1.Design and Implementation of Chinese Pinyin Input for Mobilephones;手机中文拼音输入法的设计与实现
2.Acquirement and Application of the First Letter of Pinyin in VFP;VFP中汉字拼音首字母的获取及应用
3.On the Use of Pinyin in the Transference of Chinese Proper Names into English;论拼音在汉语专有名词翻译中的应用

1.spelling pronunciation按照拼法的发音,拼音
2.Transliterating rules of Chinese phonetic-Alphabet on titles for books and periodicals in ChineseGB/T3259-1992中文书刊名称汉语拼音拼写法
3.The Research of Pinyin Mistakes of Japanese;日本人的汉语拼音拼写错误问题研究
4.Wade-Giles romanization威妥玛-翟理斯拼音
5.held his spelling book in both hands, and spelled out the letters with the students.双手捧着拼音课本,和学生一起念出拼音
6.Theory Explanations of the Primary School Teaching Material and Chinese Phonetic Alphabet;小学拼音教材与《汉语拼音方案》的理论阐释
7.The Influence of Thomas Meadows's Orthography on Thomas Francis Wade's Orthography米道斯拼音方案对威妥玛拼音方案的影响
8.The course gives full information of pinyin, including Alphabet, Shengmu and Yunmu lists, as well as the pronunciation methods and standard pronunciation.介绍汉语拼音知识,提供汉语拼音字母表、声母表、韵母表、单个拼音的发音方法和标准发音。
9.The Effects of Shared-book Reading and Phonetic Instruction on the Pre-school Children's Pinyin Skills and Phonological Awareness不同的拼音教学方式对幼儿拼音水平及汉语语音意识发展的影响
10.Standard Chinese pronunciation was abandoned after the use of the Pinyin system.国音符号在汉语拼音通行后被停用。
11.I had to learn the alphabet (pinyin) and sounds all over again.我必须从头开始学习字母(拼音)和发音。
12.Chinese characters are not alphabetic writing but meaning-phonetic writing.汉字不是拼音文字, 而是意音文字。
13.Effects of Pinyin Learning on Development of Phonological Awareness in Kindergarten拼音学习对幼儿语音意识发展的影响
14.Qieyin has two layer of meanings: fanqie(反切) meaning and pinyin(拼音) meaning.切音有“反切”和“拼音”两重含义。
15.The Scheme for Chinese Phonetic Alphabet and the teaching of pronunciation in L2 Chinese;《汉语拼音方案》与世界汉语语音教学
16.Examine the Scheme for the Chinese Phonetic Alphabet;语音规范与《汉语拼音方案》的改进
17.j-pinyin: A New Japanese Transcription System of Chinese Syllables;j拼音:汉语音节表的新日语标记系统
18.CT and HSK: Concurrently on the Pronunciation of Letters in the Chinese Phonetic Alphabet;CT与HSK──兼论汉语拼音字母的读音问题

audio splicing音频拼接
3)phonetic retrieval拼音检索
4)mandarin syllable recognition拼音识别
5)All phonetic alphabet and double words全拼双音
6)Double phonetic alphabet and double words双拼双音
