1.Classification of Easy-to-be-confused Chinese Crude Drugs in Chinese Pharmacopoeia and Measures for the Avoiding of Misuse;《中国药典》中易混用中药材归类及避免误用对策探讨
2.The classification of the factors of the stability of slopes by self-orgnizing neural networks;边坡影响因素的自组织神经网络归类处理

1.Sort these cards according to their colours.把这些卡片按颜色归类
2.The next procedure is to classify the information.下一步是把信息归类
3.classify sb/sth(as sth);place sb/sth in a particular class(3)将某人[某事物]归类
4.a league ranked by quality.根据性质归类的联合会。
5.His work is difficult to label accurately.他的工作很难准确归类.
6.To classify mentally;categorize.留在记忆中把…归类贮存于记忆中;把…分类,归档
7.Analysis on the General Character Classification Principle of Import-export Goods;解析国际物流通关时商品归类的共性归类原则
8.Animals can be categorized according to the kind of food they eat.动物可以根据牠们的食物种类来归类
9.The damaging agents have been grouped according to the type of damage they cause.为害的因子按其为害的类型进行归类
10.The Development of the Single-category View When Categorization Is Uncertain;归类不确定时特征推理的单类说理论
11.Attempting Discussion on the Classification of the Family Category;试论《中图法》第四版家庭类目归类设置
12.These questions may be included in the same category.这些问题可归入一类。
13.come under, be classified or included.归入,被分类或者被包括。
14.These goods fall under the class marked Al.这些货物归入Al类。
15.fall into two main groups归为两大组,分为两大类
16.Portraits considered as a group.被归为一类的肖像画
17.What do bats come under?蝙蝠归属于哪一类?
18.place into a category.对某事物加以分类、归属。

1.Application of Ant Colony Algorithm Based on Dynamic and Adaptive Adjust Pheromone in Driving Gear Abrasion Categorization动态自适应调整信息素蚁群算法在传动齿轮磨损归类中的应用
2.An experiment with participants of college students was done to examine the possible influence of representative typicality of examples on feature induction in uncertain categorization in the concentrative presentation of samples of category members.作者用以大学生被试的一个实验考察归类不确定情景下样例的代表典型性对特征归纳预测的可能影响。
3.The understanding of the relationship between legal facts and legal norms in judicial decision in academic circle can be summed up as four types: deduction, categorization and subsumption, equality, and evaluation.目前,学界关于司法裁判中法律事实与法律规范关系的论述,可以概括为以下四种推论关系、归类与涵摄关系、等置关系、评价关系。
1.The Classify of Crime of Extorting a Confession by Torture——Analysis of Restraint on Extoring a lonfseeion by Torture by Criminal Substantive Law;论刑讯逼供罪的归类——兼论刑事实体法对刑讯逼供的遏制
2.By integrating the traditional link analysis and web clustering theory,the authors present a link analysis algorithm based on classifying.论文试图从另外一个角度来改进链接分析算法,即在传统的链接分析基础上,增加Web聚类算法的有关思想,并对这两种算法进行了改进和组合,提出了一种基于归类的链接分析技术,并用实验结果证明了该算法的性能。
3.To classify desultory vocabulary in order to further study and memorize will help learners to improve their memory effects.将杂乱无章的日语词汇分别归类,加以学习、记忆,可以大大提高记忆效率。
1.And the learning materials were a sample sheet depicting 12 mem bers of two categories, 6 for each category.探讨新项目特征的性质对归类的影响。
2.Among the studies of young children s category learning and classification, there s some dispute about what would young children use as the base of their categorization.对于幼儿类别学习与归类活动的诸多研究中,存在着对幼儿归类依据选取的争议,一种观点认为幼儿的类别学习和归类活动受刺激的知觉属性的束缚,幼儿的类别学习和归类活动依赖的是刺激项目的知觉属性如形状、颜色、大小等;另一种观点认为幼儿的类别学习和归类活动依赖的不仅是刺激的知觉属性,他们会运用刺激项目的类别属性如类属、功能等进行归类活动。
6)Angelol-type coumarins当归醇类

归类归类  同类相近的疾病,药物等归纳在一起并加以区分的方法。