内在实在论,internal realism
1)internal realism内在实在论
1.The extremity and outlet of the internal realism;内在实在论的困境及出路
2.from scientific realism to internal realism, and then from internal realism to natural realism.普特南在追求这一目标的过程中 ,经历了两次重大的思想转变 ,即由科学实在论向内在实在论转变 ,再由内在实在论向自然实在论转变。
3.Putnam, as a scientific realist, he advanced his own viewpoint of truth above internal realism.作为科学实在论者的普特南在深入考虑传统的真理符合论、实用主义真理观和其他理论的基础上,提出了其“内在实在论”真理观。

1.On the View of Raimo Tuomila s “Causal Internal Realism”;评莱摩·托米拉的“因果内在实在论
2.Truth with Humanity;具有人性的真理观——普特南内在实在论真理观
3.On the Inherent Logic of Practice in Practical Animadvert Theory;论实践批判理论的主体实践内在逻辑
4.Theoretical Connotion of Ihde's Instrumental Realism and Its Paradox伊德工具实在论理论内涵及悖论分析
5.On the Real Option in the Domestic Enterprises Acquisition;论实物期权在国内企业并购中的意义
6.20th Century Anti-realist Syntax;20世纪反实在论的语形学的内涵界定
7.The Revelation on the Fulfillment of Finance-deepen Theories in Domestic and International;金融深化理论在国内外的实践与启示
8.On the Contents and Ways in Implementing ‘Quality Educalion of Colleges’;论在高校实施素质教育的内容与途径
9.This assertion, as we shall see in the next chapter, is certainly erroneous.这种论调,我们将在下章内看到,实在是错误的。
10.Brief of the Inner Tension of Practical Materialism --A Criticism of Practical Ontology;简论实践唯物论的内在张力——对“实践本体论”的一点批评
11.The doctrine, intermediate between nominalism and realism, that universals exist only within the mind and have no external or substantial reality.概念论介于唯名论与唯实论之间的一种理论,认为宇宙只存在于内心并没有外在或客观现实
12.But Dewy gives a different theory that is" Education with no Aim", which really means" Internal Aim Theory" or" Spontaneous Aim Theory".杜威则提出了"教育无目的论",其实质是"内在目的论"或"自生目的论"。
13.and of interplay in inner relation between color theory and sketching practice.承担着色彩理论与写生实践内在关系的互动。
14.The silence of aesthetics has become a fact both at home and abroad.无论在国内或国外,美学的沉寂都是一个事实。
15.On Internal Logical Relation and Practical Value of Aesthetic Education and Innovation Thought;论美育和创新思想的内在逻辑关系和实践价值
16.The Various States of the Ethical Entity and Their Ethical-Moral Dilemma;伦理实体的诸形态及其内在的伦理—道德悖论
17.The Tangle of Truth--the Self-contradictory in Avant-garde Historical Novels;“真实”的缠绕——先锋历史小说历史观的内在矛盾论
18.Grope for the Internal Genuineness: On Liu Yichang and the Modernity in The Drinker;内在真实的探求——论刘以鬯及其《酒徒》的现代性

causal internal realism因果内在实在论
1.Having connected classic materialism with Sellars s semantics, Raimo Tuomila suggested a “causal internal realism”, which not only has heavy intellectual meaning, but also give a stro.他把传统的唯物论和塞拉斯的语义学结合起来 ,提出了“因果内在实在论”。
3)internal realism内部主义实在论
1.The form and development of Putnam s scientific philosophy go through a complex academic course, from establishing scientific realism, to developing the useful and discarding the useless, to protecting internal realism, and to returning to life and practice.普特南科学哲学思想的形成、发展经历了起转承合的学术历程,即起于立———建立科学实在论,转于破———扬弃科学实在论,承于卫———捍卫内部主义实在论,合于真———反璞归真,回到生活实践。
2.The internal realism s theoretical origination can be traced back to Kantism,and it is deeply affected by the thoughts of Tarski, Goodman, Davidson, and so on, and it comes more directly from the criticism of metaphysical realism.内部主义实在论从其理论渊源来说,远者可追溯到康德主义,近者受培斯基、戴维森、古德曼等 人的影响较大,更直接的乃来自于对传统形而上学实在论的反判。
4)external realism外在实在论
5)inner reality内在真实
6)inherent practice内在实践
1.Its main contents involved three aspects of paying attention to practice,inherent practice and external practice.其主要内涵涉及重"行"思想、内在实践与外在实践三方面。
