1.Research on algorithm of retrieving components based on facet基于刻面的构件检索算法研究
2.Based on facet-based approach,description logics were introduced as the formal method of knowledge representation.在基于刻面的描述方法基础上引入描述逻辑作为知识表示的形式化方法,来描述用户复用需求和构件,从而使二者能够在语义层面上进行匹配。
3.The retrieval technologies based on faceted classification scheme have been widely accepted for its high accuracy and efficiency.基于刻面分类模式的检索方式拥有准确、高效的优势,因而得到了广泛应用。

1.an acerbic and hard-faced man性情尖刻面目冷酷的人
2.Belly: The front part or nick side of type.字腹:字粒的前面或缺刻面
3.To cut into the surface of(glass, for example) by the action of acid.蚀刻用酸蚀刻(玻璃的)表面
4.It hangs outside the building all day and all night.它时时刻刻都悬挂在大楼前面。
5.The wooden handle is skillfully engraved.剑刃正面剑刻有“斩妖”字样,似是近刻。
6.notch a surface to record something.在表面刻痕以记录某事。
7.a depression scratched or carved into a surface.挖或刻在表面的下陷。
8.The graduation be marked on the side of the flask烧瓶侧面有刻度标志
9.The graduation is marked on the side of the flask.烧瓶侧面有刻度标志。
10.Crave it in doves, and pomegranates,在上面雕刻鸽子和石榴
11.The graduations are marked on the side of the flask.烧瓶侧面有刻度标志.
12.The flag is engraved on both sides with a crowned eagle and lettering below.旗帜的两面都刻有戴皇冠的鹰,下面还刻有字。
13.flat biting(蚀刻画)版面只经过一次酸蚀, 并用粗、细刻针刻出有层次的线条
14.Wood engraving: Similar to "woodent", but the craving are on the end grain of the plank.木口木刻(木刻):和木而木刻相似,只是木块用树的横切面.
15.A design or text engraved on a surface.雕刻样式雕刻于表面之上的图案或文字
16.To write, print, carve, or engrave(words or letters)on or in a surface.刻,写,雕在表面上写,印,刻或雕上(词或字母)
17.A flat piece of metal on which something is engraved.金属板面可在上面雕刻的金属平片
18.A New Advance of Surface Laquering Etched Sign and Panel蚀刻标牌面板表面涂(填)漆的新发展

Fracture facet断裂刻面
1.The results showed that there are three kinds of fracture facets on the fracture surface:annealing twin boundary fracture facet,intergranular fracture facet and transgranular fracture facet.结果表明:低温脆断断口上有退火孪晶界断面、沿晶断面及穿晶断面3种断裂刻面
3)faceted cut刻面琢型
4)faceted cultured pearl刻面珍珠
1.For studying the cutting technique of the faceted cultured pearl, a great deal of cutting experiments are carried out with non-nucleared and round Chinese freshwater cultured pearl samples .早在1997年刻面珍珠就出现在国外珍珠市场上,但在中国珍珠市场上仍然比较罕见。
5)facet gem刻面宝石
6)transgranular facet穿晶刻面
1.The transgranular facets were identified as {111} γ , on which the intersecting angle between bands is 60°.穿晶脆断刻面是{111}γ,刻面上滑移带相交成60°,两相交大角度109°28′的{111}γ穿晶刻面上滑移带成对称状;沿形变孪晶界面脆断面为{110}面,相交形变孪晶夹角为70°;滑移带在孪晶晶界处产生扭折,扭折角35~40°;在任意的金相断面上,相交滑移带夹角是60~80
