胶印,offset printing
1)offset printing胶印
1.Several printing technologies used to print T shirt were introduced,such as offset printing,drain printing,raised foaming printing and etc.介绍了多种印花工艺,如胶印、水印、发泡立体印花、静电植绒印花等。
2.PS plate as the current offset printing plate material performed significantly a bright spot,its bumping development du.从这次展览会上,可以看到,当代盛行的胶印印刷的制版版材—PS版是一个亮点,中国的胶印版材制造业近年来有了举世瞩目的发展,产品以可用的性能和低廉的价格迅速占领国内外的印刷版材市场,已经成为世界印刷版材的生产基地。
3.In high speed offset printing,unstable performance of bailer has adverse effect on the quality of presswork.在高速胶印生产中,水斗液的性能不稳定对印刷品的质量产生不良影响。

1.Plates for printing--DimensionsGB/T17155-1997胶印印版尺寸
2.perfecting web-offset press双面印卷筒纸胶印
3.a book printed by offset litho用平版胶印法印刷的书.
4.offset printing by lithography.使用平版印刷的胶印法。
5.photographic film, exposed and developed, for offset reproduction照相胶片,已曝光和显影胶印印件用
6.sheet-fed single colour perfector单张纸双面单色胶印
7.two-colour automatic sheet-fed offset press对开自动双色胶印
8.automatic offset proofing press自动对开胶印打样机
9.automatic quarto single-color offset press四开单色自动胶印
10.direct-image offset system图像直接转换胶印
11.Study on Relationship between Pressure and Ink Transfer in Offset Printing;胶印印刷压力与油墨转移关系的研究
12.Analysis of the Influence of Ink Viscosity on Offset Print Quality胶印油墨粘度对印刷质量的影响研究
13.flexographic printing ink橡胶版轮转印刷印墨
14.locust bean gum刺槐豆胶(印花糊料)
15.colour film developing-enlarger彩色胶片冲洗扩印机
16.Thermoplastic toe puff applying machine热熔胶自动套头印置机
17.Self-Adhesive Printed Cellotape自粘印刷玻璃纸胶带
18.microfilm reader-printer缩微胶卷阅读机/打印机

1.Study on the Spot Color Matching of Offset Ink;胶印油墨的专色配色研究
2.Study on Automatic Registration of Sheet-Fed Offset Press;单张纸胶印机自动套准的研究
3)offset reproduction胶印印件
4)hectograph paper胶印复印纸
5)offset master小胶印印版
6)lithogarphic offset duplicator胶印复印机
