1.New active region contour model without re-initialization;一种改进的活动区域轮廓模型——无需水平集重新初始化
2.Firstly,an image segmentation method based on level set evolution without re-initialization is studied.首先从理论上分析了无需重新初始化的水平集方法的主动轮廓图像分割模型,该模型对一些具有不光滑的尖角的图像分割时,捕捉这些尖角往往不精确甚至失败。
3.First,added an internal energy term in order to counteract the discrepancy of the level set function and the signed distance function during iteration,so eliminated the troublesome re-initialization process.首先,在C-V模型的能量函数中加入一个内部能量项,抵消演化过程中水平集函数和符号距离函数的偏差,从而消除分割中周期性重新初始化的过程;其次,提出了梯度加速项,通过感兴趣区域的图像特征,快速得到该区域的边界,且能够提高弱边界的分割精度。

1.The Discussions object has already been initialized, and can not be reinitialized.讨论对象已经初始化,并且不能重新初始化
2.Reinitialize subscriptions having data validation failures重新初始化存在数据验证失败的订阅
3.Replication: Subscription reinitialized after validation failure复制: 验证失败后重新初始化了订阅
4.The merge process was unable to reinitialize the subscription '%1':'%2:'%3'.合并进程未能重新初始化订阅 '%1':'%2:'%3'。
5.The subscription was sucessfully reinitialized.已成功地对订阅进行了重新初始化
6.The subscription has expired and must be reinitialized.订阅已经过期,必须重新初始化
7.This subscription can be reinitialized only at the Publisher.此订阅只能在发布者上重新初始化
8.Are you sure you want to mark this subscription for reinitialization?确实要将此订阅标记为重新初始化吗?
9.The configuration information is corrupt. It will be reinitialized.配置信息已经损坏。将重新初始化
10.Restarting will reinitialize the registry.重新启动计算机,才能重新初始化注册表。
11.%9 could not reinitialize one or more subscriptions that support automatic initialization.%9 无法重新初始化一个或多个支持自动初始化的订阅内容。
12.Since the subscription was last initialized or reinitialized from a snapshot自从上一次初始化订阅或用快照重新初始化订阅
13.%9 could not automatically reinitialize this subscription. To reinitialize this subscription, you must drop and recreate it.%9 无法自动重新初始化该订阅内容。若要重新初始化该订阅内容,必须放弃它,然后重新创建。
14.Level set segmentation model with enhanced boundary and non-reinitialization边缘强化的无需重新初始化的水平集分割模型
15.This will mark the subscription for reinitialization. Reinitialization will occur the next time the subscription is synchronized.本操作将订阅标记为重新初始化重新初始化将在下次同步处理订阅时进行。
16.The subscription has been marked for reinitialization. Reinitialization will occur the next time you synchronize this subscription.已将订阅标记为重新初始化重新初始化将在下次对订阅进行同步处理时进行。
17.Reinitializes all subscriptions that have data validation failures.重新初始化所有存在数据验证失败的订阅。
18.The subscription at database '%1', server '%2' was reinitialized已重新初始化数据库“%1”(在服务器“%2”上)中的订阅

1.A New Method for the Initialization and Reinitialization of Level Set Function;一种新的水平截集函数初始化和重新初始化方法——距离函数光滑法
1.This paper proposes an improved C-V model, which can avoid the step of re-initialization and simplify the formation of the initial level set function, thus the speed of segmentation can be accelerated greatly.提出了一种改进的C-V模型,完全避免了重初始化步骤并简化了初始水平集函数的构造,大大加快了分割速度。
2.First,a new internal energy is introduced that forces the level set function to be close to a signed distance function,therefore not only the re-initialization procedure is completely eliminated,but also the level set function can be initialized with general functions.首先引入一种新的内部能量函数,即以水平集函数与距离函数的偏差作为能量函数,无需重初始化水平集函数,且初始水平集函数可以用一般的分段函数来定义,节省了初始化和重初始化过程所消耗的时间。
5)initializing weights权重初始化
6)fast reinitialization快速重初始化

重新社会化重新社会化resocialization 孟新社会化(resoeialization)亦称“再社会化”。指个体以一种生活方式向另一种生活方式的转变、适应过程。重新社会化有两种类型:(l)主动重新社会化。在一定的社会环境的作用下,主体主动、自觉地改变自己的思想观念、行为规范、生活方式等以适应新的社会生活的过程。(2)强制重新社会化。少数人因个性社会化发生严重偏离,沦为违法犯罪分子,成为不合格的社会成员。国家机关就要采取强制的手段和方法,对其进行强制性的教育改造,以达到重新社会化的目的。我国的劳动改造机关、劳动教养机关、少年教养机关,就是执行对违法犯罪分子等不合格的社会成员进行强制重新社会化的任务。 (解玉教撰何为民审)