异化的积极意义,the Positive Meaning of Alienation
1)the Positive Meaning of Alienation异化的积极意义
2)Positive Evaluations积极的意义
3)active significance积极意义
1.Its active significanceand negative influence as Chinese Avant-garde Architec-ture are tried to be outlined.本文以独特的视角观察、剖析和审视众所关注的“实验建筑”现象,力图廓清其作为中国“先锋建筑”的积极意义和消极影响,指出科学意义上的实验在建筑艺术创造中的真正价值。

1.internationally positive adjustment policies国际上有积极意义的调整政策
2.Significance and Limitation of Althusser s "Epistemological Rupture";阿尔都塞“断裂说”的积极意义及其缺陷
3.An Analysis of the Positive Significance of Deconstruction in View of History of Philosophy;哲学史视阈下“解构”的积极意义探析
4.The Positive Sense of Informatizafion to Sustainable Development;论信息化对于可持续发展的积极意义
5.The Positive Significance of the VoIP in NGN Evolution;论VoIP在NGN演进中的积极意义
6.The signiticance of socialist market economy on all-round development of human-being;市场经济对人的全面发展的积极意义
7.Positive Viewpoint of Mohist Tianzhi and Minggui墨子“天志”“明鬼”思想积极意义分析
8.On Positive Meaning of Confucius-Mencius Negative Revolutionary Opinion from Olson s Theory;从奥尔森学说看孔孟消极革命观的积极意义
9.Direction of Self Assessment by Han Yu in Shaping Self Consciousness of College Student;韩愈《原毁》对优化大学生自我意识的积极意义
10.The Positive Meaning of Religious Consciousness in Modern Chinese Aesthetical culture;中国当代审美文化中宗教意识的积极意义
11.A Proof Comment On Predestination Of Calvin试述加尔文“先定论”的产生及其积极意义
12.The forest-worship of the Dais did have positive effects on ecological protection.傣族的山林崇拜对生态保护具有积极意义
14.The Value of Dunhuang Mural in Art Education;敦煌壁画艺术在美术教育中的积极意义
15.Studies on the Late Qing English Teaching Methods;晚清英语教学方法积极意义及其借鉴研究
16.Positive Significance on Man s Passivity in Marx s Thought;马克思关于人的受动性之积极意义的思想
17.Positive Significance of the State-owned Friendship farm set up with the Aid of the former USSR in the Earlier Days of the PRC;建国初期苏联援建国营友谊农场的积极意义
18.Positive Meaning of Developing Vocational Education with Employment as Direction;以就业为导向发展职业教育的积极意义

Positive Evaluations积极的意义
3)active significance积极意义
1.Its active significanceand negative influence as Chinese Avant-garde Architec-ture are tried to be outlined.本文以独特的视角观察、剖析和审视众所关注的“实验建筑”现象,力图廓清其作为中国“先锋建筑”的积极意义和消极影响,指出科学意义上的实验在建筑艺术创造中的真正价值。
1.And the significance of reactivating Chinese filial ethics as part of social ethic notion in constructing the socialist harmonious society and its social value are discussed.文章论述了孝伦理的产生及嬗变,运用了辩证分析的方法,剖析了传统孝伦理的合理内核及其扭曲,并指出了作为社会伦理观念的孝伦理在构建社会主义和谐社会中的积极意义及社会价值。
5)positive significance积极意义
1.The author has tried to probe into the crux of principle in transformation from ugliness to beauty and its positive significance.通过对中西丑美批评理论的梳理及其比较观照 ,指出两种批评理论的个性差异及其趋同性、一致性 ,从中探寻“化丑为美”原则的关键所在 ,并揭示它所具有的积极意义及其寓含的启示。
2.He Ziran suggested that vagueness in pragmatics is by no means a cause of frustration,depression or anxiety in discourse while it is of positive significance no matter what kind of vagueness a propositional content may have.兹在证实这种现象在口头交际中的积极意义以及进一步阐释它在日常交流中的积极效用。
3.Shuihu Drama in Ming Dynasty highly praised the"Liangshan ways"which was advocated by the Water Margin and its positive significance is unusual.明人水浒戏盛赞《水浒传》倡导的"梁山方式",其积极意义非同寻常。
6)positive meaning积极意义
1.Although Tolstoyism has shown its limitations in a certain historical period, the caring for the ultimate aims of human spirit and its positive meaning to the future are revealing and will be attached importance to with the development of society and the advancement of the time.尽管在某个历史阶段显示了它的局限性 ,但是 ,随着社会历史的发展和时代的进步 ,它对人生的关注、对人类精神的终极目标的关怀 ,对未来的积极意义将显示出来并引起重视。

战略性贸易政策的积极意义战略性贸易政策的积极意义: 战略性贸易政策以更为符合现实的规模经济与不完全竞争市场为分析基础,探讨了国家适度干预对一国产业和贸易发展的积极影响,分析了寡头垄断条件下国家贸易政策选择的基本取向,对一国制定符合本国利益的贸易政策提供了重要的指导,其对传统的自由贸易政策的修正,也在一定程度上给人们以启示。此外,日本等国实施战略性贸易政策的成功也提高了该政策的受关注程度。战略性贸易政策的缺陷: 首先,战略性贸易政策以本国利益为最高目标,政策导向常常以牺牲全世界的经济利益为代价,其对自由放任的背离也与市场经济传统相悖;其次,战略性贸易政策保护的是那些技术含量高、外部效应明显、动态规模效益突出的产业,然而如何准确选择这些战略产业是政策实施者必须面对的问题,甄别不准、保护措施不当,都会使战略性贸易政策的效果大打折扣;第三,当多数国家都实行以保护为特征的贸易政策时,政策效果会在很大程度上相互抵消,毕竟这是一种以邻为壑,以牺牲别国利益为前提,招致报复是不可避免的。