苏联科学史,The history of science of USSR
1)The history of science of USSR苏联科学史
2)Soviet historiography苏联史学
1.The development of historiography in new China is a process of learning from,borrowing from,criticizing and reflecting on Soviet historiography.新中国历史学的发展,是伴随着对苏联史学的学习、借鉴、批判、反思的过程曲折前进的。
3)Soviet science苏联科学
1.Soviet historian of science —— Kozhevnikovs has brought forward Soviet science was not made worse instead of making the most outstanding achievements from the end of the 1920s to the early 1950s in the period of Stalin s terror and authoritarian rule.苏联科学史家科热伏尼科夫指出,苏联科学在20世纪20年代末至50年代初斯大林恐怖与专制统治时期,"科学并不糟糕"反而做出了最出色的成就。

1.Studies on the formation and development of sociology of science from the Soviet science study;从科学学看苏联科学社会学的形成和发展
2.Thus it was that Soviet scientists discovered Marx for world psychological science.因此,是苏联科学家为世界心理学科学找到了马克思。
3.Soviet Genetics and World Science苏联的遗传学与世界科学
4.GSE (Great Soviet Encyclopedia)《苏联大百科全书》
5.Bukharin:Soviet Science Activist in Early Stage布哈林院士:苏联早期的科学活动家
6.Errors and Lessons from the Development of Soviet Philosophy and Social Sciences;苏联发展哲学社会科学的失误及其教训借鉴
7.The History and Reality of Russian (USSR) Philosophy of the Natural Science;苏联(俄罗斯)自然科学哲学的历史与现状
9.New Developments and Recent State of Teaching-Research Activities in HV Eegineerng in USSR苏联高电压技术领域发展动向及教学科研近况
10.An Analysis about Institutional Origin of the Rise and Fall of Scientific Technology in Soviet Union and Russia;苏联—俄罗斯科学技术兴衰的制度根源探析
11.The Fate of Social Sciences in the Soviet Union-Thoughts Arising from Stalin s Confidential Conversation;苏联社会科学的命运——从斯大林的秘密“谈话”说起
12.Kapitza's Rough Fate and the Changes of Science and Technology Policy of the Soviet Union卡皮察的坎坷命运与苏联的科学技术政策变迁
13.The ideology of CPSU and social sciences were dominated by dogmatism.苏共的意识形态和苏联社会科学长期被教条主义所统治。
14.The Soviets possessed the greater preponderance of information, and the American scientists were unwilling to take it seriously.前苏联方面掌握了巨大的信息优势,美国的科学家都不愿意当真。
15.My suspicions fell on the renowned Soviet Scientist Peter Kapitza, father of the Russian atomic bomb.我的怀疑集中在苏联著名科学家、俄国原子弹之父彼得·贾丕才身上。
16.Envoy Enhancing Academic Exchange of Soil Science between China and Former Soviet Union-V.A.Kovda;中国—前苏联土壤科学交流的使者——柯夫达——纪念B.A.柯夫达诞生100周年
17.One of the Reasons for the Disbanding of the USSR;也谈苏联解体的一个原因——兼评美国学者科兹的几个论点
18.After graduating from the Polytechnic School in Zurich he wrote scientific papers in his spare time while working as a Swiss patent officer.从苏黎世联邦工业大学毕业后,他供职于瑞士联邦专利局,并在业余时间撰写科学论文。

Soviet historiography苏联史学
1.The development of historiography in new China is a process of learning from,borrowing from,criticizing and reflecting on Soviet historiography.新中国历史学的发展,是伴随着对苏联史学的学习、借鉴、批判、反思的过程曲折前进的。
3)Soviet science苏联科学
1.Soviet historian of science —— Kozhevnikovs has brought forward Soviet science was not made worse instead of making the most outstanding achievements from the end of the 1920s to the early 1950s in the period of Stalin s terror and authoritarian rule.苏联科学史家科热伏尼科夫指出,苏联科学在20世纪20年代末至50年代初斯大林恐怖与专制统治时期,"科学并不糟糕"反而做出了最出色的成就。
4)the soviet historical science circles苏联史学界
5)History of Soviet Union Literature苏联文学史
6)Soviet scientist苏联科学家

国际科学史和科学哲学协会  由国际科学史协会同国际逻辑学、方法论和科学哲学协会合并而成的国际性的科学哲学家的学术性团体。简称IUHPS。该协会成立于1956年,会址在法国巴黎。原科学史协会,原逻辑学、方法论和科学哲学协会,作为其中的两个分会而保持各自的独立性。协会的宗旨:建立上述学科的研究团体和学者之间的学术联系,出版有关刊物和资料,召开国际大会和有关专题学术讨论会。截至 1984年,已有 30多个国家的有关学术机构参加该协会的组织和学术活动。它的定期刊物是《国际科学史档案》(季刊,法文)和《符号逻辑杂志》(季刊,英文)。