科学预测,scientific prediction
1)scientific prediction科学预测
1.Firstly,a scientific theory should make some predictions,the scientific prediction is difficult to Intelligent Design.科学理论具有预测功能,科学预测和对智能的预言是两回事,而进化论的表现同一般科学理论完全一致;科学理论追求某种简单性,从最佳说明的标准来衡量,科学理论追求的简单性不可能包括智能的原因;智能设计论强调复杂就意味着设计,而从生物学角度分析"醉汉走路"表明,在复杂性的最低点,进化只能变得更复杂,但离开最低点,复杂性的趋势随时可以停止。

1.We may base scientific predictions on laws.我们可以根据规律而作出科学预测
2.Scientific Foresight: Epistemological Premise of Sustainable Development;科学预测:可持续发展的认识论前提
3.From the point of view of the pragmatic value of science, the significance of scientific predictions is clear enough.从科学实用价值的观点来看,科学预测的重要性是明明白白的。
4.On the Theory of the Same Structure and Its Difficult Positions in Hempel s Scientific Explanation and Scientific Prediction;论亨普尔关于科学说明与科学预测的同构论及其困境
5.The reason for the competition was that Saussure himself desired to reach the summit to make scientific calculations.竞赛的缘由是索舒尔渴望登顶进行科学预测
6.They are the basis of unconditional prophecies, as opposed to conditional scientific predictions.它们是无条件预言的根据,而不是有条件的科学预测
7.By 2025, scientists predict the world will have 7.8 billion people.到2025年,科学家预测世界人口达78亿。
8.Scientists predict the climate will get drier during the next century.科学家预测下一个世纪气候会变干燥。
9.Study on the Demand Forcasting of Graduated Students in Management Field for Jilin Province;吉林省管理学科研究生需求预测研究
10.The Research Summary of Testing Washback in Chinese Language Teaching to Ethnic Students;新疆预科汉语教学中的测试回冲研究
11.Prediction of the Development Tendency of Sports Science System in the 21st Century;体育科学体系21世纪发展趋势预测
12.Research & Implementation of Medical Science and Technology Development Forecast;军队医学科技发展预测的研究与实现
13.This difference between the prophetic and the engineering character of sciences does not correspond to the difference between long-term and short-term predictions.预言的科学性和工程的科学性的这种区别不同于长期预测和短期预测之间的区别。
14.Predictive Microbiology and the Application in Food Science预测微生物学及其在食品科学中的应用
15.A premedical program of study.医科大学预科学习课程
16.Scientists cannot yet calculate when there will be a major earthquake.科学家们还无法预测何时会发生大地震。
17.In science we are always concerned with explanations, predictions, and tests.人在科学中我们总是致力于解释、预测和检验。
18.Prediction and relative dynamic performance on field of research of China;中国学科结构动态绩效的国际比较及预测

scientific forecast科学预测
3)scientific forecasting科学预测
1.The paper gives a brief exposition of the bases,methods and points for attention in scientific forecasting.科学预测的主要方法是 :多方取证 ,直接推论 ;纵横比较 ,发掘特色 ;火力侦察 ,探敌虚实 ;设身处地 ,角色置换 ;合理推断 ,先机料敌。
4)Discipline forecasting学科预测
5)science technology orecastology科技预测学
6)On Scientific Forecasting论科学预测
