理性之光,The Light of Ration
1)The Light of Ration理性之光

1.Brightness and Fatigue of the Rational --The ups and downs of ZHANG Yi-gong s Creative Writing;理性之光与理性之累——张一弓创作浮沉论
2.Rational Reflections on Xibaipo Spirit--An Interview with Professor Wang Yuping;西柏坡精神的理性之光——学者王玉平访谈录
3.Rational Light Illuminate Humanity: On the Connotation of Humanity in the Tradition of Western Philosophy;理性之光照亮人性——论西方哲学传统中的人性内涵
4.The Light of Historical Reason in Retrospection and Critique: A Review of Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. s Historiographical Thoughts;在反思与批判中彰显史学理性之光——小阿瑟·施莱辛格史学观述评
5.Light of Rationality on Village Utopia--Interpreting Chi Zijian's "Berry Collector"照在山村乌托邦的理性之光——解读迟子建《采浆果的人》
6.The Analysis on the Speciality of the Language of ZHUANG Zi --Seize the light of the Idea of the Beauty;论庄子语言的特殊性——捕捉美的理念之光
7.Dialogue Between Reason and Madness: Refleciton upon Rational Supremacy in By the Light of My Father's Smile理性与疯癫的对话——《父亲的微笑之光》中理性至上主义思想的反思
8.The Destruction of Rationality And the Flash of Perceptual Light--An Interpretation of Deconstructionism Aesthetics;理性的毁灭与感性之光的闪耀——对解构主义美学的一点解读
9.acid brightening酸性增光整理《丝》
10.The Eternal Light of Humanitarianism--Analysis of the Humane Ideas in Light in August永恒的人性之光——论福克纳《八月之光》的人性思想
11.Poetic Intention and Rational Splendor:A Comparative Study Between The Spring of the Small City and The Bridges of Madison County;诗意的内蕴与理性的光彩——《小城之春》与《廊桥遗梦》比较分析
12.Studies on properties and Forming Mechanism of Laser Cladding Hard Alloys;激光涂敷多种硬质合金的性能及形成机理之研究
13.X-rays and their properties, electron-impact x-rays sources, synchrotron radiation sources, interactions of x-rays with matter, absorption spectra, emissions spectra, scattering.光之特性、子撞击式X-光光源、步辐射光源、-光与物质之作用、收光谱、射光谱、射。
15.Theoretical Study of the Property-Structure Relationship of a Series of Ferrocenyl Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Complexes;具有二阶非线性光学性质的二茂铁衍生物结构与性质之间关系的理论研究
16.The physical base of fiber Bragg gratings is the photosensitivity of Ge? doped optical fiber.光纤光栅的物理基础是掺锗光纤的光敏性。
17.The Grandeur of Natural Humanity--The primitive existence of Lena in light in august自然人性的光辉——《八月之光》中琳娜的原始性存在
18.Theoretical Investigating on the Bistable Characteristics of Nonlinear Fiber Gratings;非线性光纤光栅双稳特性的理论研究

Ignite Brightness of Reason点燃理性之光
3)perceptual light感性之光
4)Brilliant maternity母性之光
5)enchantment of rationality理性之魅
6)Xingli(natural principle) academic thoughts性理之学
