1.Analysis and modeling of web services flow using π-calculus;基于π-演算的web服务流的分析与建模(英文)
2.Description and verification for security protocol based onπ-calculus;基于π-演算的安全协议描述与验证
3.Description of the network examination system by π-calculus;用π-演算描述网络考试系统

1.Property Checking of BPEL4WS Based on π-calculus;基于π-演算的BPEL4WS性质检验
2.Description and verification for security protocol based onπ-calculus;基于π-演算的安全协议描述与验证
3.The Petri Net Based on the π-calculus and the Formal Analysis for Cryptographic Protocols;基于π-演算的Petri网和密码协议的形式化分析
4.Formal Description and Verification of 2PCP Based on Asynchronous π-calculus;基于异步π-演算的两阶段提交协议的形式化描述和验证
5.Research on Pi-calculus-Based Software Architecture Refinement;基于π演算的软件体系结构求精研究
6.On Web Services Transaction Based on Extended π Calculus;基于扩展π演算的Web服务事务研究
7.Research on Web Service Interface Extending and Description基于π演算的Web Services接口扩展与描述
8.Software Architecture Test Technology Based on π Calculus基于π演算的软件体系结构测试技术
9.Research on Software Architectural Formalism Based on π Calculus;基于π演算的软件体系结构形式化研究
10.A New Component-Based Real-Time System Based on Timed High-Order(THO) π Calculus基于高阶时间π演算的构件式实时软件研究
11.Architecture Description Language Based on π-Calculus for Autonomous Systems基于π演算的自治系统架构描述语言AS-ADL
12.Formal method of human behavioral modeling based onπ-calculus一种基于π演算的行为建模形式化方法
14.Research on the Theory and Application of the State π Calculus Based Formal Verification for Grid Service Flows;网格服务流的状态π演算形式化验证技术研究与应用
15.Research of Intelligent Agent VR System in Automobile Chassis Dynamometer Based on π Calculus基于π演算的汽车底盘测功机智能主体VR系统的研究
16.The special case of the exchange of resistance equivalents of both theΠ- shape and the T-shape is simplified a great deal in the process of the deduction.从特殊情况出发,对电阻Π联接与T型联接的等效互换进行了推导,简化了推导演算过程。
17.Recalculation of Compton Scattering on Charged Pionsπ~±介子上康普顿散射过程的重新计算
18.New Min-Sum Decoding Algorithm for π-rotation LDPC Codes一种π-旋转LDPC码的Min-Sum译码算法

1.The thesis, combined with an 863 project undertaken by the lab, researches on the correctness of business process internal logic and explores a way to model and verify business process described in WS-BPEL using process algebra pi-calculus as a formal tool.本文结合实验室承担的国家863科研攻关项目,针对业务流程内部逻辑的正确性问题展开研究,探索利用进程代数π-演算作为形式化工具,对WS-BPEL描述的业务流程进行建模和验证。
1.Formalizing Description of Long Running Transaction Based on Extended π-calculus;基于扩展π演算的长事务处理形式化描述
2.On Petri nets semantics for π-calculus;π演算的Petri网语义研究
3.Formalizing Workflow Patterns Based on the π-calculus;工作流模式的π演算形式化
4)π calculusπ演算
1.The paper first defined the signature view and the behavior view of the service,then designed the modeling method that transferred the Web service behavior into π calculus process expression and proposed the algorithm that made the service view transfer into π calculus process automatically.定义了服务的基调视图和行为视图,设计了将Web服务行为转换为π演算进程表达的建模方法,并给出了实现服务视图向π演算进程自动转换的算法;最后借助π演算的操作语义和形式化推理技术实现了对Web服务组合时的兼容性进行检查。
2.Aiming at the lack of most existing architecture description language to describe system behaviors may cause generation test paths difficultly, this paper proposes a software architecture test technology based on π calculus.针对目前体系结构描述语言对描述软件系统行为方面的不足而难以生成实时测试路径的问题,提出一种基于π演算的软件体系结构测试方法,该方法包括π演算与Petri网结合、构造体系结构模型及测试路径生成算法。
5)timed π calculus时间π演算
1.To extend the capacity of π calculus in modeling and analyzing time-related properties of a system,a well-timed π calculus with durational actions and busy-waiting interaction mechanism,namely T-π calculus,was proposed based on the characteristics of re-entrant production line system.为了提高π演算对系统时间特性进行建模和分析的能力,针对可重入流生产线系统的特点,提出了一种基于持续活动和同步-等待交互方式的时间良构的时间π演算,即T-π演算。
6)High-order π calculus高阶π演算

π, π-conjugation分子式:CAS号:性质:单键和双键相互交替排列的共轭体系。最简单的为1,3-丁二烯,而苯分子则是一个具有高度对称结构的闭合共轭体系。除碳碳双键外,碳碳叁键、碳氧双键等,都可组成π,π-共轭。例如:CH2=CH—C≡CH;CH2=CH—CH=O。由π,π-共轭引起的使分子内能降低、键长发生平均化等电子效应,称为π,π-共轭效应。