1.Problem and Strategy on Declaration of Individual Income Tax;个人所得税自行申报存在问题及对策
2.Basis and Suggestion of Sanmenxia’s Declaration for the Historic Cultural Town;三门峡申报历史文化名城的依据及建议
3.The connotation construction of disciplines and the declaration for degrees authorization;学科内涵建设与学位授权点申报

1.for declaration purpose only只用于申报仅限于申报
2.You either declare thing or you do not.你要么申报,要么不申报
3.statement of applicant's family background申请人家庭状况申报
4.a petition of bankruptcy【法律】申请 [申报] 破产
5.income tax return所得税申报书(表)
6.Return the details of one's income, ie to a tax inspector申报个人收入细目(报税)
7.He fiddled an income-tax return.他虚报所得税申报书。
8.Design of inevitable bedsore declare form and its reporting process难免压疮申报表的设计与申报程序
9.customs and health declaration form?海关申报单和健康申报表吗?
10.A customs declaration is required.需要填一份海关申报书。
11.General Requisition for Particulars of Tenement一般物业详情申报
12.Do we fill out this form individually?申报单是个别填写吗?
13.What is the I-94 form?什么是Ⅰ-94 申报单?
14.Your passport and declaration card, please.请出示护照和申报单。
15.Whom do I give this form to?我要把申报单给谁?
16.baggage declaration for inward passengers入境旅客物品申报
17.Panama Canal cargo declaration巴拿马运河货运申报
18.free consumption entry免消费税输入申报

1.The development idea of hospital medicine preparations and problems deserving attention in application医院制剂研发思路与申报应注意的问题
2.Based on the analysis of the procedure of scientific and technological project application and management in the Department of Education of Hubei Province,an online scientific and technological project application and management system based on FTP and OLE technology is designed and realized.通过对湖北省教育厅科技项目申报管理工作流程的分析,设计并实现了基于FTP和OLE技术的网上申报管理系统。
3)Shen Bao申报
1.Three Questions about Shi Liangcai and Shen Bao;关于史量才与《申报》三个问题之思考与追问
2.Construction of Consumer Ideology in Modern Shanghai: Studies on Advertisement of Shen Bao in 1920s and 1930s;近代上海消费主义意识形态之建构——20世纪20—30年代《申报》广告研究
3.By combing related data about the competition between Xinwen Bao and Shen Bao, this article enlightens current newspaper industry as follow: identical competition, for the entrant, is a reliable and effective strategy ;differentiated competition ,for the press, is the only way to base yourself upon the market; benignly differentiated competition comes to a win-win result.通过对《新闻报》、《申报》竞争情况相关资料的梳理,提炼出对当今报业同质化的三点启示:同质化策略对市场跟进者而言,不失为一种稳妥有效的策略;差异化竞争是报纸最终立足市场的不二法门;良性同质化竞争有利于两方双赢共存。
1.The Bibliography Value of Shenbao from Modern Perspective;从现代角度看《申报》的文献价值
2.Shenbao and Female Education in the Last Years of the Qing Dynasty;《申报》与晚清女子教育
3.At the beginning, most Journalist researches in China were presented in Chinese newspaper established by foreigners, such as Dongxiyangkao meiyuetongjizhuan, shenbao, Chinese Global Magazine (wanguo gongbao).早期,西人在华办报者于《东西洋考每月统计传》、《申报》、《万国公报》等重要报刊中表现出对新闻思想的重视,刊出新闻研究系列论文,对中国新闻思想起到启蒙的作用。
1.Problem and countermeasure for international revenue and expenditure report of banks;基层银行国际收支申报存在的问题及对策
2.[Objective] To learn the status of occupational disease hazard program reports in Luohu District of Shenzhen.目的 了解深圳市罗湖区职业病危害项目申报情况。
3.To transmit in formation on the lnternet instead of traditonal reporting and paying tax is greatly convenient to the tax payevs and can reduce the cost of tax-paying.互联网办税系统使纳税人、税务机关、银行三者之间完全通过网络进行数据传递 ,以网络传递信息代替人工申报和缴纳税款 ,极大地方便了纳税人 ,降低了纳税成本。

申报申报  人作出的书面申报_。磊岌让了伙父更向保险人应将预约保险合同范围的每一笔保险,按规定及时向保险人作书面申报;保险人对投保人的每一件书面报告,均应视作合同的一部分承担保险责任。在申报保险中,被保险人须每隔一定时期向保险人提出申报单,申报保险货物的价值,保险人按申报价值承保并根据申报单结算保险费,保险标的如变更用途或增加危险程度、变动保险金额,投保人也应申报。