同时发现,coordinate expression
1)coordinate expression同时发现

1.I saw the mistake at the (very) same moment that she did.我与她(恰恰)同时发现了这一错误.
2.I saw the mistake at the same moment that she did.我与她同时发现了这一错误.
3.Another phenomenen was found at the same time that, when straw basal diets were fed, the rumen protozoa counts were less than that when cattle were grazed.同时发现,喂稻草型日粮时,黄牛瘤胃原虫计数较放牧时少。
4.IT was broad day when I awoke, and found myself tossing at the south-west end of Treasure Island.我醒来时天已大亮,同时发现自己在金银岛西南端的海面上漂
5.It also discovered wrongdoing by police officers.同时,他们还发现了警察的不良行为。
6.They also found the bank's Web site difficult to use.同时他们发现银行网站使用不便。
7.lt was also found that although she could perceive things with her fingers,同时还发现,尽管她能用手指识别东西,
8.an adjustment that causes something to occur or recur in unison.促使其同时发生或出现的调整。
9.This may be associated with intraabdominal calcification.与此同时,腹腔内可能发现钙化。
10.Keep up with the Times and Developing Modern Ethnology Go Hand-in-Hand与时俱进 共同携手发展现代民族学
11.It was discovered that pendulum clocks recorded time differently depending on their location.人们发现摆钟在不同的地点所记录的时间不同。
12.How did it fall out that two men arrived to address the same meeting at the same time?怎么会出现两人同时到同一会场发言的情况?
13.For what is actually hot cannot simultaneously be potentially hot;现实中发热的东西不能同时具有发热的潜在性;
14.To happen at the same time or during the same period.同时发生发生在相同时间或相同时期
15."We're entering a new age.“现在时代不同了。
16.The voyages of discovery synchronized with the emergence of capitalist economy.发现新大陆的航海与资本主义经济之出现同时发生。
17.Create a short play about what happens when the classmates find the box and try to guess what is inside.创造一个短剧,(内容是)当同学们发现盒子时,发现了什么?
18.He felt much as an astronomer feels who has discovered a new planet --那股乐劲如同天文学家发现了新行星时一般,

occurrence at the same time同时发生或出现
3)Synchronous reconstruction同时再现
4)simultaneous presentation同时呈现
5)simultaneous realization同时实现
6)discovery time发现时间

同时1.同时代;同一时候。 2.犹当时,那时。 3.并且。