工程主体价值选择,The value choice of engineering subject
1)The value choice of engineering subject工程主体价值选择
2)subject value choice主体价值选择
1.There is the important problem of the subject value choice which could unify the progress of society with the developments of human, which is worthy of analysis and discussion in the value-research fields at president.构建与社会发展和人的进步相统一的主体价值选择,这是当前理论界探讨的重大问题,对这个问题的研究既是进一步将马克思主义理论与时代特征相结合,也是我国社会主义市场经济发展的现实需要,更是主体自身发展的内在体现。

1.Discussion and Analysis of Subject Value Choice on Marketing Proceeding of Socialism;社会主义市场经济进程中主体价值选择的探析
2.Setting up an individual society subject--the worth target of modernization;社会主体个人化——现代化的价值选择
3.The Imbalanced Creation of Obligations for the Subjects of Administration and its Value Options;行政主体义务设定的失衡及价值选择
4.Collectivism is the Best Socialist Value Orientation;集体主义是社会主义价值导向的最佳选择
5.Rational Analysis of the Object Claim and Way Choice of Socialism Core Value System;社会主义核心价值体系的目标诉求及路径选择
6.Comments on the development of TAO Yuan-ming′s thought;主体继承与价值选择——陶渊明思想发展浅论
7.Choice of Path of Building Socialism Core Value构建社会主义核心价值体系的路径选择
8.The Path Selection to Promoting Popularization of the Socialist Core Value System推进社会主义核心价值体系大众化的路径选择
9.The peace is rising:The Chinese independent value choose;和平崛起:中国独立自主的价值选择
10.On Value Choice and Behavior Orientation of the Curriculum Subjects in the Undergraduate Public Basic Curriculum;本科公共基础课课程主体的价值选择及行为取向
11.The Enlightenment from the Choice of Kernel Value System upon the Research of Value Philosophy;核心价值体系的选择对价值哲学研究的启示
12.The Evaluation and Selection to P.E.Teaching Material s Culture Value;论体育教材的文化价值的判断与选择
13.The Historical Variation and Prospection of China Sports Value Selection中国体育价值选择的历史演变及展望
14.The Appraiser Selection and System Construction for Government Performance Evaluation;政府绩效评价的主体选择及体制构建
15.On the Choice of the Aggrandizement of Ideology of Socialism Main Stream论社会主义主流意识形态价值强化的路径选择
16.The Enlightenment From the Formation of American Pragmatism on How Choose the Path on Building a Socialist Core Value Systems谈美国实用主义的形成对建设社会主义核心价值体系路径选择的启示
17.The value choice of the construction of the new socialist countryside on the west side of the Taiwan Straits建设海峡西岸社会主义新农村的价值选择
18.The Socialism Core Values Essential Stipulation and the Thought Way of Realization;社会主义核心价值观之本质规定性及路径选择

subject value choice主体价值选择
1.There is the important problem of the subject value choice which could unify the progress of society with the developments of human, which is worthy of analysis and discussion in the value-research fields at president.构建与社会发展和人的进步相统一的主体价值选择,这是当前理论界探讨的重大问题,对这个问题的研究既是进一步将马克思主义理论与时代特征相结合,也是我国社会主义市场经济发展的现实需要,更是主体自身发展的内在体现。
3)sports value selection体育价值选择
1.By the research method of literature,the paper expounded the content and feature of sports value selection,divided six phases to history of China sports,and analyzed the difference of every phase,at the last posed the prospection to China future sports value selection,hoped to put forward reference for sustainable development of physical education.本文对体育价值选择的内涵及特征进行了阐述,将中国体育的历史进程分为6个阶段,并分析了每个阶段不同的体育价值选择,最后对中国未来的体育价值选择作出了展望,希望能为体育的可持续发展提供理论参考。
4)option value选择价值
1.The purpose of the paper is to estimate the option value of rural-urban land conversion by taking Wuhan as a example.研究目的:以武汉市为例,对农地城市流转的选择价值进行估算。
2.From the angle of sustainable utilization, this paper analyzes and evaluates option value .文章从可持续利用的角度,通过对农地城市流转的选择价值和外部性的分析及评价,优化了农地城市流转决策。
3.Because there are ambiguity and the irreversibility in the farmland flowing to the city,in this article,from analyzing the farmland option value and the externalities,the author constructed the scientific and foresightedness decision-making theory mode本文在对农地的选择价值与外部性分析的基础上,构建出具有科学性与前瞻性的理论决策模型。
5)value choice价值选择
1.Brief discussion on the connotation and principle of value choice;试论价值选择的内涵和原则
2.The regime building and value choice in the present age china;当代中国政治制度建设的价值选择
3.Nowadays,the tensional doctor-patient relationship is a result of improper value choice and institutional arrangement in the background of market economy and high technology development.目前医患关系紧张是在市场经济和高科技背景下,价值选择和制度安排失当造成的。
6)value selection价值选择
1.Scientific View of Development: Value Selection Futurity and Wholeness;科学发展观价值选择的未来性和整体性
2.On the subjective role and rationality of value selection;论价值选择的主体性和合理性
3.It manifests the humanistic return of modern Chinese value philosophy and the theoretical and practical pursuit of value selection in China by exposing and analysing multiple predicaments in China s modernization process.建构和谐的社会主义社会是对现代化实现过程的一种优化的价值选择。

价值工程(见价值分析)价值工程(见价值分析)value engineering; VE: see value analysis; VA  jiazhi以洲笋h6ng价值工程(valuee峪~ng;视)析。见价值分