1.A face detection method based on skin information and improved LBP一种基于肤色与改进的LBP的人脸检测方法
2.Color-based method for face detection and location一种基于肤色的人脸检测与定位方法

1.Facial Perception: Learning-Based Face Tracking and Synthesis;人脸感知:基于学习的人脸跟踪与合成
2.3D Facial Reconstruction Based on Front and Side Pictures;基于正侧面人脸照片的三维人脸重建
3.Face Modeling and Face Animation Based on MPEG-4;基于MPEG-4的人脸建模和人脸动画
4.The Pretreatment of Face Image for Better Face Recognition;基于人脸识别的人脸图像预处理研究
5.Face recognition with multiple pose based on 3-D face model基于三维人脸建模的多姿态人脸识别
6.The young man reddened, his smile dissolving instantly.年轻人脸红了,立刻收起笑脸。
7.Eigenface method for face recognition raised by M.Turk and A.特征脸人脸识别方法是M. Turk和A.
8.Face Recognition Based on Wavelet and Fisher Face;基于小波和Fisher脸的人脸识别算法研究
9.Automatic Face Recognition (AFR) includes two tasks: identification and verification.自动人脸识别技术包含人脸辨识和人脸确认两类不同的任务。
10.in her person shined so clear,比任何人脸上显露的
11.a typical North European physiognomy典型的北欧人脸型.
12.She turn away to hide her blush.她扭过脸,怕人见她脸红。
13.Face shape: Round-faced people are dreamers while those with squarer faces are tough and the longer-face people are born to succeed.脸型:圆脸的人爱幻想,方脸的人意志坚强,长脸的人天生注定会成功。
14.A humiliating condition or circumstance.丢脸,丢人使人丢脸的条件或环境
15."A blush is very becoming, Duchess," remarked Lord Henry.“脸红也很动人,公爵夫人
16.When someone slaps your left cheek you can offer him your right," Chueh-hui said hotly.人家打你左脸,就马上把右脸也送上去。……”
17.She turned aside to hide her blushes.她掉过脸去, 不让人看见她脸红。
18."and every one had four faces: the first face was the face of a winged one, and the second was the face of a man, and the third the face of a lion, and the fourth the face of an eagle."基路伯各有四脸,第一是基路伯的脸,第二是人的脸,第三是狮子的脸,第四是鹰的脸。

human face人脸
1.This paper proposes a feature extraction and recognition method of human face based on wavelet-moment descriptors and 2-dimensional principal component analysis(2DPCA).提出了一种融合小波矩描述子(WMD)矩阵与二维主成分分析(2DPCA)的人脸特征抽取与识别算法。
2.The research on computer-designed human face is a hot point and meanwhile a difficulty in the area of computer graphics.计算机合成真实感人脸是计算机图形学研究的一个热点,也是一个难点。
3.Face recognition technology can collect human face feature information through computer algorithms,those information match template information automatically and accurately identify people\'s true identity.人脸识别技术就是通过计算机采集人脸的特征信息,然后再通过完善的计算机算法,把这些信息与模板中的信息进行匹配对比,自动准确地辨认出人的真实身份。
3)face recognition人脸识别
1.Improved kernel direct Fisher discriminant analysis and face recognition;改进的核直接Fisher描述分析与人脸识别
2.Artificial Neural Networks in the application of face recognition;人工神经网络在人脸识别中的应用
3.Automatic face recognition based on skin masking and improved HMM;基于皮肤模板和改进HMM的自动人脸识别系统(英文)
4)face detection人脸检测
1.An approach to face detection in color images;彩色图像中的人脸检测方法
2.Survey of human face detection and recognition technology;人脸检测与识别技术综述
5)face localization人脸定位
1.This paper proposes a new method of face localization in complex poses.本文研究了复杂多变人脸的检测和定位问题,提出了一种新的基于对称特征的人脸定位方法。
6)face verification人脸验证
1.Study on Improved Algorithms of Face Verification;人脸验证算法的改进与研究
2.A structure-based face verification method was proposed in this paper.本文提出了一种基于结构的人脸验证方法,并以通过双眉双眼间恒定的几何结构来验证人脸为例讲解了该方法的使用,实验证明该方法增强了验证的灵活性和准确性,突破了正面人脸的限制。
3.An approach to face verification based on the integration of individual eigenface subspace and SVD is presented in which the wavelet transform is used to reduce the effect of expression on the face verification.提出了一种个体特征脸子空间与奇异值特征相结合的人脸验证方法。

【仙吕】醉中天 佳人脸上黑痣【诗文】:疑是杨妃在,怎脱马嵬灾?曾与明皇捧砚来,美脸风流杀。叵奈挥毫李白,觑着娇态,洒松烟点破桃腮。【注释】:【注释】:此曲洋洋洒洒三十多字,有故事,有情节,有悬念,写来写去,咏的却是美人脸上一粒小小黑痣。古代的那些文人,你真是拿他没有办法啊!【出处】: