人文维度,humanistic dimension
1)humanistic dimension人文维度
1.Traditional organization theories lack reflection to organization itself,it shades the humanistic dimension of organization.传统的组织理论缺乏对组织存在本身的反思,从而遮蔽了组织管理的人文维度

1.Literariness and Humanism Dimension of the Film;雾失楼台:电影的文学性与人文维度
2.Humanistic Dimension of Science Discussing Humane Implication of Science from Various Angles;科学的人文维度——多侧面认识科学的人文蕴含
3.The Humanistic Significance and Present Value of Kuhn s Paradigm Theory;库恩范式理论的人文维度及其当代价值
4.On Engineering Knowledge's the Dimensions of Science & Technology and Humanities & Society工程知识的科学技术维度与人文社会维度
5.Three Dimensions on the World of Human Being: Symbol-Meaning-Culture;人的世界的三重维度:符号、意义与文化
6."Science","Humanities" and "Life"--Triple dimensions of philosophy;“科学”、“人文”、“生活”——哲学的三重维度
7.Law Dimension of Literature Authenticity;文学真实的法律维度——从《人殃》案说起
8.Criticize approach: a study paradigm on literature anthropology;批评方法:文学人类学的一个研究维度
9.The Living World and Textual World of Human Being--On the Textual Dimensions of Language Philosophy;人的生活世界与文本世界——语言哲学的文本维度
10.Marx s Theory of Alienation:Unity of Humanity Solicitude Dimension and Science Guidance Dimension;马克思异化理论是人文关怀维度与科学范导维度的统一
11.Disciplinary Establishment of the History of Natural Science and Dualistic Dimension of Scientific Culture and Humanistic Culture自然科学史的学科建制化及其科学文化和人文文化的双重维度
12.The Cultural Tradition of Yin and Zhou Dynasty and the Political Dimension of the Sage of Confucianism in Pre-Qin Age;殷周文化传统与先秦儒家圣人内涵的政治维度
13.The Unity of Scientific Spirit and Humane Spirit on the Basis of the Principle of Value;价值论维度的科学精神和人文精神的统一
14.Humanistic Care--A Basic Dimension of Innovation in Teaching Maritime Specialty人文关怀——海上专业教学创新的一个基本维度
15.A Dimension of the Construction of Moral Culture: Institutional Culture;道德文化建设的一个维度——制度文化
16.Then Cassirer discovered the development history of human mindthrough thinking of man.从而从思维方式角度揭示了人类思维的历史发展轨迹,揭示了人类文化的最终发展趋势。
17.Humanistic Approach to Grassland Degradation,Herdsmen Differentiation and Prairie Culture Changes;人性维度浅说牧区“三化”——草地退化、牧民分化与文明淡化
18.Language:the Total Dimension of Human s Cultural Creation--on Ernst Cassirer s Philosophy of Language;语言:人类文化创造的总体维度——卡西尔语言哲学研究

the humanities thinking人文思维
3)cultural dimension文化维度
1.From the cultural prospective,this paper explains Chinese transformation of Marxism and clarifies its cultural implications through revealing the cultural background,cultural gene,cultural dimension,and cultural significance of Chinese transformation of Marxism.本文主要从文化视角对马克思主义中国化进行文化解读,通过揭示马克思主义中国化的文化背景、文化基因、文化维度、文化意蕴,从而阐明马克思主义中国化的文化内涵。
2.Human resource management should be excuted in re levant ways and methods according to its cultural dimensions.人力资源管理因其所处文化维度之不同应采取相应的思路、方式。
4)culture dimension文化维度
1.In this paper,the relations between culture and work motivations are analyzed from the angle of view of the influences of culture dimensions on employee′s perceptions on incentive factors,by using Hofstede′s culture dimension theory and summing up of work incentive factors,the author chosed Wenzhou region in Zhejiang provi.本文将视角集中于管理文化各维度对员工对激励因素的感知的影响关系,基于霍夫史台德的文化维度框架和作者对员工对激励因素的总结,选择了浙江温州地区和陕西关中地区作为两个代表性的文化区域,在对两地21家企业412名员工问卷调查的基础上,总结出五个文化维度和五个员工激励因素维度,并通过因素分析得出相关维度数据。
2.Secondly, on a basis of culture denotative meanings and characteristics analysis, we discuss culture dimension theory in detail and adopt Individualism and Collectivism, Power Distance, Uncertainty Avoidance其次,在分析了文化的内涵和特性的基础上,详细论述了Hofstede的文化维度理论,采用个人主义与集体主义、权力距离、不确定性规避、男性化与女性化及长短期取向五个维度来分析文化对顾客资产驱动要素的影响并提出研究假设。
5)cultural dimensions文化维度
1.Hofstede s theory of cultural dimensions is of importance in analyzing differences between cultures.霍夫斯泰德的文化维度理论是分析文化差异的一个重要理论。
6)cultural dimensionality文化维度
1.On cultural dimensionality of Zheng Xianfu s poems for traveling;论清代壮族名士郑献甫纪游诗的文化维度

刺激维度刺激维度stimulus dimension 刺激维度(stimulus dimension)刺激物可被感觉的特性,一种特性为一个维度。例如,一个视觉刺激物可包含颜色、亮度、形状、大小等维度:一个声音可包含响度、音高和音色等维度。 (许百华撰朱祖样审)