1.Countermeasures of anti-terrorism struggle of our country;我国反恐怖斗争对策研究
2."The Terrorist":Space,Violence and Post-tradition《恐怖份子》:空间、暴力与后传统
3.The effect of terror is established to convey Poe s contemplations of the world and bring great pathos to readers.坡具有代表性的心理恐怖小说之一。

1.abhor terrorism, terrorists憎恨恐怖活动、 恐怖分子.
2.A Brief Study of Terror, Terrorism and Terrorist Crime;简论恐怖恐怖主义与恐怖主义犯罪
3.Relating to or suffering from claustrophobia.幽闭恐怖的幽闭恐怖的或遭受幽闭恐怖
4.reign of terrorph.1. 恐怖统治
5.struck or filled with terror.被恐怖惊吓或者充满了恐怖
6.A cause of terror.恐怖原因造成恐怖的原因
7.An abnormal fear of depths.深渊恐怖对深渊的变态恐怖
8.Rather an end with horror than a horror without end.宁要恐怖有结尾,也不要无结尾的恐怖
9.Faith and Terror: On John Updikes Latest Novel Terrorist;信仰与恐怖:评厄普代克新作《恐怖分子》
10.Picture and Terror--On the Culture of Terrorism;影像与恐怖——对恐怖主义的文化思考
11.An abnormal fear of the night or darkness.黑夜恐怖,黑暗恐怖对夜或黑暗不正常的恐惧
12.petrified with fear; she was petrified by the eerie sound; too numb with fear to move.被恐怖惊呆了的;她被那种恐怖的声音惊呆了;被恐怖惊呆了,动不了。
13.counter terrorism contingency plan反恐怖活动应变计划
14.The horror of it all had overwhelmed me.这恐怖吓得我魂不附体。
15.impalpable darkness, horror, fear无形的黑暗、 恐怖、 害怕.
16.A few hours later the fear sunk in.几小时后,恐怖降临了。
17.a thrill of joy, fear, horror,etc一阵欢乐、 害怕、 恐怖
18.the victim of a terrorist attack恐怖分子攻击的受害者

1.On the characters of horror in Black Cat and White Cat;浅谈《黑猫》与《白猫》中恐怖的表现特征
2.The charm of horror in Allen Poe s short stories;爱伦·坡短篇小说的恐怖魅力
5)terrorist incidents恐怖事件
1.According to the developing characters of terrorist incidents in urban rail transit,and putting the building layout of urban rail stations in our country into consideration, an evacuation model is presented.针对城市轨道交通恐怖事件的发生特征,结合我国城市轨道交通车站的建筑布局,提出事件中的疏散逃生模型;在分析爆炸及其次生灾害的发展过程特征之后,从逃生和救援两个方面对防(反)恐措施进行了探讨,并提出了当前须进一步研究的几个问题。
2.Explosion and hostage kidnapping are main types of terrorist incidents in places with dense population.爆炸和人质劫持是人口密集场所恐怖事件的主要类型,对人口密集场所恐怖事件的处置应遵循正确的危机管理过程方法:建立实时的动态指挥体系及格式化的处置模式,采取妥当的现场处置与救援措施,加强对媒体的正确管理与引导,实现与媒体的良性互动,充分凸现人本理念,正确把握紧急状态下的人权保障问题。
6)terrorism attack恐怖袭击
1.Study on relation between consequence of explosive terrorism attacks and crowd massing situation;爆炸性恐怖袭击后果与人群聚集状态的关系研究
2.The risk from man-made destructions(typically terrorism attacks) is included in the range of major hazard installation assessment, and existing assessment index system is .将人为破坏(恐怖袭击)引发事故的风险纳入重大危险源风险评价的研究范畴,对现有的评价指标体系进行了改进。
3.As one of the critical infrastructure, Electric Power system is the preference of terrorism attack.电力系统作为国家的关键基础设施,是恐怖袭击的重点目标之一。

恐怖由于生命受到威胁而引起的恐惧:白色~ㄧ~手段 ㄧ~分子(进行恐怖活动的人)。