1.The crawler design of the horizontal well production logging水平井生产测井爬行器设计
2.Proposes the main points and control measures for the testing quality of X radiographic crawler for the pipeline, including qualification of radiographic testing, material management, equipment management, establishment oftestingtechnological specification and testingprocess control, etc.论述了油气输送管线对接环焊缝射线检测质量控制的重要性,提出了X射线管道爬行器的检测质量控制要点和控制措施,包括射线检测资格认定、材料管理、设备管理、检测工艺规范的制定、检测过程控制等内容。

1.Research on Topic Focused Web Crawler and Related Technologies;面向主题的网络爬行器相关技术研究
2.The transporter is based on a pair of extremely rugged ISL Minitrac crawler units manufactured from brass.其爬行器是在一对坚固耐用的铜质标准驱动履带爬行器的基础上精制而成。
3.F ig. 5 T he average step size as a function of extending vo ltae.图5爬行器所加电压与平均步长的关系曲线。
4.The Design and Implementation of Web Crawler with Page Refresh Mechanism;具有页面更新机制的网页爬行器的设计与实现
5.A new Web Crawler including sophisticated searching process especialized by language!一个新的网络爬行器,包含了最受欢迎的搜索进程。
6.Design and Implementation of Crawler of Uyghur,Kazak,Kyrgyz Multi-lingual Search Engine维、哈、柯多文种搜索引擎中网页爬行器(Crawler)的设计与实现
7.The launcher and vehicle are then transported to the firing pad by a crawler.发射器和飞行器由一个爬行轨道送到点火台。
8.Design of a Wall-climing Robot and Research of Path Planning;壁面爬行机器人设计及路径规划研究
9.Now, the robot can walk on the flat floor, and provide a test base to research into robot of climbing on the wall.目前该机器人已经可以在平地上进行爬行,为进一步研究爬壁机器人提供了一个基础测试平台。
10.Research on the Crawling-along-the-wall Robot for Cleaning and Painting on the Outside Wall of Tall Building;高层建筑外墙清洁涂装壁面爬行机器人研究
11.Structural Light Visual Sense and Image Processing Used in Crawling Arc Welding Robot;爬行式弧焊机器人结构光视觉传感及图像处理
12.Research of ICPF with the Application in Underwater Crawling MicrorobotICPF的研究及在水下爬行微机器人中的应用
13.The design,motion analysis and dynamic simulation of the planetary gear wall-climbing robot行星轮爬壁机器人的设计、运动分析及动态仿真
14.Then the launcher and vehicle are transported to the firing pad by a crawler.然后,发射器和飞行器由一个爬行轨道送到点火台。
15.Configure proxy server settings to use when crawling other servers.配置用于对其他服务器进行爬网的代理服务器设置。
16.Microstructure Comparison of Olfactory and Vomeronasal Organs in Four Amphibians and Reptiles4种两栖爬行动物嗅器和犁鼻器的显微结构比较
17.He crawled on his hands and knees for 100 metres.他爬行了100米.
18.Finally, theeffectiveness and the feasibility of the model are verified by means of the climb simulation of the virtual lunar rover.最后用月球机器人爬坡的仿真验证了所建模型的正确性和可行性。

bogus crawler伪爬行器
1.A bogus crawler is invented,which collects information by the normal search engines,so that the search-area is wider than the normal search engine.为提高搜索的查准率和查全率,设计一个主题式的元搜索引擎和一个类似于爬行器的伪爬行器,通过调用通用搜索引擎采集信息,查全率高于通用搜索引擎。
4)smart pigging智能爬行器
5)crawling robot爬行机器人
1.Research on a Kind of the Inchworm Crawling Robot;一种尺蠖式爬行机器人的研究
2.A double closed loop trajectory linearization controller(TLC)based on the robot model is designed for a crawling robot on airplane surface.该方法解决了在飞机特殊表面环境下,对基于X-Y平台的新型爬行机器人如何完成轨迹跟踪控制的问题。
3.Harmony Control of the Welding Track in Crawling Robot;针对大型构件的自动焊接问题 ,采用由爬行小车和十字滑块组合而成的跟踪机构进行焊缝的跟踪 ,提出了协调控制的方法 ,并对爬行小车的控制进行了理论分析和大量的实验研究 ,焊接实验表明这种控制方案能够实现爬行机器人对焊缝的精确跟踪。
6)wall-climbing equipment壁面爬行器

海洋爬行动物  见海洋动物。