1.It introduces the whole project of the system which includes the algorithm of scheduling and the process of the animation simulation.采用计算机仿真技术开发了一套虚拟仿真柔性制造系统,给出了系统设计的总体方案、作业排序的优化算法以及动画仿真的实现过程,为在仿真环境中进行FMS研究,提供了经济灵活的途径,也为制造出配置合理、运行高效的FMS提供了参考和依据。
2.A hybrid algorithm framework is proposed for job shop scheduling, with which heuristic rules are integrated with genetic algorithm by means of simulation.在以上框架基础上 ,针对含调整时间的作业排序问题建立了一种混合算法 GA-SPTS,通过与已有算法的比较表明 ,该算法对这类问题具有很好的求解性能。
3.Job shop scheduling is an important subject in the fields of production management and combinatorial optimization.车间作业排序理论是生产管理与组合优化领域的重要研究方向 ,由于其固有的计算复杂性( NP-Hard) ,一般无法利用经典方法求出最优解。

1.The Study of Ant Colony Algorithm on the Flow Shop Scheduling Problem;车间作业排序问题(FSSP)蚂蚁算法研究
2.Another Method of Implementing the Fast Algorithm of Job Scheduling with Time Limit;带有限期作业排序快速算法的另一种实现方法
3.Applying the Principle of Relativity into Operation Sequence;物理学相对性原理在作业排序中的应用
4.Greedy Algorithm Solution of Flexible Flow Shop Scheduling Problem柔性流水作业排序问题的贪心算法求解
5.Flow-shop Scheduling of Two Machines with Learning Effect具有学习效应的两台机器流水作业排序问题
6.Design of the model base architecture for production scheduling system based on unified modeling language基于统一建模语言的作业排序系统模型库设计研究
7.Production Scheduling in the Multi-items, Multi-paths, Multi-processes Situation;多产品、多流程、多工序的生产作业安排
8.The 0-1 Programming Model of Optimal Scheduling in Enterprisire Cooperative Processing;企业合作加工最优排序的0—1规划模型
9.Inverse Problems of Supply Chain Scheduling and Flowshop Scheduling单机供应链排序及流水作业的反问题模型
10.Queue and Sort Based Algorithm of Scheduling for Job of Two-stage Cross-docking;基于排队和排序理论的两阶段越库作业调度算法研究
11.Temporary sort tables resulting when sorting functions are launched.临时排序桌收效当排序作用被发射。
12.compose a sequence of dance steps to music.为舞蹈动作安排次序。
13.Operational Procedures and Administrative Arrangements业务程序和行政安排
14.The program in an operating system that places jobs or tasks into execution.操作系统中安排作业或任务进入执行状态的程序。
15.Some Problems in Scheduling Where Jobs Can Be Preprocessed and Semi-Hybrid Flowshop Problem;工件可预处理排序中的若干问题和半杂交流水作业问题的研究
16.Formulating the Batch Scheduling in Semiconductor Burn-in Operations as a Mathematical Programming;大规模集成电路预烧作业中分批排序问题的数学模型
17.The sort reference is not valid. Make sure that it's within the data you want to sort, and the first Sort By box isn't the same or blank.排序引用无效。排序引用的作用是:在行排序时指定参照列;在列排序时指定参照行。\
18.The Task Scheduler Service is not running. Please enable task scheduler service for scheduled job to fucntion.任务计划程序服务未运行。请启用任务计划程序服务以便执行排定计划的作业。

job scheduling作业排序
1.The objectives of job scheduling and the strategies of material flow control with the concept of modern manufacturing system are discused, and both logical model and mathematical model of job scheduling in CIMS-PPC system are presented in the paper.本文探讨了在现代制造系统概念下,作业排序的目标及物流控制采用的策略,提出了一种CIMS-PPC系统作业排序方法的逻辑模型和数学模型。
2.This paper introduces the concept about the question of job scheduling with time limit, a general method of solving this question using greedy method and a fast algorithm which is improved.介绍了带有限期作业排序问题的概念,以及使用贪心方法求解此问题的一般算法和一种改进的快速算法。
3)job shop scheduling作业排序
1.By analyzing characters of temperature descending in simulated annealing algorithm on job shop scheduling, some new concepts such as descending curves and descending functions are introduced and he resolution character of descending functions are discussed.研究了作业排序模拟退火法各要素对搜索结果的影响特性 ,给出降温函数概念及其解析特征和有关问题的适宜参数值 ,在此基础上 ,给出了一种多次淬火的模拟退火算
4)Job shop scheduling车间作业排序
1.Modeling & simulation optimization systems design for job shop scheduling based on Arena;基于Arena的车间作业排序问题建模方法及其仿真优化系统设计
5)production operation sequencing生产作业排序
6)Open Shop Scheduling自由作业排序

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