1.P2P Security Model Based on Trust and Reputation;基于信任和名誉的P2P安全模型

1.redeem one's honor [good name]挽回名誉 [好名声]
2.be in high [of good] repute名誉好的,有信誉的
3.look to one's laurels爱惜名誉,保持荣誉[记录]
4.Loss of honor, respect, or reputation.不名誉,名声败坏失去荣誉、尊敬或名望
5.save [stain] one's honor保住 [毁损] 名誉
6.Damage to or loss of reputation.名誉不好,声名狼籍
7.I give you my word of honour I'll go.我以名誉担保我一定去。
8.(Brit)honorary head of some universities(某些大学的)名誉校长
9.an epithet that can be used to smear someone's reputation.败坏他人名誉的词语。
10.a Bad risk名誉不佳的被保险人
11.It is no discredit to him.那是无损于他的名誉的。
12.His honor remained intact.他的名誉完整无损。
13.They are after fame and position and want to be in the limelight.闹名誉,闹地位,闹出风头。
14.She esteemed honour above life她看名誉比生命还重。
15.Have their credibility ruined and are even punished according to law名誉扫地,直至绳之以法
16.The hotel has fallen into disrepute该旅馆已名誉扫地。
17.He received an honorary degree.他被授予名誉学位。
18.He compromised his reputation.他污损了自己的名誉

reputation rights名誉权
1.The paper analyzed the essential of doctor s reputation rights,the characteristics of invasion of doctor s reputation rights and its forms.文章分析了医方名誉权的实质、侵害医方名誉权行为的特征、表现形式,文章还阐述了侵害医方名誉权行为应承担的法律责任及追究责任的方式。
2.In the ground of judicature practice,the author tries to summarize similar or distinct points between private rights and reputation rights by the way of comparison in legal theory in order to clarify .笔者从司法实践出发,试图以法理分析的方法对隐私权与名誉权进行比较,从中总结出二者之间共同点与区别,以澄清实践中的一些模糊认识。
3.The issue of interests balance between news coverage and the protection of reputation rights, means a problem of identifying.新闻报道与名誉权保护的利益平衡问题,实际上是根据新闻报道和人格权保护的价值,合理地确认各自权利边界的问题。
3)reputation tort名誉侵权
1.on supervision by public opinion and reputation tort duty orientation for criticism on Party and Political officials by public opinion;舆论监督与名誉侵权问题浅析——兼论对党政官员舆论批评的责任定位
2.Therefore,it used to become defendant for reputation tort.因而,新闻媒体常常成为名誉侵权的被告。
3.Because of lacking remedy procedure in present law and it is proved ineffective only by asking employment unit s compensation in the name of reputation tort.现行法律对此未纳入司法程序予以救济,劳动者以名誉侵权为由要求用人单位赔偿损失被证明难以成为一个可靠的救济方式。
4)the right of reputation名誉权
1.Therefore we can only protect the right of privacy indirectly by protecting the right of reputation,which does not meet the requirements of the modern information society.名誉权、隐私权均为自然人专属享有的人格权利、精神权利,二者既有联系又有区别。
2.In recent years, the case which media infracts the right of reputation occured at every turn, the actuality which is infract legality rights and interests of the procedural participants, especially the right of reputation has pretty catch our eyes in process of report court trail.近年来,媒体在报道当中侵害公民名誉权案件时有发生,尤其是在报道法庭审判过程的新闻中,侵害诉讼参与人合法权益,特别是名誉权的现状颇为引人注目。
3.In these press lawsuits, the infringement of the right of reputation is great majority.自从1986年《民法通则》颁布实施以来,我国新闻官司不断增加,而在这些新闻官司中,新闻侵害名誉权案件占了绝大多数。
5)right of reputation名誉权
1.The Study of the Public Scrutiny and the Government Official s Right of Reputation;我国舆论监督与政府官员名誉权的冲突与规制
2.The relationship between the right of reputation and the freedom of expression is tense to some extent.名誉权与表达自由之间必然存在着一定的紧张关系,如何协调和处理两种利益之间的矛盾冲突,一直是学界的关注点。

名誉【名誉】 (杂语)同于名闻。止观七曰:“名誉罗罥,利养毛绳。”