一门科学,a science
1)a science一门科学

1.Language teaching is both a science and art.语言教学既是一门科学也是一门艺术。
2.The management is both an art and a science.管理既是一门艺术也是一门科学
3.The science which deals with the magnetic polarization properties of materials.专门研究材料磁极化性质的一门科学
4.Is Economics a Science? --A Survey Based on the Criterion of the Demarcation of Science经济学是一门科学吗?——基于科学划界标准的审视
5.The use of electronics to extend man's intellect.利用电子学扩展人类才智的一门科学
6.Mathematics is a main subject in middle schools.数学是中学的一门主科。
7.Astronomy is a mathematical science, an "exact" science.天文学是一门数学的科学,是一门“精确”的科学。
8.History is an arts subject.历史是一门人文学科。
9.Social anthropology is one of the social sciences.社会人类学是社会科学的一门学科.
10.A science is more than a large amount of information on the subject.一门学科不仅仅是有关这门学科的大量资料。
11.Human body science is a big department of modern science.人体科学是现在科学的一个大部门
12.Computer science is now a fully-fledged academic subject.计算机科学目前已是一门成熟的学科.
13.Computer science is now a fully-fledged academic subject计算机科学目前已是一门成熟的学科。
14.They were seven in number, divided into one group of three and one of four.该学科共有七门课程,一组三门,另一组四门。
15.The subjects pursued for the sake of a general education are special subjects specially studied;大众教育也是一门专门的学科。
16.Psychology Is a Science of Consciousness--The New Theory of the Properties of Psychology Subject;心理学是一门意识科学——心理学学科性质新论
17.a novice learning the rudiments of some subject.学习一些学科的入门知识的初学者。
18.In general, physics is only one science among many.大体上说,物理学只是许多学科中的一门学科。

Mathematics is a scientific discipline.数学是一门学科。
3)an exact science一门严密的学科
4)Hot subject热门学科
5)subject gateway学科门户
1.This paper mainly discusses the descriptions of the metadata of network resources in subject gateway.本文主要就学科门户网络资源元数据的著录元素进行了探讨,分析了网络资源与其他媒体资源的异同,MARC格式对网络资源著录的适用性和不同点,探讨了网络资源著录的URL链的唯一标识性,资源类型的多样性,著录元素的选取原则、组织原则、著录规范及相关问题等。
2.Subject gateway is a sort of vertical portals,and its developing trends are as follows:integrated development of information resources in the gateway;collaboration development of information services among gateways;the forming of gateway to subject gateways,namely "meta subject gateway";and the shaping of "user-centered"idea which is impenetrated in the whole developing process of subject gateway.学科门户是一种垂直门户,其发展趋势表现在以下几个方面:门户内信息资源的集成化发展;门户间信息服务的协作化发展;学科门户的门户———“元学科门户”的形成;以及贯穿学科门户发展全过程的“以用户为中心”的理念的形成。
3.The paper briefly introduces the definitions and characteristics of subject gateways.简要介绍学科门户的概念和特点,针对当前网络资源类型多样化的现状,着重开展对学科门户资源类型组织方法的研究。
6)Categories of Science科学门类

一门【一门】 (譬喻)谓出生死之道,譬如门也。法华经譬喻品曰:“唯有一门,而复狭小。”文句五上曰:“门者出要路也。”楞严经一曰:“十方如来一门超出妙庄严路。”又入涅槃之门也。安乐集上曰:“唯有净土一门,可通入路。”