1.Anti-plagiarism in Academic Norm by using information technology;学术规范中反剽窃的信息技术视角
2.Recessive plagiarism of scientific paper论科技论文中的一种隐性剽窃

1.Plagiarism is akin to theft.剽窃与偷窃性质相同。
2.He often appropriates my ideas.他时常剽窃我的见解。
3.Plagiarism Exposed at University暴露在大学里的剽窃
4.There will be no cribbing from anyone else's work!不容剽窃他人的作品。
5.(1) plagiarizing a work created by others;(一)剽窃、抄袭他人作品的;
6.Enabling Plagiarism: the act of assisting or allowing another person to plagiarize or to copy your own work.协同剽窃:帮助或允许他人剽窃别人或自己的作品
7.The human plagiarism which is most difficult to avoid, for individuals… is self-plagiarism.人类的剽窃习性最难避免,对个人而言有时还会自我剽窃
8.Stealing his ideas is as illegal as stealing intellectual property in traditional cases.剽窃他的思想与传统的剽窃知识产权一样,是不合法的。
9.The first two chapters lift two sections from the book.头两章是从那部书上剽窃来的。
10.My mean concern is how to protect my game from piracy.我最发愁的是游戏怎样不被剽窃
11.Plagiarist is always suspicious of stealing from.剽窃者老是怀疑自己的东西会被偷走。
12.He expropriated my ideas for his own article.他剽窃我的观点来写他的文章。
13.He cribbed a passage from the author他剽窃了那位作者的一段文章。
14.I don't want people to steal my product.我不想让别人剽窃我的产品。
15.Plagiarism: the presentation of the work, idea or creation of another person as though it is your own.剽窃:盗用他人的工作成果、思想或创造。
16.He lifted whole passages from another author's books.他从别人的著作中成段地进行剽窃
17.Although this piece has been pirated, I still hold the copyright.虽然曾被剽窃,此曲的版权我仍保留。
18.This is not plagiarism but just a patchwork of quotations.这不是剽窃,这只是拼凑出来的。

3)plagiarism detection剽窃检测
1.Aiming at the academic paper plagiarism detection,it is proposed to adopt the complex feature set(CFS) on document representation,and extend the unification operation of CFS.针对学术论文的剽窃检测,提出一种应用复杂特征集表示文档特征的方法,并扩展了复杂特征集的合一运算。
2.In this paper, we survey the progress of the source code plagiarism detection technology first.代码的相似度度量是剽窃检测的关键技术。
3.Under such circumstances, the opened e-documents plagiarism detection servi.在这种背景下,构建开放式电子文档剽窃检测服务系统的需求呼之欲出。
4)Recessive Plagiarism隐性剽窃
1.The legal issues associated with bio-piracy are one of the subsidiary questions of the problems about intellectual property rights(IPR) concerning biodiversity.生物剽窃的法律问题是有关生物多样性的若干知识产权问题下辖的子课题之一。
2.A large amount of bio-piracy is bringing huge losses to those countries.生物剽窃是目前包括中国在内的许多发展中国家共同面临的一个日益严峻的问题。
3.As the scientific and economic value of traditional knowledge has been acknowledged, there is more and more bio-piracy around the world.在传统知识巨大的科技研究和商业开发价值被逐渐发掘的同时,对传统知识的“生物剽窃”也愈演愈烈。
1.This article exposes the new tendence of plagiarism in the academic circles at first.学术批评的重心应由当前的以揭露、批判抄袭剽窃的个案为主,转移到以检讨、反思、整治低水平、重复研究和互抬桥子为主要特征的群体浮躁上来;把学术批评的强音由当今的“学术打假”、“反学术腐败”,改换成“提倡学术规范,反对学术浮躁、学术泡沫”;把学术批评的个人见义勇为的“傻瓜的事业”,真正纳入到社会主义精神文明建设的重要议程,各级学术主管部门已到了发挥其应有的作用的时候了。
2.Its main performances are plagiarism,two or multiple submission of a manuscript,reduplicative publication and the false signature etc,and the consequence is specially bad.学术腐败现象在当今社会有愈演愈烈之势,其在期刊领域的主要表现为抄袭剽窃、一稿两投或一稿多投、重复发表和虚假署名等,影响特别恶劣。
