1.Research on the Parametric Simulation Design of Shrapnel Structure;榴弹交互式结构参数化仿真设计的研究
2.Analysis of stealth characteristics of artillery shrapnels;火炮榴弹的微波隐身特性分析
3.Based on the design methods driven by MDT 3D parameter,the design quality can be improved effectively in the shrapnel design.在榴弹设计中采用MDT三维参数驱动设计方法,能有效提高设计质量。

1.They are respectively bullets, bombs, shells, napalm bombs, time bombs, and grenades.分别是子弹、弹、弹、固弹、时炸弹、榴弹
2.body for shells, grenades, mines, bombs or torpedoes炮弹、榴弹、地雷、炸弹或鱼雷的弹体
3.Explosive shell signal for shipsGB3107.6-1991船用声响榴弹信号
4.A hand grenade is a missile weapon.手榴弹是一种投掷武器。
5.His footstep triggered off the hand grenade.他的脚步触发了手榴弹
6.an infantryman equipped with grenades.一个备有手榴弹的步兵。
7.The hand-grenade exploded right over the enemy.手榴弹在敌人头上开花。
8."Fire a gun ( pistol, grenade ) "开枪(开手枪、扔手榴弹)
9.Fig.5: Side Grenade Attaching Slot& Locking Strap with Snap.图五:弹袋旁手榴弹插槽及『钮』带。
10.Fig.5:Side Grenade Attaching Slot &Locking Strap with Snap.图五:弹袋旁手榴弹插槽及『啪钮』绑带。
11.These grenades are very good, you can have confidence in them.这些手榴弹很好,你尽管放心。
12.A rifle attachment for firing grenades.步枪用来发射枪榴弹的附件
13.A grenade blew them both to bits.一颗手榴弹把他们炸得粉身碎骨。
14.9 million Perry pineapple pin grenades,,,9百万佩里菠萝钉手榴弹
15.a grenade that is thrown from a launching device attached to the barrel of a rifle.连接来复枪膛的从水下掷出的手榴弹
16.That son of a bitch brought a grenade back with him.这狗娘养的居然携带了一个手榴弹
17.Research on Grenade Damage Model in the Infantry Combat Simulation步兵作战仿真中的榴弹毁伤模型研究
18.Research of a New Roller Howitzer Weapon System Efficiency Analysis某新型轮式榴弹炮武器系统效能分析

1.Compressive strength analysis of RAM on stealthy projectile;隐身榴弹表面吸波材料的抗压强度分析
2.The state of forces and required strength of the stealth Radar Absorb Material(RAM) on the surface of projectile during the launching process were analyzed.分析了在火炮发射过程中榴弹涂敷吸波材料的受力情况及其强度要求,计算出粘合胶粘着强度、吸波材料的厚度和密度等参数。
3.The rapid design of projectile can be performed by using MDT software,and the output of engineering drawings is also available.采用 MDT 软件,应用参数化设计方法快速完成榴弹方案设计,并输出相应工程图,使榴弹方案的设计质量和出图效率大为提高,为榴弹设计全过程实现计算机化打下坚实基础。
3)HE projectile榴弹
1.HE projectile expert system,based on the expert system for designing HE shell,can implement a series of intelligent designs,such as design of HE projectile,scheme expounding and proving,emulation analysis,calculation etc.榴弹智能设计专家系统技术是基于设计型的专家系统。
2.Modern infantry desires a new type of crew-served weapon that can fair kinetic energy projectiles to kill pinpoint target and HE projectiles to destroy area target.现代步兵迫切需要一种集动能弹的点杀伤能力和榴弹的面杀伤能力于一体的新型班组支援武器。
5)airburst grenade空炸榴弹
1.The error of the fire controlling system and principle error in the firing adjustment in the use of airburst grenade will be analyzed,and this will provide reference to improve the accuracy of firing.分析了舰炮在使用空炸榴弹对海射击时火控系统的解算误差和射击校正中的原理误差,为进一步提高舰炮的射击精度提供参考。
1.The models of the inherent availability for single and multi truck mounted howitzer systems were established on the base of analysis of the systems.在分析车载式榴弹炮武器系统的基础上,建立单门和多门车载榴弹炮作战的固有可用度理论模型,分析对车载榴弹炮固有可用度的影响因素,提出提高车载榴弹炮固有可用度的技术途径和方法,在理论上为车载榴弹炮武器的发展提供依据。
2.high effective howitzers and their layout projects were designed,and frequency conversion radars was used as search and identification of attacking missile.文中研究了坦克主动防护的基本原理,设计了避免雷达"盲区"的天线和高效榴弹炮及它们的布局方案,并利用了毫米波变频雷达作为搜寻和识别来袭导弹的新技术。
3.The running dynamical response of a towed howitzer was studied applying the Lagrangian method.本文采用拉格朗日方法研究了牵引榴弹炮在牵引行驶状况下的动力学问题。
