1.Learner Experience Design in Microcontent-based Environment微内容环境中的学习者体验设计初探
2.0,which faced on a specific topic,can collect,create,release,manage,participate,cooperate,maintain individual microcontent.它能更好地服务于用户个体的微内容的收集、创建、发布、管理、分享、合作、维护等,对微内容进行表现、聚合、迁移,对社会性关系进行维护。
3.In this paper,microcontent was used to summarize the whole characteristics of internet content.本文以微内容概括互联网内容的整体特征。

1.Microcontent and the Future Development of Library in the Mircrocontent Environment微内容微内容环境下未来图书馆发展
2.Learner Experience Design in Microcontent-based Environment微内容环境中的学习者体验设计初探
3.Microcontent and It's New Applications in Library Service微内容及其在图书馆服务中的新应用
4.Study on the Quality Control of Microcontents of Web2.0 WebsitesWeb2.0网站微内容质量控制机制初探
5.The Long Tail of the Web News and the Micro-content Application;论网络新闻传播的长尾市场与微内容开发
6.Study on Micro-content Retrieval Based on Individual Semantic Relations基于个体概念语义关系的微内容发现研究
7.My mother smiled over the contents of her letter.在看信的内容时母亲微笑了。
8.Contents of Medical Culture in Yuewei Cottage Notes;试析《阅微草堂笔记》中的医药文化内容
9.Study on Using Internally Medical (Minimally Invasive) Lung Volume Reduction Surgery for a Rabbit Model of Elastase-Induced Emphysema;内科微创肺减容术治疗兔肺气肿的实验研究
10.The Folkways Culture and the Ethics of Ji Yun s Notes from the Yuewei Hut;《阅微草堂笔记》的民俗文化内容与伦理精神刍议
11.Exploration of the Thought of Eulogizing the Emotion and Praising Humanism in A Dream in Red Mansions;《红楼梦》讴歌至情、揄扬人性的思想内容发微
12.The Necessity of the Adjustment of the Contents of Relay Protection Curriculum in View of Its Computerization;从保护的微机化浅析继电保护课程内容的调整
13.The Mathematical Model of Liquid Sloshing in Spherical Container Under Low-gravity;微重时球形容器内液体自由晃动的数学模型
14.On the reformation of teaching contents and patterns of microelectronics specialty;微电子学专业教学内容及教学方式改革的探讨
15.The Defects do not Obscure the Virtue’s Beauty;瑕难掩瑜妍尤胜媸——《阅微草堂笔记》思想内容浅议
16.A primary study on the microorganisms in content of the digestive tract of Eumeces chinensis;中国石龙子消化道内容物中微生物的初步研究
17.Micro-comparison of Chemistry Curriculum between Shanghai and California上海、加州两地化学课程内容的微观比较
18.Research on the Reform in Teaching Contents of the Principles of Micrcomputer & Interfaces《微机原理与接口技术》教学内容改革研究

1.The Long Tail of the Web News and the Micro-content Application;论网络新闻传播的长尾市场与微内容开发
2.Based on Semantic Web,computer can understand the information on pages,but previous ontology-based semantic matching algorithm which is usually based on category concept can not meet the needs of micro-content retrieval in accuracy.虽然语义网可以解决计算机对页面信息的理解问题,但以往基于本体的语义匹配算法通常是面向类概念的,在精度上不能满足微内容的发现需求。
3)microcosmic content微观内容
4)microcontent development微内容开发
1.0 microcontent development on library’s information service.0微内容开发的结合对图书馆信息服务的启示。
5)Inner layer differential capacity内层微分电容
6)service manual contents microfiche维修手册内容缩微胶片

寄微之 时微之为虢州长史。【诗文】:高天默默物茫茫,各有来由致损伤。鹦为能言长剪翅,龟缘难死久搘床。莫嫌冷落抛闲地,犹胜炎蒸卧瘴乡。外物竟关身底事,谩排门戟系腰章?【注释】:【出处】:全唐诗