1.An ant-colony heuristic algorithm was proposed for the No-Wait Flow Shop problem(NWFS) with makespan criterion.针对以最大完成时间为目标的无等待流水车间调度问题,提出了一种蚁群算法。
2.The problem of uniform parallel machine scheduling with unequal release dates was considered so as to minimize makespan.研究了目标函数是最小最大完成时间的同类机调度问题,其中作业到达时间可能不同。
2)Earliest Finish Time最早完成时间

1.EFT was used in search heuristic, which attained fine convergence speed and shortest scheduling length.搜索启发采用最早完成时间,可以获得了较快的收敛速度和最短的任务调度长度。
2.Use the earliest project start date and the latest project finish date使用项目最早开始时间和最晚完成时间
3.Being or happening first in sequence of time; original.原始的,最早的在时间顺序上最早形成或发生的;原始的
4.earliest event occurrence time事件的最早发生时间
5.In the end, both sequencing projects hobbled across the finishing line together.最后,双方都没有在规定时间内完成项目。
6.Gelation time refers to the interval of time between the addition of the last ingredient and the completion of the gelling.胶凝时间,是指加入最后成分到胶凝完毕所需时间。
7.To make it possible for(a student)to finish an academic course faster than usual.提前结业使(学生)可能比正常时间早些完成一门大学课程
8.The lab must be able to carry out routine tests with a minimum of time lag between sampling and testing.实验室必须能够在取样以后一个最小间隔时间内完成常规检验。
9.Adds a text box containing task name, early start, duration, early finish, late start, slack and late finish.添加包含任务名称、提前开始、持续时间、提早完成、推迟开始、淡季和推迟完成的文本框。
10.outstanding mark time request未完成标记时间请求
11.He studied how to finish the work in the shortest possible time.他研究了怎样才能在最短的时间里完成这项工作。
12.Payment is made in arrears, ie at the end of the period in which eg the work was done.后行付款(在最后的一段时间付款, 例如工作完成后)。
13.Even under the best conditions, we couldn't finish in less than three days.即使在最好的情况下,我们也无法在少于三天的时间内完成。
14.The maximum number of outstanding work items waiting at one time.某一时间等候处理的未完成的作业项目的最大量。
15.In case of tie in the first three positions, the one with the fastest total finishing time over the whole series will win.首三名如有相同得分,则以上述所有赛事最快完成时间者为胜.
16.I shall be pushing up daisies by the time the project is finished.等到这项目完成时, 我早已入土了.
17.It is too early to say whether he will finish his job.现在说他是否能完成工作还为时尚早。
18.Finally, assign each task a certain amount of time, so that the task will be carried out systematically.最后,完成每一项任务要有一定的时间限制,如此,就会按部就班地完成任务。

Earliest Finish Time最早完成时间
3)minimum completion time最小完成时间
1.Based on genetic algorithm and MCT(minimum completion time) algorithm, a new hybrid genetic algorithm was presented for independent tasks scheduling in heterogeneous computing systems.针对异构计算系统的独立任务调度问题 ,基于遗传算法和最小完成时间算法MCT(MinimumCompletionTime) ,提出一种新的混合遗传算法 ,它采用遗传算法来进化任务调度的优先队列 ,然后再使用MCT算法把优先队列解码为一个有效的调度 ,与文献中其它算法进行比较表明 ,它不但能产生更好的调度结果 ,而且有很好的收敛速度 。
4)earliest finish time(EFT)最早完成时间
1.Most jobs are scheduled to those processes in which the jobs have both minimum execution time(MET) and earliest finish time(EFT).对于无法实现双匹配的任务,采用最早完成时间最小者优先的策略进行调度。
5)latest finishing time最迟完成时间
