronous motor used in Maglev vehicle is supplied by three-level inverter.为了模拟基于三电平逆变器驱动的磁浮列车用的直线同步电机的性能,并检验三电平逆变器所用的空间矢量脉宽调制(Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation,简称SVPWM)方法和电气参数的正确性,文中利用动子磁场定向控制、坐标变换、空间矢量控制技术建立了TR08磁浮列车的驱动控制系统模型。
2.It is introduced the designed characteristics of the metro vehicle for Tianjin metro line No.介绍了天津地铁1号线地铁列车的设计特点,从车辆运行环境及基本参数、车体及内部装饰、电气控制系统、制动系统、空调系统及采暖系统等几方面对整车进行了概述。
3.The shortages about existing vibration detecting system for running vehicles were concisely analyzed in this paper,and a new method for vibration detecting was put forward.简要地分析了现有列车振动检测系统存在的不足,提出了一种振动检测新方案,研制了适用于列车振动检测的便携式检测记录仪系统,文中系统地介绍了系统原理、功能、组成和软硬件设计。
4)car row车列
1.To solve the problems of brake lag and folding when the traditional brake system of train works,a new brake system for avoiding folding when the train brakes is designed.针对汽车列车传统的行车制动系统在行车制动时存在的挂车制动延迟、牵引车与挂车发生折叠等问题,设计了一种避免汽车列车在行车制动中发生折叠的行车制动系统。
2.In this paper the control principle of overlap traced the track of steer tire of the train was described.提出了全挂车跟踪牵引车而达到汽车列车轮迹重合的转向特性控制方案———轨迹再现,即先通过已知的牵引车转角数据和位移数据进行轨迹再现,然后用获得的轨迹数据来控制挂车的转向行驶,利用计算机进行仿真和模型试验,得到了预期的转向轮迹重合特性。
6)rail wheel列车车轮
1.The idea on using FRP for rail wheels was proposed in 1980 s and then,some patents about the use of FRP for rail wheels were published successively.纤维增强复合材料(FRP)具有轻质、高强、阻尼特性好等优点,在汽车车轮中已有应用,用于列车车轮的思想始于上世纪80年代,国外陆续发表了一些使用复合材料设计列车车轮装置的专利。
