1.Subject Based Data Subscription/Publish Technology;基于主题的数据订阅分发技术
2.Service-based Subscription and Dissemination of Databases in Grid Environment;网格环境下基于服务的数据库订阅分发
3.Analysis on subscription mechanism of OPCOPC中订阅机制的实现分析

1.Show subscriptions from anonymous Subscribers and the agents for those subscriptions.显示来自匿名订阅订阅以及那些订阅的代理。
2.snapshot push subscription, transactional push subscription, merge push subscription快照强制订阅,事务强制订阅,合并强制订阅
3.He subscribed to Reader's Digest.他订阅《读者文摘》。
4.I have a subscription to Time .我订阅《时代》周刊。
5.The process could not create a subscription at Subscriber '%1'.进程未能在订阅服务器“%1”上创建订阅
6.The process could not delete subscription at Subscriber '%1'.进程未能从订阅服务器“%1”中删除订阅
7.Anonymous subscriptions can only have a local subscription priority type.匿名订阅只能是本地订阅优先级类型。
8.Show anonymous subscriptions and the agents for those subscriptions显示匿名订阅以及那些订阅的代理
9.Allow anonymous Subscribers to pull subscriptions.允许匿名订阅服务器接收订阅内容。
10.What types of Subscribers will subscribe to this publication?订阅本出版物的订阅器是什么类型的?
11.The subscription(s) to publisher '%s' does not allow subscription copy or it has not been synchronized.对发布 ''%1!'' 的订阅不允许使用订阅复本或该订阅尚未进行同步。
12.The subscription created by Subscriber '%s' to publication '%s' has expired and has been dropped.订阅服务器 ''%1!'' 创建的对发布 ''%2!'' 的订阅已失效,已除去了该订阅
13.He subscribes to the local magazine.他订阅本地的杂志。
14.Subscribing to folder XX正在订阅文件夹 XX
15.HDSL: High bit rate DSL高比特率数字订阅线路
16.Communicator Subscribe to IMAP folders通信器订阅 IMAP 文件夹
17.ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line不对称数字订阅线路
18.He discontinued his subscription to the magazine.他停止订阅那本杂志。

1.The new method,publish/subscribe,can reduce the coupling between source data and data center,and make the system more flexible and more dynamic.基于发布/订阅的抽取方法可以降低数据源和数据中心的耦合度,使系统具有较高灵活性、动态性,可以满足时时和大规模数据抽取的需要。
1.Fuzzy matching routing filter in content-based publish/subscribe;基于内容的发布/订阅模糊匹配路由过滤器
2.Event routing algorithms of semantic publish/subscribe over structured P2P networks;结构化P2P网络上语义发布/订阅事件路由算法
3.Research and design of publish/subscribe system based on mobile agent and sharing key;基于移动代理和密钥共享的发布/订阅系统的研究与设计
1.OMG data delivery service,real-time,publish-subscribe becomes a standard.OMG的数据发布服务(Data Delivery Service)-实时发布-订阅已经成为一个标准,它提供了一个以数据为中心的网络中间件,使得实时环境下以数据为中心的分布式应用更加高效、易于编程。
1.Wide area oriented network active publish/subscribe system design framework;面向广域网络的主动发布订阅系统的设计框架
2.Publish/subscribe routing technology was the key technology of the publish/subscribe system.这种方法通过增加少量的存储代价,提高了在大规模的面向广域网的发布订阅系统当中的路由效率。
