1.This paper presents the theoretical localization in modern gravitation, the appurtenance oneself characteristic sets out, putting forward the gravitation exsits new speculation, to establish a kind of new model and reasonable explaining every kind of objective gravitation phenomenon and to this proceeding study.指出了现代引力理论的局限性,从物体自身特性出发, 提出了引力存在的新构想,建立了一种新模型来解释各种客观引力现象并对此进行了探讨。
2.The rising effects of a certain position over the water surface in the fish s eyes and the different effects of different positions are calculated in the text,and the stretch and compress effect of an object vertical over the water surface are analyzed as well.计算了水面上物体的任意一点在鱼眼中的位置提升效应及各点提升程度的不同数值,分析并讨论了水面上物体在竖直方向上的拉伸和压缩效应。

1.A very large animal, plant, or object.巨形动物、植物或物体
2.A sphere or spherical object.球体球状物体或球体
3.An unusually large person, animal, or thing.庞然大物出奇体大的人、动物或物体
4.corner(of a building or an object)(建筑物或物体的)角
5.Something shaped like the letter I.I形物形状似I的物体
6.a powdery deposit on a surface.物体表面的粉状沉积物。
7.the mesial plane(动物体的)正中面
8.Something that gives off light.发光体发出光亮的物体
9.Buoyancy decides whether a solid object floats or sinks.浮力决定固体物体的沉
10.an organism that has characteristics resulting from chromosomal alteration.染色体变异的生物体
11.Matter can exist as a solid, liquid, or gas.物体存在的形态有固体,液体,气体。
12.the median plane of the body (or some part of the body).物体的中间平面(或物体的部分)。
13.Waste matter, eg human excreta废物(如人体排泄物)
14.human cytobiophysics人体细胞生物物理学
15.gas chlorination[毛织物]气体氯化
16.(3) Solid Waste Management(三)固体废物管理
17.band theory of solid【固物】固体能带论
18.semiconductor compound gases半导体化合物用气体

1.Compared with the natural philosophy of Aristotle, Descartes extends the principle of mechanics to all the natural sciences, and he lays a metaphysical foundation under this theoretical conversion with the principle of the dichotomy between soul and body, which causes a foundamental change of human worldview.与建立与旧的亚罩士多德自然哲学相对抗的机械论哲学的意图相关联,笛卡尔形而上学的最主要的目的可以概括为确立“灵魂”与“物体”的二元划分。
2.At the same time the covariant equation of a body in curved space-time is constructed.根据间隔是广义坐标变换下的不变量,找到弯曲时空中任一点运动标准钟与坐标钟的关系,进一步给出弯曲时空中物体的四维协变方程,并对结果进行了讨论。
1.The paper analyzes in detail the critical speed of circumference movements in vertical planes, and analyzes with examples the critical problems of objects with and without supporting in vertical planes, and the crtical problems of objects in special conditions in vertical planes.对竖直平面内圆周运动的临界速度进行了讨论,并对没有支撑物的物体在竖直面内做圆周运动的临界问题、有支撑物的物体在竖直面内做圆周运动、特殊条件下的物体在竖直面内做圆周运动的临界问题分别进行了举例分析。
1.On the Characters of Tiwu form Lu Ji s Fu on Literature;从《文赋》看陆机赋“体物”特色
2.Tiwu, ganwu as well as guanwu,which is used as the important style of people’s mastering and observing the world and the important method of literature creation,is the most core and essential thing-person relationship and feeling-scene relationship,that is, relationship between subject and object,in the literature activities.体物、感物与观物作为文学活动中主体把握世界、观照世界的重要方式和文学创作的重要方法,关涉到文学活动中最核心、最本质的物我关系和情景关系,亦即主体与客体的关系。

物体1.物的本体;器物的形体。 2.由物质构成的﹑占有一定空间的个体。