科学实践哲学,philosophy of scientific practice
1)philosophy of scientific practice科学实践哲学
1.After the individual and social dimensions,philosophy of scientific practice takes a stand on naturalism to observe the complex science through practice.当代科学哲学中的自然主义强调认识论与经验科学之间的连续性,在个体与社会认知维度之后,新兴的科学实践哲学也正是站在自然主义的立场上通过实践透视丰富的科学活动。
2.In this article,we discuss positive relationships between the philosophy of scientific practices and the ethno-science with examples in the ethnobotany,and so on,argument that philosophy of scientific practices can focus on the local knowledge or national natural knowledge and can be impelled by the studies about local knowledge,and can impel the approaches in ethno-science.以民族植物学等学科知识为例,可以看到科学实践哲学与民族科学之间的积极关系,可以说科学实践哲学能够集中关注地方性知识或者民族性自然知识,它同样受到这种地方性知识研究的推动,也同样可以推动民族科学中各种研究进路。
3.The philosophy of scientific practice as an emerging field has come to the attention of researches; and it is field that highlights the local characters of scientific knowledge.随着新兴的科学实践哲学进入人们的视野,科学知识的地方性品格日益突显,国内学者开始从科学哲学的角度对地方性知识进行研究。

1.Research on Theory Route of Construction of Young Marx s "Scientific Practice Philosophy";青年马克思“科学实践哲学”生成理路解析
2.The Philosophy of Scientific Practice in the Thought of Naturalism: Its Approaches and Problems;自然主义思潮中的科学实践哲学:进路及其问题
3.The Perplexity of Earthquake Prediction:under Science Practical Philosophy Field of Vision Analysis地震预报的困境——科学实践哲学视野下的分析
4.On the Nature of Marxist Philosophy:Practical Philosophy of Anthropology;论马克思哲学的实质:实践人类学哲学
5.The Interaction between Philosophical Thinking and Research in Certain Concrete Areas;哲学思想与具体学科研究实践的相互影响
6.On the Non-supremacy of Practice and Science in Philosophy;科学与实践在哲学中的非至上性问题研究
7.On the Practical Transition of Scientific Philosophy in the Post-empiricism;论后经验主义科学哲学发展的实践论视域
8.Scientific View of Practice: Essence of Marxist Philosophy;论科学实践观是马克思主义哲学的精髓
9.Practical Hermeneutics: the Common Philosophical Basis of Natural Sciences and Human & Social Sciences;实践解释学:自然科学与人文社会科学的共同哲学基础
10.Promotion of Philosophy and Social Sciences via Dedicated Study and Implementation of the Scientific Development view深入学习实践科学发展观 推动哲学社会科学繁荣发展
11.Economics and Economical Philosophy: A View from Praxis Philosophy;实践哲学视野中的经济学与经济哲学
12.Critique and Rethinking:Gadamer s Practice Philosophy and Contemporary Science and Technology;批判与反思:伽达默尔实践哲学与现代高科技
13.On the Relationship between Human and Land论新时期的人地关系——从地学哲学研究视角谈学习实践科学发展观
14.Thoughts on Learning the Scientific Outlook on Development学习实践科学发展观的联想——学习和普及教育哲学很有必要
15.Translation Study:From Praxis Philosophy to Rational Philosophy;由实践哲学转向理论哲学的翻译研究
16.Practice Concept of Marxist Philosophy马克思哲学的实践概念——兼对现有教科书实践概念的解析
17.The Practice of the Scientific Concept of Development with the Chinese Communist Party's Ability to Govern the Construction of Philosophy学习实践科学发展观与党的执政能力建设哲学解读
18.However, the development of quantum mechanics don't deny the objective reality of micro-particles before observed, and only demonstrate micro-particles be of wave-particle duality.科学实践是哲学最好的试金石,在科学实践的面前,唯心论永远是禁不起推敲的。

scientific practice philosophy科学实践哲学
1.With the introduction of new theories on demarcation of science——SSK and scientific practice philosophy,the paper analyses the position and research approaches of these theories in the demarcation of science.回顾并考察科学划界标准发展演化的历史,指出这些标准所存在的问题,并引入关于科学划界标准问题的新理论——SSK和科学实践哲学,分析这些理论在科学划界标准方面的立场以及研究的进路。
2.The scientific practice philosophy believes that scientific knowledge is essentially regional and there is no universal scientific knowledge at all.科学实践哲学认为科学知识本性是地方性的,根本就不存在普遍性的科学知识。
3)scientific philosophy and practical philosophy科学哲学与实践哲学
4)praxis philosophy实践哲学
1.“Non-rational Factors” in the View of Praxis Philosophy;实践哲学视野中的“理性不及”观念
2.In the history of west philosophy, there are two traditions named theoretical philosophy and praxis philosophy.由于对生活实践的态度不同,西方哲学史上出现了理论哲学和实践哲学两大传统。
3.Marxist cultural philosophy is one kind of Marxist praxis philosophy, as a basic contemporary fashion and form.马克思主义文化哲学是马克思主义实践哲学的一种基于当代情境的出场方式或者当代形态,是内在于实践哲学构想之中的一种思路和隐含逻辑。
5)philosophical practice哲学实践
6)philosophy of practice实践哲学
1.The reasons and features of the philosophy of practice and existence exist in certain time and the logic of philosophy itself,and the text clarifies the philosophy of Marxism in 1980s and 1990s in China into two stages.第一阶段,哲学面临着为现代化和市民社会确立理论基础的任务,主要成果是使实践人学上升为马克思主义哲学的本体论;第二阶段,哲学开始出现反思市民社会和现代性的个性自觉,旨在丰富和深化实践哲学的生存哲学成为马克思主义哲学发展的新方向。
2.It has both inherited and developed Marxist theory of practice, and helped to structure Deng Xiao-ping’s philosophy of practice.邓小平理论的重要特征是实践性,它继承和发展了马克思主义关于实践的理论,建构了邓小平的实践哲学。
3.The philosophy of outlook of practice and the philosophy of practice are not in a same serious of theory.实践观哲学是一种哲学观,实践哲学是一种哲学体系,不是一个层面的理论概念。

国际科学史和科学哲学协会  由国际科学史协会同国际逻辑学、方法论和科学哲学协会合并而成的国际性的科学哲学家的学术性团体。简称IUHPS。该协会成立于1956年,会址在法国巴黎。原科学史协会,原逻辑学、方法论和科学哲学协会,作为其中的两个分会而保持各自的独立性。协会的宗旨:建立上述学科的研究团体和学者之间的学术联系,出版有关刊物和资料,召开国际大会和有关专题学术讨论会。截至 1984年,已有 30多个国家的有关学术机构参加该协会的组织和学术活动。它的定期刊物是《国际科学史档案》(季刊,法文)和《符号逻辑杂志》(季刊,英文)。