康熙几暇格物编,Kangxi Jixia Gewu Bian
1)Kangxi Jixia Gewu Bian康熙几暇格物编
1.This paper tries to evaluate the on which extent and merits of Chinese traditional studies on natural history at that time, basically approaching from the perspective of two related classic books, they are Kangxi Jixia Gewu Bian and Gezhi Jingyuan , by which they are works of official and of folk separately.本文以《康熙几暇格物编》和《格致镜原》这两部书为视角,分别代表民间博物学著作和官方类书,来审视当时中国传统博物学的发展。
1.Emperor Kangxi, Thinker of Chinese Royal Gardening;中国皇家造园思想家——康熙
2.An Exploring and Analysis of Shuntian County Examination Case in the 38th Year of Kangxi;康熙己卯顺天乡试案考辨

1.In 1705, Kangxi took up residence for a time on Solitary Hill.1705年,康熙住在西湖孤山。
2.Comparison on Governance of Emperor Kangxi and Peter the Great康熙大帝与彼得大帝施政对比分析
3.The horizontal board over the gate was inscribed by Kangxi himself with the four characters Bi'Shu'Shan'Zhuang or Mountain Villa to Escape Summer Heat.宫门上的匾额“避暑山庄”乃康熙御笔。
4.The Annotation on The Comment on Ancient Chinese Prose --The Zuo Commentary(一)康熙《古文评论〈左传〉》释义(一)
5.A Tentative Discussion of the Origins,Stages of Development and Influence of the Calligraphy of the Kangxi Emperor of the Qing Dynasty;试论清康熙帝书法的渊源、分期与影响
6.The Origin Research of Block-printed Edition of Tang Lu Xuan Gong Ji in Kang Xi and Yong Zheng Times;康熙、雍正《唐陆宣公集》均刻竣于陕
7.A Political and Historical Analysis of Disputes about Jin Fu s River Harnessing in the Early Qing Dynasty;康熙前期靳辅治河争议的政治史分析
8.Kangxi Music Pieces and Beiye s Zhongyuan and Nanzun s Hongwu;《康熙曲谱》和“北叶《中原》,南遵《洪武》”
9.The Grain Manor Biding Booklet of Shengjing Baoyi in 29th of Kang xi Reign(3rd);康熙二十九年盛京包衣粮庄比丁册(三)
10.A Study of the Large Timber Construction Work at the Hall of Supreme Harmony(Taihe Dian)in the 34th Year of the Kangxi Emperor(1695);康熙三十四年建太和殿大木结构研究
11.The Diplomatic Policies on Delimiting the Boundary Line on the Eastern Border between and Russia during the Reign of Emperor Kangxi;康熙朝勘定中俄东段边界外交策略论
12.The Grain Manor Biding Booklet of Shengjing Baoyi in 29th of Kangxi Reign(2nd);康熙二十九年盛京包衣粮庄比丁册(二)
13.Chengde s Development and the Boundary Defense Thoughts of the Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty;承德开发与清康熙帝治边思想的形成
14.The Grain Manor Biding Booklet of Shengjing Baoyi in 29th of Kangxi Reign(1 st);康熙二十九年盛京包衣粮庄比丁册(一)
15.Winning over the Adherents of the Ming Dynasty--Purpose of KANGXi s Learned Scholars Test;论康熙“博学鸿儒科”之旨在笼络明遗民
16.The Third Christian Mission To China and Prohibition of Religion in Late Kangxi Era;基督教第三次入华与康熙末年的禁教
17.A study of the Mongolian edition of Ganjur produced in the Kang Xi period;关于康熙版蒙古文《甘珠尔》经的刊刻
18.Detailed Proof and Abundant Content:On "Collection of Explanatory Notes for Poetry and Ci by Kangxi;证据今古 巨细咸蓄——读《康熙诗词集注》

1.Emperor Kangxi, Thinker of Chinese Royal Gardening;中国皇家造园思想家——康熙
2.An Exploring and Analysis of Shuntian County Examination Case in the 38th Year of Kangxi;康熙己卯顺天乡试案考辨
3)Kang Xi康熙
1.On the destruction of Buddhism by three Wu emperors and forbiddance of religion by Kang Xi;从“三武灭佛”到“康熙禁教”
4)Emperor Kangxi康熙
1.Made the Law Under Temporal Situation Homage Confucius and Confucianism ——The Emperor Kangxi s Religious Policies;经世立政,尊孔崇儒——康熙大帝的宗教政策
2.About the Historical Experience of Emperor Kangxi s Unifying Taiwan;论康熙统一台湾的历史经验
3.The Diplomatic Policies on Delimiting the Boundary Line on the Eastern Border between and Russia during the Reign of Emperor Kangxi;康熙朝勘定中俄东段边界外交策略论
5)Emperor Kang Xi康熙
1.Zhu Yi-zun s Letters Home and the Historical Data of Emperor Kang Xi s “Special Examinations of 1679”;朱彝尊家书与康熙“己未词科”史料———启功先生《朱竹垞家书卷跋》详说
6)Kangxi Dynasty康熙朝
1.A Problem in Process of Dealing with Documents of High office to the Throne in Kangxi Dynasty;康熙朝题本处理程序的一个问题
