内史论,inside history view
1)inside history view内史论
2)internal history内史
1.About that problem,many Chinese scholars pay more attention to "internal history",and,even some scholars who focus the "external history" would insist the integration of "internal history" and "external history".自20世纪30年代以来,西方科学史在研究方法和解释框架上经历的一些变化和争论,大多涉及对“内史论”与“外史论”的界定、区分和评价。
2.This paper holds that the study of science history needs not only to shift the internal history to the external history or the synthetic history, but also to shift to the outside of history.提出了一些加强科学史研究应用与实践的设想,并认为:科学史研究不仅需要从“内史”走向“外史”、“综合史”,也极有必要走向“史外”。
3.This paper endeavors to grasp the new trend of the international study on the history of science at the turn of the century, through a review of the internal history, external history, anachron.通过对内史、外史、移时史、历时史以及科学史学研究进程的考察,以把握世纪之交国际科学史研究的新动向。

1.was Nasmyth's steam hammer.内史密斯的蒸汽锤。
2.A Study on Alexandre Koyré's Thought on the Historiography of Science;内史大师柯瓦雷的科学编史学思想研究
3.Eliminate the Demarcation of Internal and External History in History of Science--From the Perspective of SSK;科学史中“内史”与“外史”划分的消解——从科学知识社会学的立场看
4.The most wonderful piece of machinery on show was Nasmyth's steam hammer.其中最奇妙的是内史密斯的蒸汽锤。
5.Official Historian and Career of Recording History--Inner Method of Evidence to the Credibility of Chinese Ancient History;史官与史职——古史可信性的内证之路
6.Epic Versus Anti-epic: An Inner Paradox of Revolutionary History Novels;史诗/反史诗:革命历史小说的内在悖论
7.A Unity of External Comments and Internal History --On the literary history and Carving of the Literary D ragon;论外史内 史论合一—《文心雕龙》与文学史刍论
8.Insufficient memory to read history. History will not be available内存不足,无法读取历史。历史不能使用
9.Perceptual History of Architecture--On the Content of Architectural History;建筑感性史——建筑史教学内容的研究
10.Double Meanings of the Concept of History in Historical Materialism;历史唯物主义中“历史”概念的双重内涵
11.The Compilation of《History of The Ming Dynasty))and the History of Textual Research;试论《明史》修撰与考据史学的内在关系
12.The Substance of the History of Ethnic Historiography关于少数民族史学史研究内容的思考
13.history of Papua New Guinea巴布亚新几内亚历史
14.The book is historically inaccurate.该书内容与史实不符.
15.What do you mean by true history?你说的文明史内涵如何?
16.Internal relations between graphic method and knowledge in history education;历史教学中图示法与历史知识的内在联系
17.The Tangle of Truth--the Self-contradictory in Avant-garde Historical Novels;“真实”的缠绕——先锋历史小说历史观的内在矛盾论
18.On the Implications of Marxist View of Genecology of History;面向历史本身——马克思历史生成论的思想内涵

internal history内史
1.About that problem,many Chinese scholars pay more attention to "internal history",and,even some scholars who focus the "external history" would insist the integration of "internal history" and "external history".自20世纪30年代以来,西方科学史在研究方法和解释框架上经历的一些变化和争论,大多涉及对“内史论”与“外史论”的界定、区分和评价。
2.This paper holds that the study of science history needs not only to shift the internal history to the external history or the synthetic history, but also to shift to the outside of history.提出了一些加强科学史研究应用与实践的设想,并认为:科学史研究不仅需要从“内史”走向“外史”、“综合史”,也极有必要走向“史外”。
3.This paper endeavors to grasp the new trend of the international study on the history of science at the turn of the century, through a review of the internal history, external history, anachron.通过对内史、外史、移时史、历时史以及科学史学研究进程的考察,以把握世纪之交国际科学史研究的新动向。
1.The Origin of Neishi and Its Change in Function;内史之名及职能演变考析
4)comments on history史论
1.Chinese historical books are numerous, so are the comments on history.我国史籍之富,举世莫京,而史论之丰亦然,且皆散见各书,不便初学。
5)Historical Theory史论
1.Disclosure of the falseness of Vlody s "Historical Theory"will help to brought .克罗齐的世界学术名著《历史学的理论和实际》是一本属于历史哲学范畴的史学概论性质的史论著作。
2.This paper further shows that Sima Qian has made great contribution to the innovative development of historical theory.本文甄采先秦古籍中的“君子曰”与《史记》“太史公曰”分析对比 ,以翔实富赡的材料揭示出司马迁史论与先秦史论的师法传承关系 ,以及司马迁对史论的创新发展所作出的巨大贡献。
6)Historical Comments史论
1.Ideas in the Historical Comments of Han Ji;《汉纪》史论中的史学见解
2.The central idea of historical comments of Guiqianzhi;《归潜志》史论的内涵与意旨
3.Between history and reality——preliminary inquiries into the historical comments of Salt-iron comments;在历史与现实之间——《盐铁论》史论初探

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