开放的理性,Open rationality
1)Open rationality开放的理性
2)psychological openness心理学的开放性
1.Cultural studies play the significant role in psychology,which is able to activate criticism and rethinking,to reinforce psychological openness and tolerance and containment,to arouse the change in psychological standpoint and conception,and lead to concerning the existence of culture and human,esp.这些表明,文化研究对心理学具有很大的启发与借鉴意义,它能激活人们的质疑与反思,增强心理学的开放性、宽容性与包容性,引发心理学立场与理念转变,导致对文化和人的存在尤其是边缘文化和边缘人的关注。
3)open rationalism开放理性
4)theoretical opening property理论开放性
5)openness of ethics伦理开放性
6)openness of law法的开放性

1.Method,Anti-Method and Openness of Economics Methodology;方法、反方法与经济学方法的开放性
2.On the Opening System of the Inherent Civil Law in Ancient China;试论中国古代固有民法的开放性体系
3.Opening:The Route and Implications of the Development of China s Economic Law;开放性:我国经济法发展的进路与启示
4.The Theory of Acceptability in Legal Methods;可接受性理论研究—走向开放的法律方法
5.Methods:Sixty-five patients who met with the DSV-IV criteria for TS were investigated by open-controlled study.方法:采用病例对照和自身对照的开放性研究。
6.The efficacy and safety of venlafaxine XR in treating patients with major depression in a multicenter,open-label,16 week study文拉法辛缓释剂治疗抑郁症的开放性研究
7.Studies on Agile Value System and Method for Open Enterprises;开放型企业组织的敏捷性评价体系与方法研究
8.On the Open Principle in Deng Xiaoping s Theory and Methodology;邓小平理论和方法论中的系统开放性原则论析
9.Application of PBL Teaching Method to Opening Pathological ExperimentsPBL教学法在病理开放性实验教学中的运用
10.China s Opening-up Process Characterized by from Policy-oriented to Institution-oriented;从政策性开放到制度性开放的历史进程
11.Open-Reflexive Legitimacy in the Change of China s Public Law;因开放、反思而合法——探索中国公法变迁的规范性基础
12.The thinking arising from Open University's opening education of law in Britain由英国开放大学开放法学教育所引发的思考
13.The state or quality of being open, expanded, or unblocked.开放,不闭合公开的、展开的或打开的状态或性质
14.They should also advocate open teaching method and choose teaching content to cultivate students' reading ability.提倡开放性阅读教学,选取开放的教学内容。
15.The injury may hae been an open wound that became infected and ultimately killed the king.骨折很可能是开放性的并导致了炎症感染,最终夺走了法老的生命。
16.Objective To discuss the methods of operation cooperation for the unstable pelvic fractures treated with open reduction and internal fixation.目的探讨不稳定性骨盆骨折开放复位内固定手术配合的方法。
17.Basically,the theory of law and economics is a creative process which is dynamic and open.从根本上讲,法经济学理论是一个动态的开放的创造性过程。
18.Objective: To study the method for improving the treatment of complicated posterior urethtal stricture.目的:探讨提高复杂性后尿道狭窄开放手术效果的方法。

psychological openness心理学的开放性
1.Cultural studies play the significant role in psychology,which is able to activate criticism and rethinking,to reinforce psychological openness and tolerance and containment,to arouse the change in psychological standpoint and conception,and lead to concerning the existence of culture and human,esp.这些表明,文化研究对心理学具有很大的启发与借鉴意义,它能激活人们的质疑与反思,增强心理学的开放性、宽容性与包容性,引发心理学立场与理念转变,导致对文化和人的存在尤其是边缘文化和边缘人的关注。
3)open rationalism开放理性
4)theoretical opening property理论开放性
5)openness of ethics伦理开放性
6)openness of law法的开放性
