1.On the intervention of humankind in nature and its consequence;试析人类对自然界的干预及后果
2.Failure of natural gas pipelines can cause various severe consequences,among which the most serious one is explosion,which can pose a significant threat to people and property in the vicinity of the failure location.天然气管道失效可能导致多种严重后果,爆炸灾害给周围的人员和建筑物造成重大的危害,对其爆炸危害范围的评价进行研究具有重要现实意义。
3.This paper described the consequences resulted from the mine-accident,analyzed the reasons and offered some suggestions to solve the problem.文章阐述了矿难频发造成的后果,探析了矿难频发的原因,最后提出了一些解决矿难问题的建议。

1.There will be the deuce to pay.后果可怕,后患堪虞。
2.The result or consequence of an activity.结果一种行为的后果或结果
3.What was the outcome of your interview?你们会面的后果是什么?
4.Serious consequences may arise from this. fl] lit由此可能产生严重后果
5.You'll have to answer for the consequence.你必须对此后果负责。
6.continues to work regardless.不顾后果地继续工作
7.I leave the consequences to take care of themselves.后果如何,我可以不管。
8.You will have to abide by the consequences.你必将承担其后果
9.I'm quite willing to accept the consequences.我完全愿意承担后果
10.inescapable consequences.See Synonyms at certain不可避免的后果参见
11."With permission, but at owner's risk "允许存放,但后果自负
12.flamboyantly reckless and boastful behavior.不计后果的自负的行为。
13.Don't be uneasy about the consequence.不必为后果忧虑不安。
14.remote causes, effects, etc不相干的原因、 后果等.
15.consequences deriving from an international crime国际罪行引起的后果
16.There must be reward in daring to face the music.承担后果一定有回报。
17.The pulpy material remaining after the juice has been pressed from fruit, such as apples.果酱水果果汁被榨干后所剩下的酱状物,如苹果
18.How much are those apples at the back?后边那些苹果多少钱?

1.Objective To obtain baseline information on falls among elderly Chinese,including demographic data,the incidence and consequences of falls.目的 了解中国老年人跌倒问题的基本信息 ,包括人口学资料、跌倒的发生率和后果
2.The article discusses the harmful consequences of the basic policy of birth control which appear gradually with social developing.文章探讨了计划生育这项基本国策随着社会发展所逐渐显现出的不良后果 ,重新衡量了计划生育政策与公民生育权 ,指出原计划生育政策在当今中国的不当之处 ,提出了适当放松对公民生育权的限制、中国解决人口问题的根本办法是同时取消户籍制度和计划生育 ,充分地保护公民的生育权。
1.The aims and results of the United States researching into atomic bomb;美国研制原子弹的初衷与后果
2.Results There were 2894 cases with trafffic accidents in our hospital,which resulted in 121 deaths.目的探讨道路交通伤害(简称车祸)的发生原因和后果分析。
3.Postmodern relativism is the ultimate result of skepticism of the modernity above.随着这一思维方式在人文社会知识中的贯彻,确定性及其所导致的知识霸权和控制构成了现代性的一个基本纬度;后现代的相对主义是上述现代性的极端的怀疑主义后果
4)A result; an outcome.结果;后果
5)A result or consequence.后果结果或后果
6)Consequence Simulation后果模拟
1.The accident consequence simulation can be carried out quickly with the software after inputting relevant parameter and applied in the real examples,which can provide the guidance for government planning and offer the recommendation for enterprise emergency rescue.针对易燃易爆及有毒有害物质在生产、储存和运输过程中经常发生泄漏事故所造成的严重后果,进行该类事故的模拟和仿真研究;通过对几种气云扩散数学模型进行分析,利用JAVA技术开发出高斯模型、BOX模型、LTA-HGDM模型扩散模拟软件,该软件具有良好的环境兼容性,通过输入相应的参数即可方便快速地进行后果模拟;通过实例进行软件应用,其结果可以为政府规划和为企业事故发生后采取相应的应急措施提供依据。
