1.The Nature of Expertise: Constrained and Elaborated;专长的实质:限制与精致
2.Research on Psychiatrists Expertise in Clinical Diagnosis;精神科医疗诊断专长的心理学研究

1.Biochemistry is his specialty.生物化学他的专业(专长)。
2.1.Technical and technological skills will take on greater importance.1.技术专长——将更加重要。
3.Writing fiction is her forte.写小说是她的专长
4.Technical and technological skills will take on greater importance.技术专长——将更加重要。
5.what are you strength?什么是你们的专长呢?
6.considers psychology her bailiwick;认为心理学是她的专长
7.Her speciality is Greek poetry.她的专长是希腊诗歌。
8.His specialty is Japanese history.他的专长是日本历史。
9.Geology is his particular line.地质学是他的专长
10.His speciality was quality control.他的专长是质量的管理。
11.Geography is not within my domain.地理不是我的专长
12.A foreign coach has special knowledge and expertise.外国教练具有专门的知识和专长
13.Do you have any area of Purchasing specialty?你在采购专业方面是否有专长的领域?
14.Novice to Expert:a Necessary Way of the Professional Expertise Development;新手到专家:职业专长发展的必由之路
15.Something in which a person excels.特长,专长一个人特别突出的某方面
16.Teaching Expertise : The Professional Development of Teachers of a Basic Direction;教学专长:教师专业发展的一个基本路向
17.Experts have their strong points, and so do non-experts.专家有专家的长处,非专家有非专家的长处。
18.She was always ready to catch people on the raw and hold them up to ridicule.她专爱揭短处, 挑人长相。

expert feature专家专长
4)Professional team leaders专业组长
5)Professional development专业成长
1.Research on the Problems and Solutions of the young Physical education Teachers' Professional Development In Colleges and Universities高校青年体育教师专业成长困境及对策——基于江苏省南京市仙林大学城11所高校调研思考
2.Thought about the professional development of young college teachers高校青年教师专业成长的现状与对策
3.As one type of the critical incidents to influence preschool teachers’ professional development,nurturing incidents can be either positive or negative,depending on personal features of the teacher.作为影响幼儿园教师专业成长的关键事件之一,养育事件是起积极作用还是消极作用在很大程度上取决于教师的个人特征。
6)key specialty核心专长
1.Defines the connotation of core competence and key specialty from a systematic point of view.从系统的角度界定了核心能力及核心专长的内涵,运用核心能力理论,结合装备制造业特点,从企业运营过程中涉及的研究开发、生产制造、营销及管理等四个方面建立了装备制造企业核心能力评价指标体系。
