学分制,credit system
1)credit system学分制
1.Deepen the teaching reform of metalworking practice under the credit system;深化学分制下的金工实习教学改革
2.Reformation of the management mode of the metalworking practice under the credit system;学分制下金工实习教学管理模式的改革
3.On college management system of students affairs under condition of credit system;学分制条件下高校学生管理工作浅析

1.Comparative Study of the Academic Year System, the Academic Year and Credit System, the Credit System;学年制、学年学分制学分制的比较分析
2.The second part clarifies several conceptions, such as credit, the credit system, the academic year.第二部分,对学分、学分制、学年制、学年学分制等几个概念进行界定。
3.Comparative Study of the Schoolyear Systerm,the Schoolyear and Credit System, the Credit System and the Elastic System of Graduate Students Education;学年制、学年学分制学分制与研究生教育弹性学制比较研究
4.Set up Early-warning Mechanism in Colleges and Universities Credit System Practiced;学分制高校学生学习预警机制的构建
5.A Comparative Research of University Management Systems: the Credit System and the Semester System;两种教学管理制度——学分制与学年制比较研究
6.The Research on Credit System and University s Teaching Management System Reform;学分制与高校教学管理体制改革研究
7.A Student Status Management System Based on Credit in Colleges and Universities;高校实行学分制学籍管理制度的探讨
8.On Several Basic Schemes of the Credit System in Universities;浅谈大学实施学分制的几项基本制度
9.On the Credit SystemManagement in Colleges ofEngineering;高工专推行学分制教学管理制度探析
10.Analysis on the Restraints of Implementing the Point System in Our Country’s Universities;我国高校实施学分制的制约因素分析
11.Analysis on The Obstacles of Credit System of Chinese Universities;我国学分制实施障碍的制度背景分析
12.Corrections to standard grade points in the instructional management of the credit system;学分制教学管理中标准积点分的修正
13.On Credit System;试析学分制和影响高校学分制推行的因素
14.An Inevitable Way of Perfecting the Credit System;完善学分制管理制度的必经之路——谈按学分收费
15.The Development of Credit System and Its Possibility and Countermeasures in China学分制发展及我国实施学分制的可能与应对
16.Thinking of Colleges and Universities Credit System Current Teaching Management;高等学校现行学分制教学管理的思考
17.Research on Freshmen’s Study Plan under Point System Condition;论学分制条件下大一学生的学业规划
18.The Primary Conceive On Practicing CREDIT hour Institution in Meidical Higher Vocational College;医学高职学院实行学分制的初步设想

The credit system学分制
1.The exploration of the credit system of the university operating mechanism;高校学分制运行机制的探索
3)credit hour system学分制
1.Exploration of an open model for the education of engineering under credit hour system;关于构建学分制下开放型工程训练体系的设想
2.On the Practice and Reform of Credit Hour System of P.E.Specialty;对体育教育专业学分制改革与实施研究
3.Study of the selecting-class management under the credit hour system;学分制下学生选课管理的研究与实践
4)academic credit system学分制
1.Advance with times and carry out all-roundly the academic credit system to construct the platform for fostering innovative personnel;与时俱进,全面推行学分制,搭建创新人才培养平台
2.Brief discussion on academic credit system implemented in junior colleges;专科院校实行学分制教学管理制度的探讨
3.The historical development and actual discussion of academic credit system in institutions of higher learning;高等学校学分制教学管理的历史沿革与实践探讨
5)point system学分制
1.Implementation and combination of professional certificate and point system reform in higher vocational colleges;高职院校职业资格证书与学分制改革的实施及结合
2.With the implementation of study plan in more and more colleges,the question of how to guide them to making study plan under point system condition take into the range of higher education.随着部分高校实行学分制教育模式,如何指导大一学生做好学分制教育条件下的学业规划成为了高等学校教育面临的重要课题。
3.According to the questionnaires,this paper investigates the evaluation of the university students on library s service for readers under the point system,analyzes and discusses on the results of the investigation,and puts forward some suggestions on improving library s service for readers under the point system.通过问卷调查了解学分制下大学生对图书馆读者服务工作的评价,并对调查结果进行了分析讨论,提出了学分制下图书馆读者服务工作改进的几点建议。
6)different education system分学制教学
1.Grouping teaching——practice and thought on different education systems;医学院分流教学——分学制教学模式的实践与思考
